Welcome to ALIPAC! We hope you will join our fight AGAINST the costly and deadly illegal immigration & illegal immigrant invasion of America by JOINING our ACTIVISM ALERTS (Click Here). We hope you will join our discussions here and our fight against illegal immigration & Amnesty!

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ALIPAC Platform

ALIPAC Platform

We want to stop and reverse illegal immigration.

"Enforce America's existing border and immigration laws instead of any form of amnesty that would undermine our nation further!" -- William Gheen, President of ALIPAC

ALIPAC supporters represent every race and demographic in America. We have a diverse range of opinions, yet we are united in the belief that more must be done to stop illegal immigration and illegal immigrants from harming Americans. We work hard at ALIPAC to educate lawmakers and the public about the many problems with illegal immigration.

ALIPAC supports those who legally immigrate, but we DO NOT support any amnesty, visa expansion, "Guest Worker" program, or immigration reform amnesty designed to reward illegal aliens or legalize their presence in the US.
We have supported a peaceful, non racist, rule of law approach to resolving illegal immigration since our founding on 9/11 2004.

America is a land of generous and caring people, but our hospitality and values are being strained and abused by those who are willing to break the law and take our jobs and our tax dollars.
America's illegal alien population will begin to shrink instead of grow if we support candidates that will reflect the will of the vast majority of American citizens.

ALIPAC's FOUR POINT PLATFORM: "Simply enforce our existing immigration laws!"

1. Secure Our Borders.
2. Crack down on employers that intentionally hire illegals.
3. Remove incentives and rewards to illegals such as licenses, welfare, and other taxpayer benefits.
4. Enforce our existing laws and deport illegal aliens when convicted of crimes or detected during routine law enforcement activities.

Most ALIPAC supporters also believe:

- We oppose the excessive and reckless United Nations resettlement programs that are bringing in large numbers of refugees from Syria and other Muslim nations at the expense of US taxpayers when this form of immigration is clearly putting the security of our citizens at risk.
- Legal immigration levels should be reduced from the current historically high levels to lower and more traditional levels.
- Congress should make English the official language of America!
- State and Local police should help enforce immigration laws!
- We firmly oppose any Guest Worker / Temporary Worker Program which is disguised AMNESTY legislation.
- Legal and law abiding Americans should not be subjected to privacy invading technologies or national ID.
- Obama's support for illegal immigration and executive amnesty are impeachable offenses.
- Many believe Congress should clarify that the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution is superseded by the Article 4 protection from invasion clause and that "anchor babies" should not qualify for US citizenship.

Our core positions at ALIPAC are designed to line up with a large majority of American views represented in many scientific polls collected on our page Illegal Immigration Facts (click to view)!

We WELCOME your feedback and hope you will read more about How ALIPAC's Platform can stop and reverse illegal immigration in America by reading these articles...

ALIPAC Core Platform Articles

How To Reverse Illegal Immigration In America
Why The Illegals Must Go

More Important Articles (CLICK HERE) or Releases (CLICK HERE) from ALIPAC


We The People

Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009
FEC ID: C00405878

The World's largest archive of information about Illegal Immigration - Illegal Immigrants - Immigration Reform - Report Illegals -Obama & Illegal Immigration - Problems with illegal immigration - History of Illegal Immigration - Illegal Immigration Facts - illegal immigration news - criminal immigrants - illegal aliens - stop illegal immigration - enforce illegal immigration laws