Politically Connected Firms Got Lion's Share of Health Exchange Contracts

“Legacy contractors with deep political pockets” who hired “some of the biggest lobbying powerhouses in Washington” and donated $32 million to federal candidates in 2011 and 2012 got the lion’s share of the estimated $634 million the Obama administration spent to build the glitch-ridden Healthcare.gov, according to an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group.“All but one of the 47 contractors who won contracts to carry out work on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) worked for the government prior to its passage,” Sunlight blogger Bill Allison reported.The practice of hiring firms with political muscle and heavyweight lobbying arms stands in stark contrast to the 2007 pledge President Obama made in Iowa during his first presidential campaign to “take on lobbyists.”“They have not funded my campaign, they will not run my White House, and they will not drown out the voices of the American people when I am president,” Obama declared at the time.

But they are running Obamacare, the president’s signature domestic policy initiative.

“Some 17 ACA contract winners reported spending more than $128 million on lobbying in 2011 and 2012, while 29 had employees or political action committees or both that contributed $32 million to federal candidates and parties in the same period. Of that amount, President Barack Obama collected $3.9 million,” Allison reported.

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Surprissse Surprissse!! Now lets see how much they hand yd-up!!