MY VIEW: Columnist worries about Obama’s reelection

Posted: Friday, January 13, 2012 4:30 pmMY VIEW: Columnist worries about Obama’s reelection

By Thomas W. PurcellYour West Valley

Another year has come and gone under King Obama the First and we still continue to wallow beneath the muck and mire of a stagnant economy and a crushing bureaucratic government.

It’s hard to say what will happen in the election of 2012. Incumbent presidents are notoriously had to defeat, the last one being Bush the Elder. This one will be doubly so with the media churning out propaganda non stop and failing to report crucial stories properly or investigate widespread malfeasance in office.

Obama will complete what he promised — fundamental change for a new America. We will be living in a fully socialized state, and the individual will be living in a society without meaning or direction and living a life of no significant consequence except as a tool of a much larger machine.

You can accurately predict what will happen if we get four more years of a socialist agenda in America:

• Obamacare will move forward into phase two and place a massive burden on the taxpayers in the form of costs and care. The insurance industry will continue to make big bucks as the uninsured drop from 10 percent to only about 7 percent since they can’t afford even the exchange policies and everyone’s rates skyrocket.

• The shakedown and regulatory burden of corporations that are unfriendly to the administration will continue, as will the aggressive stance of the government bureaucracy. Prices will rise for energy, food and other commodities as the dollar continues to be transformed into a world currency and our debt mounts.

• The economy will start to slowly recover, simply because of the time and spending factors but people will now begin to accept a lower standard of living than they once had and continue to live on government subsidies. Worker productivity in America will be at an all-time low.

• The three networks will have become a liberal agenda wasteland of bad programming and poor entertainment, punctuated with socialist media reports of how great our government is.

• Political enemies of the left will be rounded up, isolated and publicly humiliated via scandals, media attacks and bashing segments on the nightly news channels.

• World instability will continue as America withdraws more and more of its foreign power influence from overseas, ultimately resulting in one or more Western cities being destroyed by a terrorist attack. The West will be outraged but ultimately do little. Wars will break out in foreign lands that the UN will send forces to, but violence will rage on for years much like Vietnam.

• The conversion of the military from a force to protect us from enemies into a national police force will continue as well the militarization of local constabularies.

• Government will become a part of our daily lives and will decide how we live them, from the food we eat to the jobs we do.

The next President will be selected not by national vote through an electoral college but a corrupt political system that stuffs ballot boxes with bogus votes from illegal aliens and duplicate voter registrations from poor neighborhoods.

• The rights of gun ownership, freedom of speech, fair trial and bail, and habeas corpus will all be re-regulated and subverted as to be unrecognizable. The Supreme Court will be shifted to the left, probably irrevocably.

And here’s the worst part: An entire generation will have grown to young adulthood without knowing what a free country really means or what a free market looks like. They will have grown up under a socialist government and not known any different and so therefore will fully accept what America has become. Much like our forefathers who left England and France and Spain for the shores of a new country, they will be living in an oppressive state where only a very few will appreciate or understand the gilded cage they are living in and fear it.
Except this time there will be no place to go.

Thomas Purcell is a local author and speaker who lives in Glendale. More of his work can be found at, or through his books on