• Deploying Amnesty Kryptonite 1 week before Election Day

    ALIPAC Activists,

    Today we need your help to deploy a strategy we have been working on behind the scenes!

    We call it Amnesty Kryptonite because if we apply this information and strategy in sufficient quantities in the final 7 days of the midterm elections, it can knock Amnesty for illegal aliens out of the picture for quite awhile.

    ALIPAC's Poll collection is always there for you to use with your activism in the "Illegal Immigration Facts" section of our main menu on the left of each page of www.alipac.us


    Those of us who are highly familiar with campaigns for public office know that right now the candidates, lawmakers, and their campaign staff and volunteers are highly attuned to what you are saying to them right now. They are also monitoring expensive polling data closely to track their races and the issues that are important to voters. The polls they are looking at are internal polls, not the bogus open borders polls being fed to the public via the Associated Press and others that make the false claim most Americans support immigration reform amnesty for illegals!

    GOP candidates are under immense pressure from Karl Rove groups and the Chamber of Commerce not to use illegal immigration issues or anti-Amnesty statements to win.

    But the power of these issues is starting to break through, and we even had a major breakthrough yesterday when pro illegal immigration amnesty supporter Republican National Committee (RNC) leader Reince Priebus came out and began to sound almost exactly like ALIPAC when he said ...

    “It’s unconstitutional, illegal, and we don’t support it...I don’t support it. It is wrong... It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty... While I can’t speak for the legislature, I’m very confident we will stop that (executive amnesty)... We will do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t happen: Defunding, going to court, injunction. (he stopped short of impeachment) You name it. It’s wrong. It's illegal. And for so many reasons, and just the basic fabric of this country, we can’t allow it to happen and we won’t let it happen. I don’t know how to be any stronger than that. I’m telling you, we will do everything we can do to stop it we will.”
    Source Link and more info at...

    The "Priebus Promise" that Republicans will stop or thwart Obama's amnesty decree is exactly what we needed right now! It is a sign that GOP campaigns are now willing to break from the "Secure the borders first... proceed step by step" garbage coming out of the Karl Rove camp! (Yes we know that Priebus and other GOP sellouts like him also support amnesty, they just support doing it through legislation instead of decree)

    So hit them with the truth. Hit them right now. Deliver the real message!

    We need you to ...

    1. Access the ALIPAC.us collection of polls from over the past six years that prove super majorities of American voters oppose a path to citizenship or any form of amnesty for illegal aliens at this link...

    2. Start with your own state but help us track down all of the GOP candidates we have been working to reach out to who are running for Congress this year. You can find them with ease using this online resource at Ballotpedia.... (click on your state, then Elections, then 2014 Ballot)

    3. Then send your favorite selections from our poll list to each campaign by email, web form, phone call, fax, or their social media pages for the candidates such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also quote these polling numbers to the campaign staff and candidates you are interacting with as you volunteer for their campaigns.

    Example-- "Did you know that 71% of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, say that illegal immigrant newcomers should NOT receive government benefits according to Rasmussen polling, and that 63% of all Americans oppose work permits for illegal immigrants, and that 73% of Americans oppose Obama taking executive action on immigration without Congress according to Investors Business Daily Polling?"

    Hit them with this polling data used in many ways and email them this link directly...

    ALIPAC Activists will be doing all we can to deliver this collection of polls to the campaigns right now while it can have the greatest impact on the candidate"s thinking and thus the greatest impact on the outcome of races next Tuesday and the fate of immigration reform amnesty!

    Our activists are working around the clock and are ready to answer any questions, or review your reports and suggestions at this activism tracking link....

    Let's roll, Americans! Let's deploy the truth about how Americans truly reject any path to citizenship or taxpayer benefits for illegals that would only bring in more illegals and destroy our nation!

    William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Deploying Amnesty Kryptonite 1 week before Election Day started by ALIPAC View original post