From William Gheen's email

Youtube Google Censors James Okeefe of Project Veritas

I know it’s late.
But it’s incredibly important.
YouTube has CENSORED our Pinterest investigation.

I guess when you expose one tech company, the others flock to their aide.
Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram – these tech giants are afraid.
They’re afraid of the power of the people and they are terrified of our insider.
He is ready to blow the lid off Silicon Valley – and he has the people on his side.
His courage will inspire hundreds of more employees in tech and media to come forward.
This is war and the battle starts now.
The best way you can help Veritas, is by supporting our insider and showing the world that you and I will stand behind him.
Thank you for your support right now. You are inspiring people to come forward in tech, government, politics, and media.
And soon . . . these new insiders will make an enormous impact.
Be Brave
James O’Keefe