I read many news items each and everyday, concerning illegal and or legal immigration, our loss of jobs to foreigners, etc.

I happened upon a web site: The August Review. This web site goes into detail of certain members of the Trilateral Commission, their wants of globalization, how it is incorporated into our Countries.

As well as many people as listed here that you know, so is your husband, George Soros, Jimmy Carter, George Bush, etc.

Also, is a telling item, of how globalization is ruining England and the speaker states it's already taking place in America.

First you have a flood of immigrants, then you have a flood of job loss, then rich CEO's sell off their companies to foreigners.....sound familiar?

I have reached the conclusion, that talking to either the Democratic or Republican Party is useless, when it comes to OUR jobs, OUR laws and UR wants of wanting OUR borders closed and people deported.

It is time now, to have a strong 3rd party, one that brings OUR government back to the people, that will work to keep jobs for Americans in America.

Millions of American's are looking for a change in who is in charge of our government in Washington...hopefully, all of you will be gone.

This is a copy of a letter I emailed Hillary Clinton....

Does anyone have suggestions on what would be a good 3rd Party to vote for?