Politicians are in denial on illegal aliens
The Lowell Sun
Updated: 09/12/2011 10:32:24 AM EDT

Recent stories in local news continue to show how our politicians continue to stick their heads in the sand and act as if no crisis exists when it comes to illegal immigration in this country.

A young American man is dead because of a drunken driver who was here illegally from Ecuador and who has previous offenses on record. Then we find out that besides having an aunt living here illegally and on welfare, now we discover President Obama also has an uncle (also recently stopped for drunken driving) who has been living here illegally for years and who happens to have a driver's license and a valid Social Security number. The list goes on. It seems like almost daily we hear of these outrageous criminal acts by people that don't belong in this country.

Gov. Patrick is a disgrace. The horrific death of the 23-year-old man in Milford who was allegedly was dragged to his death, then backed over by this criminal, should be a wake-up call, yet Patrick continues to deny there is a problem.

If this man who had been stopped previously had been arrested and deported from the start, this young man would probably be alive today.

Gov. Patrick should be held responsible for the young man's death due to his failure to enforce our immigration laws on a local level.

We need to start removing politicians who refuse to enforce our laws and judges who refuse to punish criminals.

It is time to vote out politicians from both parties who continue to protect criminals over American citizens.



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