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  1. #41
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    70% of all the people in this country are huge gapping bung holes!
    "The other 30% are right here with you sarum!"
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  2. #42
    Senior Member sarum's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Yup. Hail here in Glendale has caused most homeowners in our area to get their roofs redone in the last few weeks. I am shocked to see so many Mexicans working the roofs. My last opportunity to see alot of this activity - I lived in a working class neighborhood then as well - but the neighbors were all very clear that they only wanted English speaking citizen types working on their property. We have lots of unemployed young men around here who are not of Mexican descent watching all these Mexicans working on the roofs. We don't know if they are legal but I know enough Spanish to know they are trying to steal my dog. Just watching and waiting for the explosion between the displaced citizens and the usurpers that took their jobs.
    Restitution to Displaced Citizens First!

  3. #43

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Mr. Roofer!

    Call them or go by, take your cell phone/tape recorder.
    Get them on the phone and record.
    Ask questions like.
    "How would I go about getting a DL or SS# to put together a fake ID to work off of?"

    "If I do appritance work as a trainie in your shop do you do like the Code Welders Union out of Tulsa Ok. who "expand/make larger" the hours in order to get me more hours."
    "I understand lots of Unions do that" record the answer.

    If the Union rep. in the Mexican place is SEIU be ready to have their goons visit you if they find your lis. plate as you leave.

    You also have to understand that the Mexican Govt. has a drug lord crime family problem at every level.

    other than that , keep your other 2nd amd. rights at hand

    Mr. Roofer,
    I'm just seeding the thinking of the operators out of Big Goverment, that kid and his lady could do a lot of damage by a sting operation inside such a place." After they vist the Mexican soil , they get to talk to the union shop about work and all that, how the SS works, how the fake ID's get done, how the "coyote" gets his cut, how they get heads up when ICE is around, how the replacement "wage slave" is brought up if one of the wage slave workers gets hurt on the job, where the safe houses are at."
    stuff like that

    nice idea uh?

  4. #44
    Senior Member stevetheroofer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    somewhere near Mexico I reckon!
    "Apache I sound whiter then Archie Bunker!"
    Is it racist to ask someone if they speak Spanish?
    I mean like just cause I'm a Caucasoid doesn't mean I speak English,
    example:"Un smacklica hoff un frich riche' an ect ben hoot!"

    Translated:"A tasty wave, and a cool buzz and I'll be fine!"
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

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