The Gang of Eight Tyrants’ Immigration Plan Does Not Pass Muster

“The Gang of Eight Tyrants’ Immigration Plan Does Not Pass Muster” is chapter 21 ofNo Amnesty! No Way!, written by Conservative Action Alerts contributor Brian W. Kelly. Purchase a copy here.

The views represented are the author’s own.

The race to trick the American people

The tricksters in the gang of eight tyrants are prepared to tell Americans that the opportunity to pursue full citizenship would not become available until the border is secured. Then they will lay some more untruths on to sweeten the deal—like new systems are in place for employers to verify workers’ immigration status and for the government to ensure that legal immigrants cannot overstay their visas. Sounds like great ideas. Sounds like the gang of eight are great! Why then has this problem been going on for 27 years?
And, now, why the rush? Since 1986 when Reagan was duped by the promise of secure borders, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans or the RINOS have done a thing to make sure that it would happen. Would the gang of eight tyrants kindly tell the American people why we should legalize 50,000,000 illegal foreign nationals just to see if the Democrats and the RINOS are telling the truth this time?
Wouldn’t a business interested in a lasting solution wait the ten years to grant them any type of amnesty? Only then would a business interested in follow-through consider talking about giving the perpetrators something? All they have shown the American people so far is that they take American jobs and they living lawlessly in our beloved country?
Why is the gang of eight tyrants missing the same point that the full Congress has been missing since 1986? Why should we trust them when they do such poor work?
Some Senators are always on the side of the people on all issues that the people care about. But, such lawmakers are rare. One such Senator is Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions. He has labeled the gang of eight tyrants (all senators) proposal dutifully espoused by the four RINOS, as “large-scale amnesty.” He is 100% right.
Sessions laments that it is “likely to add trillions of dollars to the debt over time, accelerate Medicare’s and Social Security’s slide into insolvency, and put enormous strain on our public assistance programs.” Which American is ready to vote for that? Don’t listen to the dangerous ads featuring Marco Rubio on the radio and TV. Even Rubio is not that bad that he would be accepting a carte blanche acceptance of a plan without conservative principles built-in. At least I hope so!
What do I mean by conservative principles? As a Democrat, I would like to be recognized as the first Democrat to call the Democratic Party, the Anti-American Party. As a Democrat I do not know if I can help fix it but I am hoping to help do so. Conservative principles regarding the notion of illegal foreign nationals getting amnesty are few but important:

  • Americans get the jobs, not the foreign nationals
  • Foreign nationals in any plan never get to vote in American elections.
  • Foreign nationals that get concessions or services or cash from Americans can never be citizens.
  • The border force must be bolstered and the fifty-state force must seek out and deport anybody who does not sign up for any “one time forgiveness.”
  • Keep reading because this part of the book offers a unique plan. Do not get depressed since this plan has what it takes to satisfy liberals and conservatives.

There are a lot of smaller points but the first four above capture the true sentiments of Americans
Senator Sessions also adds criticism for the federal government’s inadequately enforcing existing immigration laws. “No one should expect the members of the Senate are just going to rubber stamp what a group who met decided.”
Sessions acknowledged that the immigration system needs to be reformed in a big way, but he cautioned that the country has been through this dance before. Despite the logic in Senator Session’s message, his peers, Senators McCain and Graham continue to vote against Americans and Senator Rubio can’t seem to make up his mind. These big shots think they know what is best for the “regular” people.
Americans need to pay attention in 2013. As you have been hearing on the news, Democrats are looking for a full amnesty brought forth by RINOS and Democrats as if it is supported by real conservatives. The Party of “D,” already has warehouses full of pre-filled voter registration cards marked “D” for the previously undocumented illegal foreign nationals. RINOS, such as Senator Rubio, are pleased that they (Republicans) too can think like Democrats. They ostensibly are trying to please Hispanics and Latinos, hoping clever slogans such as “I too think like a Democrat,” will endear them to the Latino community.
However, the Hispanic / Latino thing is a ruse. Democrats have the Hispanic / Latino vote and even if Romney got 70% in 2012, he would have lost the presidency. Obama beat him on the strength of his get out the vote program. Hispanics / Latinos did nothing to push Obama over the top.
So, why are RINOS and Democrats joining together to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes? The answer will disgust you and it should. The answer is one word, “money.” Yup! That’s it. This has nothing to do with America or Americans. It has everything to do with elections and our Senators on both sides of the aisle getting their fair share of the reelection loot. The lot that we have in the Senate, do not give a damn about America or the American people. These pompous asses think they are all that matters in life and they have sold out the American people for M-O-N-E-Y.
Ironically, progressive liberal Democrats by nature love everybody who is not American. So, the leaders of the Democrats in this selling out of America are more pure than the Republicans. Surely, George Soros, the Hollywood elite, and many other liberals will be placing large sums into the coffers of Democratic candidates for delivering amnesty for illegals to them on a silver platter.
But, Democratic leaders were already inclined to go that way since they know that the new citizens will be voting much sooner than later, and they know they will never vote Republican. Thus, even though we can say that taking the money is despicable while pretending to represent constituents in Pennsylvania and other states, at least Democrats were into their ideology and for that they were pure. Yes, they stuck a knife in the backs of their constituents but hey, most Democrats in the ranks go along to get along and are not paying much attention anyway. They are the classic low information voters.
Republican Leaders and Senators however, were elected to vote against this stuff. They were not supposed to be inclined to go along with Democrats on amnesty since it is not he conservative way. So, they are RINOS on this and many other issues. Republicans make weak conservatives unfortunately for conservatives.
Rich, big business Republican money people such as the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, Michael Bloomberg, Grover Norquist, Carl Rove, and other establishment Republicans do not give a damn about Americans. They love cheap labor even though it will put Americans out of work and cause those who work to accept a lower wage for their work. It is the classic Robber Baron mentality and it disgusts me and it should disgust any conservative. Any employee of any company, Democrat or Republican should be disgusted enough to throw these poor excuses for Senators out of office—Democrats and Republicans alike.
Republican RINO big business types and now the Senators do not care about the impact on America. They do not care that Democrats will be in power for twenty or thirty years off the backs of American workers. They will make a lot of money and that is all they care about. I have said it before. It is disgusting. I have never seen such greed in my life. I read about the Robber Barons and they have reappeared and they are the rich Republicans.
They have learned that even with a poor president like Obama in office, they can still make a lot of money by paying off the Messiah and legislators on both sides with huge campaign contributions. Americans be damned. They know the new citizens will be voting D, not R, and it is OK as long as their businesses make the bucks. Well, it is not OK with me.
Republican legislators are worse than Democrats since at least the D’s have the ideology thing going for them while the R’s are going against the conservative ideology as well as the conservatives who voted them into office. Conservatives are not low information voters and we will remember the many Judas’s in the Republican ranks for sure.

What is there not to get?

As a devoted advocate of an America for Americans, I continue to be surprised at the multitude of Americans who don’t get it yet. On their own, illegals have been beating Americans for years to the jobs and to the taxes we pay. Now, the gang of eight tyrants are about to make the ripoff legitimate.
With so many US citizens out of work, the US needs no more workers. Watching this tragedy unfold, I am surprised and atrabilious that so many Americans voted for more of the same in the past major election. Even Americans who no longer work; and who do not want to work; and who take from the government cannot want such a life for their children. Yet, by voting for Obama and the liberal progressives, they signed their very own kids up for a life of dependency and despair. It could have been so much better if their offspring were able to attain a fine job.
With critical observation, a no-mind would observe that this President does not work for the good of the country. Moreover, his administration now is prepared to give foreigners a bigger break than that of which American citizens could only dream.
The vacationer-in-chief sees Americans as too fat, too greedy, and too well off. This makes US a big target for his programs that are designed to take from citizens and give the spoils to foreign nationals. Dollars to donuts, the President does not even like US, but that is, according to my ole English Professor McGinn, begging the argument. These arguments are so clear they need not be begged.
The raw facts demonstrate that this President works very hard to provide favorable conditions for job defalcators from foreign nations, while true Americans continue to give up their search for work, with the deck so plainly stacked against US.
Why do RINOS and Democrats quietly permit illegals to have priority over Americans? Why? It may serve them very well. The ruling class has benefitted from the pain of jobless Americans, and this class has benefitted from the meager wages paid to illegal foreign nationals. It all helps the notion of labor arbitrage currently underway in America. It goes unnoticed by most, unfortunately because the corrupt press chooses not to expose it. Low information Americans, who are affected the most, have chosen to give it up, rather than to pay attention.
Thinking Americans are so disgusted with the political class that we no longer expect honesty or a fair shake to be delivered by our representatives in the House or Senate; our lawmakers have been emboldened to stop serving US. They have bought into the corruption, and on immigration, the gang of eight tyrants is leading the charge. American citizens are thus left far behind while foreigners are permitted to leap ahead. We must remember this is our country. It is not the country of our pedant overlords in government.
Politicians make promises, and they expect to receive the blessings of low information weak-hearted American voters in return. One might as well be throwing a spear into the heart of liberty and freedom. The lack of attention of the low information population hurts all Americans. Those in power do well financially when so many are oppressed, but even moreso when many choose to not see the harm this self serving scum does to America. .
Should we permit real Americans to be permanently excluded from the workforce by creating a huge low-wage workforce comprised of illegal foreign nationals? These folks will be building our buildings, repairing our cars, plastering our new walls, arranging our meat for packing, and other jobs that Americans were once paid upwards of $20.00 per hour to perform. Now, the wage is just over minimum and the employees are no longer American. Don’t worry, when the 50 million in the on-deck circle are summarily made citizens, Americans will have no problem working for peanuts. But, it won’t be the same Americans.
Do real Americans really want faux Americans to have all the benefits and none of the pain? Our legislators surely do? If regular Americans do not, then, when we see the problem of labor arbitrage enabled by the use of illegal foreign nationals as employees, we should complain to high heaven and remember the same gang of eight tyrants who promise you the world will gladly provide all the benefits to the interlopers they permit into this country to pick your bones.
Unfortunately, many Americans who are hurting for sure still don’t get it. They thank Obama for the small pittance they get on welfare; they hope the Emperor does not take it away. How about the days when Americans made $20.00, $30.00, $40.00 an hour and those jobs were easy to find. Life was lots better than taking Obama’s hand-me-downs.
If you want illegal foreign nationals to take your job and the jobs of your children, and you want to become one of the persons you complained about when in your twenties—you know the guys on the porch drinking beer all day—then let the gang of eight tyrants have their way with you and your family and your legacy. You will never recover but you will always have enough SPAM and 99 cent hotdogs to fill your belly. And, you won’t have to pay for the buns.
I encourage a vote against all representatives in both chambers. They enable this unfair treatment. If you find your Congressman and/or your Senator representing the real people in the right ways, such as Lou Barletta in PA, then give them a pass, but be careful. They are very tricky and most deserve the boot. Matt Cartwright, my Congressman should be kicked out in the first wave along with Bob Casey Jr. and Pat Toomey.
Illegal aliens should take no American jobs. They should be dealt with exactly as dictated by our immigration laws? A president that does not enforce our laws by definition should be impeached. Yes, I said it, and it is true. Americans should demand it. If our legislators will not give it to us, then let’s fire them.
The families of unemployed American citizens have been enduring pain and poverty from the results of businesses being able to hire a cheap, illegal labor force with impunity. There is no risk because the government and our legislators are in cahoots.
We all know that illegal foreign nationals in the US workplace have taken millions of jobs and have depressed US average wages. Businesses now make substantially more profits by leaving Americans, their major customers at the employment curb. Businesses that benefit from illegal wages do not pass on their gains to consumers or prices would be substantially lower for all Americans. Thus, both the interlopers and the Americans they displace gain no real advantages and the prospects for any success for anybody are minimized.
If Democrats really wanted to help illegal foreign nationals and out-of-luck, unemployed Americans, they would not permit businesses this major advantage. Ironically, poor Americans and illegal foreigners have been duped into thanking Democrats for their oppression. The gang of eight tyrants are preparing to make the punishment even worse and then declaring it permanent.
The McCain / Graham / Rubio notion of comprehensive immigration reform is just around the corner. They are sneaking it past us as I write. It has been on the table for awhile. Americans are getting duped by RINOS like Rubio pitching the value of making illegal foreign nationals legal and making them the go-to guys for jobs in this country.
Its objectives are to make life a small token better for the illegal foreign nationals who will continue to take American jobs. For Americans, it is the final nail in the coffin. Should that not be all we need to know to damn these Senators in the gang of eight tyrants and their cohorts to the eternal fire? If the House behaves similarly, our venom shall rise against them also.
If the Congress is successful in making this Obama-created amnesty plan law, then Americans, who remember what it was like when they could get a real job have no hope of returning to normalcy. Moreover, the overall cost is estimated at between six and ten trillion dollars.
The goal of the Obama administration from day one has been to condemn Americans to a life of taking from the government. This has had the effect of breaking the will of many proud Americans, and so when foreigners are in their jobs, they are disillusioned and defeated, and they resign themselves to being OK instead of being productive. This is not the American way. It is the Obama way.
I have two real plans that solve the problem at hand. I have already discussed how America can gain by deporting the enemy and at this point, it would cost Americans nothing and in fact, we would all gain. My second plan is really the overarching theme of this book and it will soon be revealed. I call it simply the Kelly Plan. The Kelly style American plan for immigration sanity is lots different from the gang of eight tyrants’ treachery. You are going to love it as it is built for America and Americans. The Kelly Plan is fully explained in Part II of this book.

McCain and Graham should resign

No American needs John McCain or Lindsey Graham or the rest of the gang of eight tyrants to tell us all the great things about illegal immigration. McCain has always been on the wrong side of the immigration issue and Graham seems ready to out-master the master on giving Americans the shaft. Each precept in the tyrants’ plan means nothing for real Americans other than more pain.
The McCain / Graham team built what the press likes to call a bipartisan framework for comprehensive immigration reform. They dragged Rubio in kicking and screaming, and now they have stuck him with all the blame. It’s tough being the new kid on the block. I wish Rubio had the guts to say no. But, he did not. He bought into anti-American Chuck Schumer, hook, line, and sinker.
All Democrats are heading for this piece of tyrant cheese quicker than a herd of mice after the undertaker has declared that the cat is dead. You may recall that the often heralded General George Patton suggested a long time ago that when everybody is thinking the same thing, somebody is not thinking. American citizens need to fill the thought void, and do some good thinking. Do not stop calling Washington…please.
Most know that John McCain’s seven soul-mates in this bipartisan venture are Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Unfortunately, McCain did not get the message six years ago when he backed the Kennedy plan, and he still does not get it today. Amnesty was soundly rejected six years ago because it was not affordable. It is less affordable today. Amnesty may fly in the Senate (the legacy House of Lords) but it does not fly with the American people. RINO McCain explains his reasoning in these words:
“No one here needs reminding that the last major attempt at immigration reform was over six years ago. Now we will again attempt to commit the remaining resources needed to secure the border, modernize and streamline our current immigration system, and create a tough but fair path to citizenship for those here illegally.”
Sorry John, we just do not believe you or any of the other tyrants.
If Senator McCain was working directly for the enemy, he could not have showed his disdain for Americans any more clearly. Ironically, Senator McCain admits that the gang-of-eight tyrants proposed legislation is almost identical with his 2007 amnesty proposal. The Washington Times confirms this with its layout of both plans page by page. When will they ever learn? Americans do not want this! Does that matter to any Senator?
The Senator was recently surprised to learn what was happening in his home state. While real Arizonans lead the fight for immigration security in the US, McCain was and is still fighting to make interlopers more secure.
On March 28, 2013, a somewhat stunned John McCain wrote: “Just witnessed a woman successfully climb an 18-ft bollard fence a few yards from us,” in #Nogalespic.twitter.com/GnMwEeQwDB. The whole gang of eight tyrants were with the Senator and they all got to see a great climb from a very determined border jumper. If Senator McCain were able to spell out how he would stop such acts in the future, Arizonans and Americans might be able to regain some of their respect for this long time RINO. Nobody is willing to hold their breath.
Lyndsey Graham is another RINO serving with the gang of eight tyrants. He is 100% behind the McCain notion of reform. As long as McCain and Graham continue to live in their gated communities far away from the impact of their decisions, they have no reason to support Americans who live with it every day. It would be a great act of honesty for both John McCain and Lindsey Graham to switch parties to Democrat. Neither have the guts and that is why they are RINOS
One of their ilk, Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chaffe, a former member of the house of Lords from 1999 until 2007, when he lost reelection to Sheldon Whitehouse, recently came out of the closet as a Democrat. Arizonans and South Carolinians need to encourage their two Lincoln Chafee look-alikes to make themselves honest and go Democrat.
They give Republicans a bad odor. Moreover, they make them seem like a bunch of nogoodniks with no goals other than those conjured up by Democrats. Please leave the Party Lindsey! Please leave John!. Find your lifelong dream sucking wind with other like-thinking Democrats while Obama seeks a third term in 2016.
South Carolinians tell me that disappointed conservatives have been scrambling to find somebody—anybody—to replace Lindsey Graham. Graham knows that he is susceptible on his right flank. He is worried about conservatives since he is a RINO. He cannot pass on the “immigration issue” because it is “too important to pass up.” Graham knows conservatives do not want amnesty but he thinks he can still win reelection because he knows better than the supposed dumass’s he represents. Won’t Mr. Graham be surprised in 2014!

How many illegal aliens are in the US?

There are no official estimates of the yearly influx of illegals, but just a few years ago it was widely publicized that the flow was from one to three million a year. Since 1986, as many as 75,000,000 illegals have taken up residence. Most people laugh at me when I suggest that yet, they have no facts and neither do I. Prove me wrong!
Recently the CBO said that if the gang of eight tyrants’ amnesty is passed, the saw a continuing flow into America at ¾ the rate, and thus there would be 46 million more foreigners in the US within twenty years. I may not be the CBO but my opinion counts and from my observations of the few people I see who look like immigrants and cannot speak English, we already have 50 million in the US. I am sticking with that estimate. Prove me wrong!
The only way to know the number positively is to register them all. Rather than registering law abiding gun owners, we should be registering illegal foreign nationals and keeping track of them wherever they live. Then there would be no need for estimates like mine or the CBO’s.
My long-time best estimate of 50 million is more accurate than Lindsey Graham’s estimate of 20 million, and his is 9 million higher than the gang of eight tyrants, who plead daily for amnesty for just 11 million illegal foreign nationals.
I am convinced from what I have observed and examined that there are at least fifty million illegal aliens in the US right now. I do not care if they are Irish, Mesopotamian, from Hispania, or from Iceland. Each year the number grows substantially.
It has only had one official downward period. That was when the US banks and the auto industry needed money from the US treasury. Now that the threat is over, the flood of illegals looking for a more attainable Powerball has not slowed, and in fact it has increased in numbers and velocity.
But, now, the gang of eight tyrants figures that if Obama can get reelected for a third term, they can lie to Americans and if they pretend they are telling the truth, their ideas too can be accepted as gospel. Now that the gang of eight tyrants’ amnesty is on the table, border agents have reported that the number of illegal aliens has doubled, and maybe even tripled.
They are coming in droves across our southern border because it is so easy to do so. Though Obama does not invite them to the White House for an illegal foreign national beer summit, some think that the surveillance cameras watching the rapid flow from south of the border is better than the Voice or any other entertainment medium to help get our beleaguered President to sleep at night.
Right now, the new entrants are hoping not to miss the amnesty windfall. In fact, Border Patrol agents are reporting incidents in which interlopers are crossing the border, and in some cases, while they are surrendering, they are asking, “Where do I go for my amnesty?” If the interlopers know this is amnesty, why are the American people being duped by the gang of eight tyrants into thinking this is a good deal for them?
South Carolina has some hope that they might be able to dump Graham, while Arizona is stuck with McCain for another four years. The Palmetto State is in luck since fiscal conservative State Senator Lee Bright has announced that he is seriously looking at taking on the impervious Senator Graham. Bright has publicly expressed his reservations about the work of the gang of eight tyrants which so far looks very much like full forgiveness and free citizenship for all illegals.
Bright is against amnesty and is “leery” of whether the Obama administration would ever keep its promise to enforce the border regardless of what the President says publicly. Funny how most conservatives have similar opinions! In the past, Bright has been supported by former Rep. Ron Paul R-Texas. We all know Ron Paul is a great American.
We can expect the Graham / McCain pairing to join the real Democrats in a “You can trust US!” campaign, hoping to gain American approval of their plan to favor illegals above Americans in their coming amnesty plan. There will be ads by famous people and there will be promises but no assurances of border security. Trust this duo and Marco Rubio at your own peril.
One might think they were under contract by the illegal foreign national community to persuade Americans to give up their birthright. Americans are smarter than that. South Carolinians can lead the way by dumping Graham while Arizonans need to increase the cards and letters to RINOs John McCain and Jeff Flake. Tell them to come back to the American side.

Tagged as: brian kelly, No Amnesty! No Way!

About Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a business owner and former assistant professor at Marywood University; he and his wife live in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Kelly ran for Congress and for the US Senate in his state and believes limited government brings liberty and freedom. Check his books out at www.checkoutking.com.

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