Donald Trump Allegedly Canceled Interview With Hispanic Reporter

...several spats between the two...

Gerry Urbanek May 17, 2016 at 8:22am

According to freelance correspondent Marcos Stupenengo, a reporter for TV Azteca, a scheduled interview with Republican nominee Donald Trump was abruptly cancelled on Monday after he spoke Spanish in Trump Tower.

Stupenengo said he had been granted access to interview Trump, however, while he was waiting he received a phone call and began speaking in Spanish. Upon hearing this, the Trump campaign told him they would no longer be participating in the interview.

In an email to BuzzFeed, Stupenengo writes, “I can say that after 13 years of journalism worse things have happened to me.” BuzzFeed also reported that one of Trump’s Spanish-speaking Secret Service agents apologized to Stupenengo for his treatment.

An Argentinian, Stupenengo left Trump Tower after being denied access and later met with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton for an interview at her campaign headquarters. Scheduled to air Monday night, the reporter will discuss his alleged treatment by

Trump’s campaign, which he claims was a result of his Spanish heritage, reports BuzzFeed.

This is not the first time the Trump campaign has run into issues with Hispanic reporters. At several points in the primary process, Trump went to blows with Univision reporter Jorge Ramos, who took offense to Trump’s claims regarding illegal immigration.

Ramos became an avid critic of Trump and doggedly sought to ruin his presidential bid. This resulted in several spats between the two individuals, the most contentious of which occurred when Ramos refused to be respectful during a press conference and was ultimately escorted from the building.

Trump later readmitted Ramos on condition that he behave himself and wait his turn.

h/t: The Hill

Report: Trump IMMEDIATELY Cancels Interview After Reporter Was Caught Doing THIS In Trump Tower