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Don´t fence me out!" say Mexicans
January 22, 2006

If all of the Mexican and American errors respecting illegal immigration were laid end to end, they would extend from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Pacific.

One of the most preposterous proposals would have the U.S. build, or rather extend, a wall along the border as the supreme deterrent to would-be trespassers. Despite evidence and expert opinion that it won't work, enabling legislation was recently passed in the U.S. House of Representatives and is on its way to the Senate.

Shots have been fired across the border. Within the last two weeks, two of these have fatally wounded Mexicans. Others from the Mexican side were directed at U.S. border patrol agents.

Sadly, there's plenty of political hay to be made in both countries from hysteria over the long-simmering quarrel. That's partly because immigration is not a stand-alone issue. It's mingled with worries about the cross-border drug trade and the terrorist fears that grip sizable sectors of the U.S. public.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has apparently forgotten that he is a former undocumented immigrant, is cashing in on fears that terrorists might join Mexicans seeking work. He calls the California-Mexico frontier a "high-risk zone."

President Vicente Fox has forgotten about rule of law and describes illegal immigrants as "heroes."

One U.S. congressman â€â€