Our country doesn't even have the money to pay for this tragic catastrophe, let alone to pay for the health care and the schooling of illegal aliens.

This will make it HIGH TIME for this president to announce that all persons who are in this country illegally should return to their country of origin at once.

We will have so much to deal with and pay for in order to take care of and help our fellow Americans in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. It is TIME for this president to put his politics aside and put the people of this country in it's place.

We are not even through with the Hurricane season, and as we all know we have many other concerns as well. California with earthquakes, fires, and mudslides, terrorism, there are many concerns Americans should have. It would be in the best interest of our country for our president to fullfill his Oath of Office. I hope that he does. I know that you all hope for the same.

If any of the victims of this catastrophe come to my state, and I'm sure some will, I hope to have an opportunity to help them in any way that I can. I know you all agree with me on that too. It's going to take years for them to get over this. I truly hope that our country will be VIGILANT in seeing that the funds are handled appropriately for these innocent people whose lives have been turned upside down, and that every opportunity to do what is right for them and for our country will be done.
I say that from the bottom of my heart, and with extreme hope that it will.
God Bless You, guys!!