Well, just got a call from my sister in Texas informing me of how the house my parents bought in Pasadena is no longer safe and nice to live in, despite the deed restrictings and property value, etc. Two days ago, it appears some uninsured, unlicensed, drunk driving illegal alien on his way home, managed to swerve off the road in their residential neighborhood with speeds of 20 mph, and plow his car underneath my dad's jeep. Of course, he then took off on foot and my dad had to call someone over to get the car from underneath his jeep. Once they traced the car back to a house of about 10 non-english speaking mexicans, living 2 streets away with 4 cars in the driveway, my dad along with an officer said they knocked on the door for 20 minutes with no answer. During the knocking, my father saw young elementary school age children and teenagers looking through the curtains as well as spanish tv blaring from inside. My father finally got an answer after threating to sue them for their house. Well, finally a woman answered claiming the guy who wrecked the car and fled the scene was not related to her nor did he reside at her residence even though the guy has her last name as well as her residence on the id he left in the car when fleeing. The insurance was in her name and turned out to be bogus anyway. My poor parents don't know what to do.

Also, my sister says someone keeps egging her car . It really sucks for my parents because they have only had the house for a little over a year. It is in the most expensive neighborhood in Pasadena, tx as well. They know the only two decent areas left are Kingwood and Clear lake but unfortunately can't afford to move there. I feel really bad for them.