In another forum I am in there was a topic - "when the Illegal Immigrant (I.I.)* is arrested, the children are being punished." After much diliberation, the conclusion is: The action of removing the parent from the child is good.

Lets take this line of thought into consideration - The II breaks the laws of a nation, with the excuse that "we are only trying improve our standard of living." The child sees the actions of the parent and reason for the action. So the child learns to justify his/her actions if there is a reason, even if these actions are breaking the laws of a nation or a state.

Later in the life of the child after he/she is grown:

Its ok to steal this car BECAUSE I need a ride across town.

Its ok to sell drugs BECAUSE I need the money.

Its ok to break into this house BECAUSE I need some stuff to pawn.

Its ok to beat up that person BECAUSE they looked at me wrong.

To break the law of any nation, or state and excuse those actions with a "BECAUSE," can be detrimental to the development of the child that is observing the actions of the parent. So therefor, we can cunclude to remove the children from Illegal Immigrants who break the laws of a nation or state can be beneficial, not only to the child, but to the nation as a whole.

After all, Child Protection Services takes children away from criminals everyday, what makes I.I. so special they deserve to keep their children?

Note * An Illegal Immigrant (II) is any person regardless of race, national orgin, religion or sex who trespasses into a nation or state without the proper permission.