Business knows in order to gain market share or exposure advertising works. Even the carpetbaggers and snake-oil salesman knew that they needed to put on a good show to sell their hyped up sugar water.

Hollywood is full of carpetbaggers. Want to sell a product or maybe an agenda, get a high profile person to pitch the benefits of the product.

Here is a small list of social desires that have historically needed a good pitchman to sell the product.

Open borders/and or Amnsesty


Gun control

Animal rights

Assual Christianity

Gay marriage

Hate speech and political correctness

Socialist or communistic forms of government


Bigger government

Global warming

History revisionism

Defamation of the founding faters and the Constitution

The list could go on. Ask yourself, Do the items on this list reflect what you believe in?

Ask yourself, does Hollywood and the personalities there promote these items on the agenda?

Ask yourself, Why do I support Hollywood and the social reform carpetbaggers?

What real change? Perhaps one by one Americans will go after the source that has been selling and promoting these various snake-oils and tonics.

Would you invite a burglar into your home? Why do you invite those that wish to take your freedoms, liberties, and religous values from you?

The agenda of "Entertainment" looks skewed, is this what you payed for?

Just an aside, advertisers have failed to point out that silver has blown away gold on returns on investment. Silver has not been sold or pushed on the various medias like gold has been pushed, yet it has blown away gold. Shhhh! Let that be our little secret.