What we need is a tv blitz. We need to create Public Service Announcements to flood markets throughout the US to pressure the demo's and repub's. Look how successful MoveOn.Org has become by their tv ads.

We need something showing films of death by vehicle by illegal aliens with an announcer reading facts such as :

Did you know that illegal immigrants in the US are responsible for more American deaths than 9/ll and the Iraq War combined? (with film of an accident and an illegal behind bars)

Did you know that illegal immigrants comprise __% of our prison population?

Did you know that Congress has proven that illegal immigrants from Mexico have smuggled mid east terrorists into the US?

Did you know that illegal immigrants draw _________% of America's social service programs yet pay only _____% of taxes?

Did you know that if illegal immigration is not stopped now, soon there will be no more America.

You get the general idea !!! Remember this organization and others' is non partisan. We have demo's and repub's as this issue crosses all party lines.

We have some big elections again in two years, so if any party wants to come out on top; they need to take a tough position on amnesty.