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Thread: (ALIPAC) Frank Keating of banking group urges GOP to support immigration bill

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    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    (ALIPAC) Frank Keating of banking group urges GOP to support immigration bill

    Frank Keating of banking group urges GOP to support immigration bill

    Frank Keating, a Republican and head of the American Bankers Assn., calls the immigration reform legislation the 'most Republican of causes.'

    Frank Keating, a Republican and former Oklahoma governor, invoked the memory of former President Reagan and his support for the 1986 immigration overhaul in urging passage of the current bill in an L.A. Times op-ed piece. (Alex Wong, Getty Images / October 10, 2013)

    November 11, 2013, 5:25 p.m.

    WASHINGTON — The banking industry's top lobbyist urged GOP lawmakers to support the bipartisan Senate immigration reform legislation as essential for business and the "most Republican of causes."

    Frank Keating, a Republican and former Oklahoma governor, said Monday in a Los Angeles Times op-ed piece that "it's time to open the doors to immigrants to boost the economy."

    Keating, head of the American Bankers Assn. trade group, is the latest GOP businessman to call on his compatriots in Congress to adopt the overhaul, which is a priority of President Obama.

    Supporters of the measure are trying to overcome stiff opposition from House Republicans, many of whom won't support such provisions as a 13-year path to citizenship for qualified immigrants.

    The House GOP would prefer dealing with the issue in a piecemeal approach. Aides to Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said the House would not take up "massive, Obamacare-style legislation that no one understands."

    The comprehensive Senate-proposed overhaul would, among other provisions, increase high-tech visas, revamp farm labor programs and strengthen border security.

    Obama renewed his push for immigration reform after the end of the divisive partial government shutdown last month. He said he might consider Republican proposals to overhaul parts of the immigration system.

    Late last month, about 600 conservatives from around the country descended on Washington to press House members to pass immigration reform this year.

    The effort, which included business and religious leaders and law enforcement officials, was organized in part by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and, the political advocacy group launched by Facebook Inc. co-founder Mark Zuckerberg.

    Obama met with business leaders at the White House last week to urge them to push the House to pass the legislation.

    "There's no reason why we can't get this done before the end of the year," Obama told them before the meeting began.

    But time is running out. Still, supporters have continued to try to rally support.

    Keating went public with his case Monday.

    A self-described Ronald Reagan Republican, Keating invoked the memory of the former president and his support for the 1986 immigration overhaul in urging passage of the bill.

    "Unfortunately, too many conservatives — though they aspire to walk in Reagan's footsteps — have forgotten that immigration reform is the most Republican of causes," said Keating, who was governor of Oklahoma from 1994 to 2002.

    "We cannot support open borders for trade but not for people," he wrote. "We cannot make America stronger and more prosperous by excluding tomorrow's talent and industry."

    William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, said Keating and other supporters of the Senate immigration bill will cost the country "millions more American jobs" and "taxpayer resources" by luring more immigrants to come to the U.S. illegally.

    "Frank Keating would ask us to follow Reagan as an example on immigration when Reagan's amnesty of 1986, and the unfulfilled promises of better immigration enforcement in that bill, are why we have 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants in America today," Gheen said.

    Keating argued that the U.S. needs immigrants of "all skill levels to help build the 21st century economy."

    He cited a Congressional Budget Office report that the Senate immigration reform bill would cut the federal budget deficit by $900 billion over the next 20 years and, by 2033, would be increasing total economic output 5.4%.

    "Immigrants are coming here to work, not to become dependent on the state," Keating said. "People don't make perilous journeys and risk their life savings and sometimes their lives for the goal of getting a welfare check, a food-stamp card or a housing voucher."

    He said the Senate bill "protects the rule of law by securing the border and ensuring that only law-abiding immigrants receive legal status." The bill creates a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million people in the country without legal status.

    Obama could help ease Republican concerns about border security by promising not to delay implementation or issue waivers that would weaken the legislation, Keating said.

    But the potential economic benefit of immigration reform was not the only reason Republicans should support it, he said.

    Keating cited a 1989 speech by Reagan in which he said the doors of the nation should be "open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here."

    "America was the world's first nation to be based on principles, not ethnicity," Keating said. "It is unconscionable to leave a class of neighbors who share our values in perpetual second-class status.",4686534.story
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 11-12-2013 at 01:08 AM.
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  2. #2
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    William Gheen's full response to Frank Keating and the Los Angeles Times. You might find what they cut out of my statement to be very interesting....

    Frank Keating would ask us to follow Reagan as an example on immigration when Reagan's amnesty of 1986, and the unfulfilled promises of better immigration enforcement in that bill ,are why we have 12-20 million illegal immigrants in America today! If we repeat the mistakes of the past and pass immigration reform amnesty as Mr. Keating suggests, the results of the Reagan amnesty tell us we can expect more than 20 million more illegal aliens to enter the US in the next decade and the promises of border or immigration enforcement to vanish once amnesty is granted. After that, the illegal immigrants given this new amnesty will likely form a new voting bloc in American politics that will make future immigration laws and borders for America impossible and millions more American jobs, taxpayer resources, and lives will be lost in the resulting unprecedented invasion of our states.
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  4. #4
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Keating refresher.
    McCain surrogate raises Obama's past drug use

    Posted by
    CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney, CNN's Tasha Diakides

    October 9th, 2008
    08:05 PM ET

    Keating is a McCain campaign co-chair.

    (CNN) - A prominent surrogate for John McCain on Thursday raised Barack Obama's admitted cocaine use as a teenager and said the Illinois senator should speak candidly about it to the American people.

    Speaking to Dennis Miller, a comedian and conservative radio talk show host, former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating said Obama should be more forthright about his background and what he called his "very extreme" record.

    "He ought to admit, ‘You know, I've got to be honest with you. I was a guy of the street. I was way to the left. I used cocaine. I voted liberally, but I'm back at the center,'" Keating, a co-chair of McCain’s campaign, said Obama should tell voters. "I mean, I understand the big picture of America. But he hasn't done that."
    An aide to John McCain said Keating was not directed by the campaign to make the comments.

    "We didn’t ask him to do it,” the aide said. “He didn’t clear it with us, but obviously he’s read Senator Obama’s books.”
    The Obama campaign has not responded to the comments.

    The remarks ring similar to comments made by prominent New Hampshire Democrat Bill Shaheen, a Hillary Clinton supporter, during the primary. Shaheen predicted in December that Obama’s drug past would be a major Republican talking point if her were the Democratic nominee. He later apologized for the comments, but stepped down from his role in the Clinton campaign. Black Entertainment Television founder Bob Johnson, another Hillary Clinton backer, also had to apologize after making overt references to Obama's drug use at campaign rally in South Carolina.

    In Obama's 1995 book Dreams of My Father, he writes that he was once headed in the direction of a "junkie" and a "pothead. Referring to his emotional struggles as a young man, Obama writes, "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though."

    Obama did speak during his primary campaign about his past experimentation with drugs and alcohol in high school.
    "I made some bad decisions that I've actually written about," he told New Hampshire high school students last November. "There were times when I, you know, got into drinking, experimented with drugs. There was a whole stretch of time where I didn't really apply myself a lot."
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 11-13-2013 at 12:06 AM.

  5. #5
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Ah! So John McCain and Frank Keating are in the same camp! That makes sense.

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  6. #6
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Does Frank Keating have any relation to Charles Humphrey Keating, Jr. or Charles Keating of the Keating Five scandals that McCain was involved in?

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  7. #7
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    Former Reagan Official Pushes Open Borders as 'Conservative' Cause

    by Matthew Boyle 12 Nov 2013, 2:31 PM PDT

    Former Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating, a self-described “Reagan Republican” who currently serves as the head of the American Bankers Association, called for open borders immigration policies in America, saying such policies would be “conservative.”

    Keating made the call in an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, in which he argued that Ronald Reagan would support open borders too.

    “Unfortunately, too many conservatives — though they aspire to walk in Reagan's footsteps — have forgotten that immigration reform is the most Republican of causes,” Keating wrote. “We cannot support open borders for trade but not for people. We cannot support the unfettered exchange of goods and ideas while building razor-wired walls that separate children from their parents. We cannot make America stronger and more prosperous by excluding tomorrow's talent and industry.”

    Keating’s op-ed was titled “What would Reagan do?” In it, he notes that he was a senior Reagan administration official when amnesty was last granted under the Reagan administration.

    “From my perspective as a Reagan Republican — indeed, as a senior official in the Reagan administration during the last major immigration reform process — I am convinced that we stand on the precipice of opportunity,” Keating wrote. “In numbers that we haven't seen since the early 20th century, immigrants have been coming here to work and to build a better future for their families."

    "Just as immigrants helped fuel the engine of America's emerging industrial economy 100 years ago, today they are filling two critical job gaps: high-skilled professions in science, technology and advanced manufacturing, and low-skill service and industrial jobs in fast-growing regions," he said. "We need immigrants of all skill levels to help build the 21st century economy.”

    Reagan did grant an amnesty in 1986—that gave citizenship to 3 million illegal immigrants at the time. Reagan later, according to his Attorney General Ed Meese, expressed regret for his decision. Keating conveniently leaves out Reagan’s later regrets from his op-ed.

    Keating falsely claims that the Senate’s Gang of Eight bill “protects the rule of law by securing the border and ensuring that only law-abiding immigrants receive legal status.” As Breitbart News has reported time and again, the Senate bill does not actually ensure border security or effective interior enforcement measures--it just promises them, like Reagan's amnesty in 1986 did. Border security and interior enforcement never came then either.
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  8. #8
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    Big Business Tries To Wrap Amnesty In The Reagan Mantle

    Posted 06:57 PM ET

    Big business is stepping up its push for immigration reform, with bank lobbyist and former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating insisting amnesty for illegals is what Ronald Reagan stood for. Don't believe it.

    In line with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Mark Zuckerberg's, the president and CEO of the American Bankers Association, as well as ex-governor of Oklahoma, has taken to speaking out about the "urgency" of comprehensive immigration reform, even as the idea is all but dead.

    Keating justifies his position by claiming it's what Reagan would have wanted. He bases his argument on the president's sign-off on the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

    "As Ronald Reagan might have put it, it's time to open doors," Keating wrote in a Sunday op-ed in the Los Angeles Times.

    We don't think so. For one thing, there is no urgency — a recent Esquire survey found that 54% of Americans oppose a path to U.S. citizenship for lawbreaking illegal immigrants while only 32% support it.

    And more to the point, Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act because he strongly believed it was time to gain control of U.S. borders and to enforce legal hiring at workplaces.

    The amnesty of 3 million illegal immigrants that came with it was relatively small, and never would have resulted in 11 million new immigrants in the decades that followed had the rest of the law's requirements been fulfilled by Congress. Sadly, they weren't.

    Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese reportedly said that amnesty was in fact Reagan's biggest regret, according to an account in the Conservative Heritage Times, because he, like the people who supported him, believed in the rule of law.

    But that doesn't stop Keating from setting up strawmen to beat the Republican base into submission and tar its members as bigots if they prefer that immigration reform be taken in steps rather than comprehensively to ensure the problems of the 1986 measure don't recur.

    "Immigrants are here to work," Keating writes.

    But he misses the reality: Thousands are on food stamps and turn their taxpayer-paid largess into a gravy train of packages to distant homelands such as Jamaica, Guatemala and Mexico.

    What's more, "free" social services to illegals — from bilingual schools to health care to food aid to legal aid — abound, making it all the more attractive to emigrate outside the law. A report from Judicial Watch shows that illegals received $29 million in "free " drugs from 2009 to 2011 courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.

    Keating throws out one strawman after another, ignoring the fact that 27 years and six other amnesties have passed since 1986 and the borders still haven't been secured. Now Americans are being browbeaten into accepting the Senate Gang of Eight bill, an 800-page "comprehensive" bill so full of ObamaCare-style unintended consequences that one of its sponsors, GOP Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, has disowned it.

    Nobody benefits more from illegal immigration and the cheap labor it provides than the business community. While we tend to agree with business on most issues, on this one, its interests are diametrically opposed to the sentiment of individual voters — who pay the tab.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member vistalad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jean View Post
    For one thing, there is no urgency — a recent Esquire survey found that 54% of Americans oppose a path to U.S. citizenship for lawbreaking illegal immigrants while only 32% support it.

    And more to the point, Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act because he strongly believed it was time to gain control of U.S. borders and to enforce legal hiring at workplaces.
    Yep. Repubs are trying to sell out Americans, because that's what their big donors want. But the recent polls open the door for patriots, who can truthfully say that sellouts could well be defeated by people who will put American interests first. So all that big donor money won't guartantee the sell outs' congressional seats.

    IMO we should also use this opportunity to ring the Universal E-Verify bell.
    Americans first in this magnificent country

    American jobs for American workers

    Fair trade, not free trade

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC View Post
    Does Frank Keating have any relation to Charles Humphrey Keating, Jr. or Charles Keating of the Keating Five scandals that McCain was involved in?

    Not that I could find. But I think the Keating 5 issue should be discussed every time John McCain opens his mouth.

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