Does Illegal Immigration Cost Me?
January 17, 2007 01:34 PM EST

by James Estrada

The best way to ascertain how much illegal immigration costs is to follow a hypothetical illegal through all the things he or she would need to relocate to another country where they did not speak the language.

Our illegal alien will be from Mexico since the overwhelming number come from Mexico, but the same is true for all aliens that come to America that don’t speak or don’t learn English.

Fact: The Market Theory of Supply and Demand

A typical illegal alien (if he is just a single man), comes and starts a new job. In doing so he depresses the wages of the American he works next to, and displaces the American that is now looking for a job in the same field at a lower wage.

More people for the same number of jobs pushes wages down, regardless of whether the people are from Mexico or Siberia. Some estimates hold that there are as many as 30 million illegal aliens presently in the US. This translates to about 10% of the people in the US, which means our wages have been depressed by at least 10%, just in the numbers. Considering that illegal aliens will generally work for less they are depressing our wages by even more.

Lower wages lead to less revenue in taxes for the government, and less money for the troubled Social Security system which is based on wages. Social Security would do much better if people made a lot more money.

People like Bill Gates pay more into Social Security than they will ever collect in retirement benefits. If everybody made as much as Bill Gates, Social Security would be in great financial shape.

We work on a tiered wage tax and when someone’s wages go below a certain point, they pay very little in taxes and Social Security, virtually insuring that they will collect more money from Social Security than they pay. As wages descend not only do they pay less money proportionally, but when they drop in brackets and they pay less by percentage as well.

The American (both the displaced one and the one working for lower depressed wages) must now go compete with the illegal alien for housing. Mortgages will be higher because there is a limited amount of money out there and more demand with less supply leads to higher interest rates and fees.

Rental markets are driven by how much return an investor can get for the money he invests. A smart investor is not going to invest $500,000.00 or more into an apartment unless they are going unless they are going to make the same money or better then they would make lending that same $500,000.00 for 5 mortgages of $100,000.00 each.

Since generally speaking, mortgages and rents are tied together you are competing with every other buyer and renter out there. Culturally, foreign born Hispanics have grown up living in houses that are smaller than American houses typically are, therefore the American concept of a large, single family stand alone house is dead. They are living with an extended family in a typical American single family house, with everybody paying rent.

More people in a house means that the American with the depressed wages are now not just competing against one illegal alien’s wages but several illegal alien’s wages for housing.

Higher priced housing leads to higher taxes on property. Now the Americans have higher taxes that are being paid on the same depressed wages. Higher priced houses also lead to higher insurance prices, since home owners insurance prices are based on three major factors: the price of the house, replacement and theft/fire insurance.

At this point let’s have our illegal alien get married and start a family

The illegal alien working for the low depressed wages probably can’t afford health insurance, but he doesn’t worry since Medicare or the state named program will end up picking up the bill for his family. More babies born on Medicare mean that a Doctor makes less money per birth. When a Doctor makes less money, his rates to cash patients go up to make up the difference. This is significant since many doctors have very expensive student loans and can’t afford to earn less money.

A typical doctor’s student loan is about the cost of the average house payment. More demand for medical care (because there are more people) with fewer people paying the bill means you are now not only paying for the illegal alien’s healthcare in higher taxes, but you are paying more for your own healthcare as well.

If the illegal alien and his wife speak only Spanish his child (we will call him Jr.) will also speak only Spanish, meaning that a teacher must be hired to instruct the child in Spanish when Jr. (who is an American Citizen by virtue of having been born in the United States) starts school.

After spending the additional money to teach the student in both English and Spanish one day hopefully Jr. will graduate from High School. His diploma will cost the American taxpayer 3-4 times more than the non-illegal alien’s student.

At this point Jr. is a citizen and will get college tuition at state resident rates in all 50 states (as any citizen should). Should illegal alien dad decide to go to college, he will receive the same tuition as Jr. in 49 states (Arizona is the only exception). California, which won’t issue a drivers license to an illegal alien now has its Governor proposing free medical care for them (along with everybody else).

This is the cost if the illegal alien who comes to America and (by the standard of bleeding hearts) commits no crime. There is no mechanism in place to figure how much money illegal aliens draw in Social Security, Welfare, Medicare, Student Loans, Grants. There is no Federal Government accountability or oversight for your money and who it goes to, legal or otherwise. Most States are just as bad if not worse than the Federal Government in tracking illegal alien expenditures.

The Criminal Element

An illegal alien merely by entering into the country without permission has committed a crime. That illegal alien in order to work will have to do the following:

1 Secure a form of identification, either stolen or falsified.

2 Get a copy of the birth certificate that correlates with the name for purposes of getting a Social Security Number.

3 Get a fraudulently obtained Social Security card, and then go seeking a job.

In most states all three scenarios listed above are felonies, and entering illegally is also a felony. Before the illegal alien has put in his first application he has committed four felonies. If the illegal chooses the identity theft method, he can get credit and buy so much on credit that the ratios prevent the true owner of the identity from buying a house or securing credit of his own.

Illegal aliens constitute 25% of the prison population in Arizona and that is only because the state defers to the feds if the feds have a charge against them. An astounding 55% of Federal Inmates are illegal aliens. (2)

Fox and Friends on 1-09-07 reported a study that found illegal aliens 6 times more likely to commit crimes than Americans. This is not unreasonable. People who are Americans that are lower income frequently turn to crime when financial times turn bad. American’s speak English and are able to actively and legally seek work. I can only imagine how bad it is for illegal aliens to get a job that will pay a living wage when the Americans are now willing to work cheap.

Illegal aliens murder twelve Americans everyday (1).

Let’s calculate the cost of this:

Twelve Americans murdered per day, 12 (Americans murdered) x 365 (days in a year) = 4380 x $30,000.00 (annual salaries of those murdered) = $131,400,000.00 per year loss in salaries x 20 (years of productive work those Americans could have completed) all = $2,628,000,000.00 in wages that our society loses and in taxable income that our government loses just for those twelve.

These numbers do not count the cost of Welfare to the families of the deceased or insurance company losses for life insurance policies of those murdered (or the stockholder’s of the insurance companies reduced dividends). Those numbers do not count the cost of Police capturing the illegal, the cost of the courts to prosecute (pay for a Spanish interpreter at $70.00 per hour) or pay for the illegal alien’s lawyer.

It does not cover the cost to incarcerate or execute the illegal alien. It doesn’t cover the cost to the welfare system to pay for HIS family after he is incarcerated or executed. None of the above covers the loss to the Social Security system which will have to pay beneficiaries prematurely or the loss of 20+ years worth of tax revenue to the government or the loss of the Capital gains taxes on the dividends of the insurance company for their reduced returns.

Congress understands the plight of the American worker, which is why they are upping the minimum wage. They know that if someone whom is making $10.00 per hour might not be affected, but an increased minimum wage will drive up wages that are higher eventually. They are trying to start a bidding war for employees, after they flooded the market with potentially 30 million more workers.

Illegal Alien Myths

1. Illegal Aliens pay taxes - They pay taxes on stolen Americans ID’s, and at the gas pump.

2. Illegal Aliens do jobs Americans won’t do – What job won’t an American do? Anybody ever see the show dirty jobs? All those jobs are held by Americans. Swift meats was raided by Immigration and had to hire 900 Americans to replace the now arrested illegal’s. They raised their wages and filled their ranks, with legal American workers.

3. Illegal Aliens don’t draw on social services and they don’t vote – If they aren’t drawing on social services then why are organizations like MALDEF and LA RAZA fighting so hard to stop laws that require you to prove citizenship to draw on social services or produce ID to vote? They are not paying court fees and lawyer fees to fight over a nonexistent problem.

The simply fact of the matter is this: our government has no interest in stopping them. The Republican congress that was running for re-election passed a quickie bill that they did not fund after two years of illegal immigration outrage. When the Republicans lost the election, Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi stated that they would not be funding the bill to build the fence on the border.

What is truly sad is that our government has no interest in stopping them and it is our wages that are being depressed, our families that are being pushed into poverty, our houses that are costing ever more in terms of house price, insurance, taxes and mortgage. And when Americans stood up and yelled “Enough” our government refused to listen.

Every single time President Bush was questioned about stopping illegal immigration the first words out of his mouth were “We need a guest worker program”. Why? 30 million illegal guest workers are not enough?

What are you going to do when those workers fail to report back to Mexico? What if they marry an American? (does anyone see a cottage industry starting up there?) What if they have a baby here? (Anchor baby) (3) for those of you in Phoenix) What if they commit a felony? Then what? Is the government going to compensate the victim? If the government does it is merely paying for more crimes committed by people that should not be here in the first place.


People from all countries have put in for US citizenship and some have waited 20 or more years to come here legally, and they are standing in line while we grant blanket amnesty after blanket amnesty to more and more illegal aliens. What about all the people that are in Mexico that applied to come here legally that are stopped from coming here because we are going to grant amnesty to illegal’s and American’s finally say enough is enough?

The Answer:

As a nation we need a national referendum. Until Americans end their entitlement mentality, free healthcare, free money for having babies, free unemployment insurance, free Medicare with prescription drug benefits, we are not going to be able to effectively deal with the problem of illegal immigration. The reason they are coming here is economics, if they are not able to make it economically they will leave. We as citizens need to stop these people, economically.

1. We need to start suing employers who hire illegal aliens. When a few get a bad reputation and have to pay a little out of pocket it will stop. (sue for intentional interference with contractual relations, conspiracy to commit identification theft-fraud). This will help cut off work and with no work, they will go home.

2. We need to start embarrassing banks that make loans, home loans and give out credit cards to illegal aliens. We need to sue them every time they lend to an illegal on an American’s Social Security Number. We need to stop banking at Banks that make “trade lines” loans (a trade line loan is when someone can’t produce a Social Security Number, then the bank will make them a loan for a house based on the fact that they have established credit).

Anything less is a surrender of our Sovereignty, our culture, our standard of living, our society.