Posted May 09, 2013 @ 12:00 PM
By John Byrne/Guest Columnist


It’s time to dismantle the Statue of Liberty, put it on a barge and ship it to the metal scrap yards across the bay. The symbol for which it stands no longer applies as it did when my grandparents came over from Ireland near the turn of the 20th Century. Back then new immigrants would take any job they could find and work long hours to provide for their families. They took pride in being good citizens.

It would be more appropriate now to place a giant cuckoo bird on Ellis Island. These birds, called brood parasites, lay their eggs in other birds’ nests and let the other bird parents feed and raise their chicks.

The Tsarnaev family’s immigration to the United States illustrates why we need to enforce our current immigration policy and not grant amnesty to 13 million illegal aliens which is exactly what President Obama wants to do.

When federal, state and local authorities initially investigated the family after the Boston Marathon bombing, their intent was to discover the Tsarnaev's motive for coming here, who sent them and to learn if they were they part of a larger network of terrorists.

What we have learned so far is that the family came to this country to steal, sell drugs, collect welfare benefits then go to college for free while continuing their illegal lifestyle. What we have learned about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his friends is that they had a mutual hatred of the country that embraced them. Their vile hatred for our way of life drove Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov to hide evidence that pointed to their terrorist friend that would have helped the police identify him as the murderer. Instead of obstructing justice, one phone call from these criminals to the police would have prevented MIT Officer Sean Collier’s death and the near mortal wounds suffered by Transit Officer Richard Donohue.

Where does a terrorist go to find sanctuary? ………Massachusetts has proved to be the perfect place. A terrorist can be paid to live in Cambridge and receive a free college education while studying the fine art of bomb making that maims hundreds and kills our women, children and heroes.

Soon after the bombing when the state revealed the family’s welfare and UMass status, Governor Deval Patrick chastised the staff for leaking personal information. Apparently protecting the privacy of terrorists who kill children and police is more important than disclosing the abysmal failure of a system that coddles those who live off of the very people they hate.

What are the chances that the Tsarnaev family were among the 19,000 Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) aka Food Stamps recipients that came up "addressee unknown" when Elizabeth Warren’s daughter mailed 478,000 voter registration cards to people on welfare to ensure her mother won the senatorial election?

Governor Patrick has refused to enforce any restrictions on EBT cards with the exception of casinos and strip joints. The obvious question is whether or not the brothers used their Massachusetts benefits to purchase weapons and bomb making material. We were in the process of getting answers to these questions when a U.S. Magistrate interrupted the FBI investigation in order to read Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights. It’s amazing how an enemy combatant can change to a victim in a matter of seconds. Chalk up another brilliant move by Attorney General Holder.

The U.S. Senate is working on a bi-partisan bill that would allow most of the nation's illegal aliens to become U.S. citizens in 13 years after they pass a criminal background check, pay taxes, fees, and $2,000 in fines, learn English and maintain employment. Presumably that would make it impossible for these same new citizens to immediately apply for welfare, free public housing, tax free Social Security disabilities and most importantly, a voter registration form to vote Democratic to ensure that the funds and the free ride never end.

In the event they do have a run in with the law, they can count on their free court appointed lawyer who will be fluent in the language of their choice.

It appears the "gang of eight" who support the immigration bill are close to the 60 votes they need to avoid a filibuster by Republicans. How many more Tsarnaev type political refugees are among those 13 million? No one knows for sure and that inexcusable fact applies to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It couldn’t be any more than a few hundred thousand or so could it? Maybe we shouldn’t be so pessimistic……. after all, what’s the worst that could happen?

Perhaps we should be more open minded and understand that there are oppressed people in the world who if given the opportunity to have a better life in the U.S., would make significant contributions from their diverse backgrounds.

Consider the hardships endured by the former Somali pirates now that NATO warships are patrolling the international shipping lanes. These thugs and murderers are out of work and their former warlords refuse to provide them with unemployment or workman’s compensation benefits.

Why don’t we just earmark additional funds into the immigration bill and have Captain Phillips return to Somalia in the Maersk Alabama to pick up these refugees and offer them asylum in the U.S?

The media could cover the ceremony and show U.S. Navy jets conducting a fly over as Captain Phillips is throwing a wreathe into the water in memory of the three political refugees that were executed by the Navy SEAL snipers. Sounds "Cuckoo," doesn’t it?