South Carolina primary voters: We like Ted Cruz, but Donald Trump will win

By Dylan Baddour
Updated 10:15 am, Thursday, February 11, 2016

A South Carolina voter focus group convened by Bloomberg Politics voiced almost unanimous support for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, but agreed that Donald Trump would probably win their state's primary election.

Whoever wins South Carolina will likely earn the title of GOP frontrunner in this race. That's because each of the leading candidates—Cruz and Trump—has one win under his belt. A second would gain serious acclaim and provide a crucial boost into the 15 state votes of Super Tuesday.

By many accounts, Cruz is favored among the Palmetto State's widely Christian conservative base. And the focus group on Wednesday reflected that, with voters calling Cruz "trustworthy," "steadfast," "likeable" and "very religious."

"When he stands for something he's like a pit bull," one voter said.

But when asked who would win the state, the group unanimously predicted Trump, sometimes adding "unfortunately."

Video can be seen at the link.