FNC’s Political Insiders: Blame For Shutdown, Tea Party, Reid’s Gaffe, Obamacare

http://conservative50plus.com/blog/fncs-political-insiders-blame-for-shutdown-tea-party-reids-gaffe-obamacare/?utm_source=Conservative+50+Plus&utm_campaign=e72a 4c072c-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_be4 57ca6cc-e72a4c072c-3065713

Here we go the RINO'S are starting to bad mouth the tea party, Cruz, Paul, Lee, and they certainly don't want Obamacare defunded, it is the biggest tax scheme brought to us by these elitists politicians, who don't have this healthcare fiasco that is not good enough for them, but it is good enough for us....What part of scam is not understood here.....