• illegal Immigrant Group Uses Dead Elephant Ad as Death Threat to Republicans

    by: Kevin Lake Posted date: November 16, 2013
    A group called United We Dream has used a very disgusting ad to promote their ire with the Republican party for having kept immigration reform at bay for at least the remainder of this calendar year. The group, made up of illegal immigrants pushing for amnesty for the more than 11,000,000 illegals in the U.S. dreams of two things; citizenship, and dead Republicans.

    Is it just me? Or in the amount of time illegals have spent pushing for amnesty, couldn’t they have just done the required paperwork to gain legal residency?

    Why not set up offices like ACORN, and instead of telling people how to lie for benefits, as Acorn taught low income blacks how to lie to qualify for mortgages they knew they couldn’t afford to pay back, thus greatly contributing to the most recent real estate crash in the U.S., help people do the legal paperwork?

    Elephants everywhere would appreciate it very much.

    Kevin Lake

    Kevin E Lake is an Iraq War Veteran and an author. He has published five books. Please visit his store to check out all of his titles
    This article was originally published in forum thread: llegal Immigrant Group Uses Dead Elephant Ad as Death Threat to Republicans started by kathyet2 View original post