This is in 5 parts..........well worth reading and understanding.

Deanna Spingola
June 1, 2006
On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”[1] James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) was the son of Paul Moritz Warburg, nephew of Felix Warburg and of Jacob Schiff, both of Kuhn, Loeb & Company which financed the Russian Revolution through James’ brother Max, banker to the government of Germany.[2] A world government is a world without borders, national sovereignty, constitutions, privacy, autonomy, individual liberties, religious freedoms, private property, the right to bear arms, the rights of marriage and family and a dramatic population reduction (two thirds). A world government establishes a slave/master environment wherein the state controls everything.
Unfortunately, in the United States, the Establishment’s goal of a One World Order is reaching fruition through complacent consent and subversive conquest. America, a Constitutional Republic, is plunging into the satanical One World Order facilitated by the calculated placement of unscrupulous individuals deeply dedicated to the goals of the secret societies they belong to. America, formerly the home of the brave and the free, is currently the home of the people who merely think they are free. None are more enslaved and manipulated than those who mistakenly view themselves as free, therefore rendering them exceptionally vulnerable.
Consent, using mass population management can be achieved by using elements of Hegelian Dialectics. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831),[3] the political and social scientist and professor at the University of Berlin from 1817 until his death in 1831, clearly defined his philosophical/political concepts that came to be known as Hegelianism. His ideas are still taught[4] and authors continue to elaborate on his philosophies,[5] though inattentive Americans fail to acknowledge or even distinguish their application in our own society despite the obvious and devastating consequences.
“The philosophy which has dominated the Western world since the mid 19th century can be reduced to one tenet—ultimate peace comes only through conflict… It proposes that a clash between ideologies (thesis and antithesis) is a normal historical phenomenon which always results in compromise (synthesis) that advances civilization to a higher level of order. “Conflict, in other words, is good, and peace is not necessarily desirable (or profitable).”[6] The essence of Hegel's dialectical process is that an idea (thesis) is challenged by its opposite (antithesis) creating a crisis, problem or conflict and the two are ultimately reconciled into a third idea (synthesis) or compromise which includes both. As compromise (synthesis) is achieved the process is incessantly repeated, with synthesis posturing as thesis, for sustained conflict-filled advancement. And like spectators at a tennis match, the populace is so totally distracted by the contrived contentious confrontations that we do not perceive the motives of the entire conflict charade. Government creates a crisis for which the public demands a solution. That solution instigates the changes that the government initially wanted but which the people would have been unwilling to accept. It is Order out of Chaos! Worldwide chaos will lead to worldwide solutions which will establish the One World Order.
Several current crises receiving media attention definitely demand serious scrutiny. Trust me; the government already has the perfect solution for each problem.
Crisis #1: Deliberate destabilization is occurring: well financed demonstrations donning foreign flags, government fines of small business, chaos, high crime rates, eradicated contagious diseases returning, bankrupt hospitals, high welfare burdens, lost American wages, and overcrowded schools are emotionally eviscerating Americans. Minutemen marches and justified activities are ineffective against the floodgate of the Mexican masses. Public demand is high as we witness the seemingly impotent government (thesis) apathetic to the voter’s wishes while their usually supportive squad of talk radio show shills and the Fox News faction posture as a very effective opposition (antithesis) purportedly embracing the average citizen’s viewpoint against the government.
Solution or synthesis: The completely orchestrated invasion by invitation is essentially the well planned stealthy strategic function of combining the countries of Canada, the United States and Mexico according to the treacherous treaty signed on March 23, 2005, by the top political leaders of the United States, Mexico and Canada: Bush, Fox and Martin.[7] Download the CFR associated document, Building a North American Community, Task Force Report 53 for comprehensive details. This invasion enables their goal with additional perks: thousands of additional jobless citizens will be available for perpetual warfare paid by borrowed funds from the international banking cabal. Rampant chaos, assisted by the predicted avian pandemic may necessitate permanent Martial Law or military order (as after 9-11) which may prevent the 2006 and 2008 “elections” from taking place. Those “representatives” loyal to the One World Order would then remain in office, an unlikely circumstance, if our votes actually counted, after their duplicity in this immigration fiasco.
For security, “voters” (people who actually think they have a voice) will settle for the compromise legislation that we were unwilling to accept originally. To prove our legality, we will be amenable to an implanted ID chip. We won’t complain too loudly about the incarceration of illegals in those FEMA Concentration Camps. This will make it easier for the government to imprison dissenters, whistleblowers and patriots. What they can do to one person, they can do to multitudes.
Crisis #2: Members of the government-friendly mass media are apparently attempting to provoke public alarm by castigating watchdog journalists who allegedly leak information which might affect our “national security.” One popular obedience-trained radio talk show shill suggested subpoenas instead of Pulitzers. William J. Bennett, Neo-con war hawk PNAC member said: “But these people who reveal our secrets, who hurt our war effort, who hurt the efforts of our CIA, who hurt efforts of the president's people--they shouldn't be given prizes and awards for this; they should be looked into--the Espionage Act, the investigation of these leaks.”[8]
Journalistic exposés about Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-California), Bush’s warrant-less domestic surveillance program and the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal expose government abuse and corruption. Government is accountable to the people, not the other way around. In an attempt to prevent publication of Bush’s illegal assault on our privacy “Bush met with Executive Editor Bill Keller and Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. to argue against publication.”[9] Gagging the press is censorship – typical only in a tyrannical government. Freedom of speech is always lost gradually – unfortunately with the consent of a propagandized frightened populace willing to give up their freedoms for a measure of security.
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” - Harry S. Truman
Solution or synthesis: Full ramifications of the legislation already in place will unfold, which the unwitting populace will readily accept, with the next contrived crisis or pandemic – the 2007 Intelligence Authorization Act spells total control from just about every major bureaucratic agency. “H.R. 5020 provides strategic and substantial enhancements in funding for critical, world-wide intelligence capabilities, strengthens our overall capabilities, and gives America the modern, lean, mean, agile, and aggressive Intelligence Community it needs.”[10]
“Finally, the bill requires the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to develop a comprehensive overhead architecture program to eliminate waste and ensure rational and coordinated technical programs; improves coordination between the Intelligence Community and military to increase our efforts and effectiveness in the Global War on Terror; and increases House Intelligence and Armed Services coordination to advance common systems and capabilities to fight the Global War on Terror.”[11] The “war of terror” is significantly defined as global, the ominous foreshadowing of “perpetual war for perpetual peace”. Anti-war advocates will be classified as unpatriotic or worse – probably depicted as traitors via a daily “2-minute hate session.” “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
Obviously, there are other crises, orchestrated oppositions, for which Americans are and will demand solutions – premeditated plans that bring us closer to the One World Order. People are demanding a solution to the gas prices which affect every aspect of American life. It isn’t just about gas availability for summer vacations. Petitions against profanity from friends and family are wending their way through the Internet asking for a government solution. Hey people, police yourself and your children – turn the television off – read a book! Don’t hand the job of parenting to Big Brother! If they can eliminate profanity, they can eliminate anything – religion, etc.
Criminal activity, hyped in the news and exacerbated by numerous CSI style shows, creates the perception of pervasive crime which promotes a general feeling of fear and vulnerability. Some Chicago churches are compensating individuals for turning in their guns. Is this a faith-based initiative - churches collecting guns appears very benign compared to confiscation by uniformed government agents. Gun control is a major step! Only criminals and the government (excuse the redundancy) will have guns – now that is the scariest scenario.
“Our main agenda is to have all guns banned of course. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” --Sarah Brady, 1994
It is amazing that the government can predict the pandemic arrival of the avian flu Small business suffers while big multinational agri-business increases. And who knows what is in that vaccine serum – metal, mercury or some other waste product? Collateral benefit: Donald Rumsfeld makes big bucks on Gilead stock.
Is another war on the horizon? Should we preemptively nuke Iran – the threat is whatever the Ministry of Truth and the complicit news media says it is. Collateral benefit: war profits for the Carlyle Group, that well-connected defense contractor and don’t forget about Halliburton.
Warrantless domestic surveillance is an affront to our basic Constitutional freedoms but has been going on for decades. The latest incident was intentionally “leaked” to evaluate mass response to a more intense invasion of our privacy. Naïve citizens who aren’t “guilty of anything anyway” claim they don’t mind if Big Brother listens to their private conversations. “Just keep us safe from those bogeymen terrorists!”
Certainly, there is a massive amount of contrived crises but I hope I made my point regarding thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
To provide the ongoing application of these devilish dialectics individuals from well established covert societies, some more secret than others, finagle their way into powerful positions within the three branches of the federal government. This is accomplished through complicit consent and contrived choice. The quantity of such infiltration is insignificant especially if we consider the “one rotten apple in a basket” concept. Secret societies, the genuine conspiracies, are secret for a reason and they exist despite denials and well-placed “official” counter charges. Activities carried on under the darkness of concealment are most frequently illegal. Secrecy is not essential in the glaring light of day.
Antony Sutton stated: “Secret political organizations can be and have been extremely dangerous to the social health and constitutional validity of a society. In a truly free society the exercise of political power must always be open and known.” “Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political structures have always, by necessity, been secret organizations. Communist revolutionary cells are an obvious example. In fact, such revolutionary organizations can only function if their existence was secret. In brief, secrecy in matters political is historically associated with coercion. Furthermore, the existence of secrecy in organizations with political ambitions or with a history of political actions is always suspect. Freedom is always associated with open political action and discussion while coercion is always associated with secrecy.”[12] We have been brainwashed into believing absolute secrecy is imperative for our national security.
President Kennedy said of Freemasonry: “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.” President John F. Kennedy— address to newspaper publishers, April 27, 1961
Most of these groups or societies embrace One World Order goals; they include but are not limited to: The Illuminati, Club of Rome, the Bilderbergs, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), also known as The Chatham House Study Group founded 1919 in Great Britain and its sinister sister the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) founded 1921 in America. The CFR is the largest group. “The plans for these two groups were drawn up at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. The RIIA was largely funded by the Astor family, The Rhodes Trust and certain British banks whilst the CFR was a front for JP Morgan &Co.”[13]
“The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government.” Chester Ward, Rear Admiral and former Navy Judge Advocate 1956 – 1960 and a CFR member for 15 years. Is his attitude reflective of other military leaders who have also sworn to uphold the Constitution?
Both of these groups were established as proxies for the Rhodes-Milner Group which was founded at All Souls College, Oxford University by diamond tycoon Cecil Rhodes (Rhodesia was named for), inspired by John Ruskin, professor of Fine Arts at Oxford University and Lord Alfred Milner at the end of the 19th century. The Rhodes Scholarships were created as a result of an attachment to the 1902 will of Cecil Rhodes:
“The idea gliding and dancing before our eyes like a willow – a wish at last frames itself into a plan. Why should we not join (or form as other writers have interpreted Rhodes’ handwriting) a secret society with but one object: the furtherance of the British Empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”[14] .

Deanna Spingola
June 17, 2006
The function of the Rhodes-Milner Group, now referred to as The Rhodes Trust,[1] is to identify and give scholarships to potential leaders to study at Oxford University. They are introduced to certain concepts/values to implement within their own countries. Names of just a few of these scholars/leaders appear on the following brief list: CFR denotes Council on Foreign Relations member, TC is Trilateral Commission, another One World Order proponent:
Bill Clinton (CFR – TC) (The first former Rhodes Scholar to be President.)
David Souter (Supreme Court Judge)
R. James Woolsey (CFR) (ex-CIA Director 1993-1995)
Alan Keith Henrikson (CFR) (The Fletcher Roundtable on a One World Order; Associate, Center for International Affairs, United Nations Development Programme)
Richard Jeffrey Danzig (former Under Secretary of the Navy)
Wesley Kanne Clark (CFR) (Supreme Allied Commander, NATO, 1997-2000; Democratic presidential candidate, 2004)
David Ruick Bock (16 years at the World Bank)
David Carter Hardesty Jr. (West Virginia University’s 21st president)
Ronald Stanley Katz (CFR) (Past Positions: United States Department of State, Office of the Law of the Sea Negotiations, Deputy Director, 1977 – 1978 United States Justice Department)
Stephen Alan Oxman (CFR) (Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs from 1993-1997)
• Dennis Cutler Blair (Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support)
David Odell Beim (CFR) (executive vice president of the Export-Import Bank of the United States)
Walter Becker Slocombe (CFR) (Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, was a member of the Program Analysis Office of the National Security Council staff. Senior Advisor for National Defense for the CPA, Baghdad, 2003)
Willard Scott Thompson (CFR) (Director, U S Institute for Peace, Assistant Secretary of Defense)
W. Bowman Cutter (CFR) (chairman of the Global Information Infrastructure Commission (GIIC) Steering Committee for the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy under Clinton, Office of Management and Budget)
Walter Isaacson (President of the Aspen Institute, Managing Editor of Time magazine (1995-2001), Chairman and CEO of CNN)
Neil L. Rudenstine (CFR) (President of Harvard University, Executive Vice President of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, Committee for Economic Development.)
Robert B. Reich (American commentator and author, U.S. Secretary of Labor, 1993-1997)
Boisfeuillet Jones, Jr. (Publisher and CEO of The Washington Post)
Strobe Talbott (American diplomat and journalist, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State (1994-2001), President of the Brookings Institution)
Richard N. Haass (CFR) (President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Director of the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State, 2001-2003. From 1989-93, he was special assistant to President George Bush and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the staff of the National Security Council.)
E. J. Dionne (American journalist and Washington Post columnist)
Paul Blustein (American author and journalist The Washington Post)
Clark Kent Ervin (Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
William Averell Harriman (CFR) (Initiated into the Skull and Bones Society with his friend Prescott Bush; Club of Rome, Charter Member – American Academy of Diplomacy, Knights of Pythias, and Psi Upsilon Fraternity. US Ambassador to Soviet Union 1943-1946, Ambassador to Britain in 1946, Secretary of Commerce, Ambassador at Large in the Kennedy Administration, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Chief US Negotiator Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam. He established W. A. Harriman & Co. in 1922 which changed to Harriman Brothers & Co. when his brother E. Roland joined the company in 1927. They merged with Brown Bros. & Co. in 1931 to become Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Employees included George Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush, who were likewise employed alongside E.R. Harriman at Union Banking Corporation (UBC), a company which was closed in 1943 by the US Government for Trading with the Enemy.[2] (A family trait?)
Ivan A. Getting (American weapons scientist and co-inventor of GPS technology)[3]
See the complete list.
The Bilderberg Group, another very secret society, was under the chairmanship of H. R. H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who served in that position for twenty-two years beginning in 1954. Creation of the group was not Bernhard’s brainchild but that of politically connected Dr Joseph H. Retinger.[4] After decades of covert conniving, it was most likely the first formally scheduled meeting of the banking elite and other prominent individuals. The group’s purpose: coordination of American and European foreign policy towards establishing a One World Order. “At a small hotel near Arnhem in the deeply wooded uplands of eastern Holland on May 29-31, 1954, a group of eminent statesmen, financiers, and intellectuals from the principal nations of Europe and the United States met together in, perhaps, the most unusual international conference ever held until then.”[5]
The hotel was The Hotel de Bilderberg in the Dutch town of Oosterbeek from which the group takes its name. Since then, a yearly meeting, strictly secure and highly confidential, is held in various places where powerful people, who crave even more power, meet. See the lists of attendees since 1991; they include media, government, and corporate business owners. Governor Bill Clinton attended in 1991 – pre-approval of his presidency? Do a cross-check of the Bilderberg and the Rhodes Scholar list. George W. Bush just happened to be visiting the Pope in 2004 at the very same time as the Bilderbergs 50th anniversary conference in Stresa, Italy – what a coincidence![6] Interestingly enough, Senator John Edwards was also there – perhaps to verify his selection as Kerry’s running mate.
“It is a fact that in Europe, membership in the Bilderberger group guarantees political success. Not surprisingly, opposition to Bilderberger dogma will result in loss of power and position.”[7] European politicians adhere to the Bilderberg policies or suffer the consequences. Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, opposed the Bilderbergs and their 1992 goal of a European consolidation along with the adoption of a standard European currency. Apparently she voiced this opposition at the annual meeting in Spain in May 1989 much to the detriment of her career. Thereafter, “Thatcher was viciously attacked by every known media source within days of the meeting. She was denounced in almost all European newsprint, television, and radio as a ‘provisionalist’ and an ‘Ultra-nationalist,’ and that was only the beginning. Within days, a parliamentary assault was initiated against her.” On November 28, 1990, she was succeeded by John Major.
The Bilderberg elite demanded that President Ronald Reagan provide $50 billion taxpayer dollars from the U.S. Treasury over the period of Reagan’s presidency, eight years, to be given to third world countries through the World Bank and the IMF. That’s big money for an acting job placement – thanks to the U.S. taxpayers. In the 1988 meeting, the group insisted on an American tax increase to increase funding of the IMF and World Bank. These treasonous acts constituted a redistribution of money from the American taxpayer’s pocket into the banker’s vaults. The poor received no benefits. The tax increase cost George H. W. Bush a second term. Perhaps his first-born son, George W. Bush, would be compensated later for his father’s loss. It was the Bilderbergs who decided that hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars should fund the new democracy in the former Soviet Union. We were also required to buy needless, over-priced undelivered Soviet products to pump up their economy – more taxpayer dollars for covetous bankers and payola for accommodating third world Judases who also sacrificed their people. The Bilderbergers mandated the invasion of Bosnia. When the wicked rule, those who don’t get slaughtered mourn.
Though select members of the media attend, they are discreet. David Rockefeller, speaking at the June 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany said: “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.” He went on to explain: “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national determination practiced in past centuries.” The media does, however, spin webs of deceit and furnish appropriate propaganda for elite political selections – Bilderberger Bill Kristol, publisher of The Weekly Standard through his editor, Fred Barnes, wrote a remarkably favorable report portraying George W. Bush as the “heavyweight” candidate prior to 2000. No doubt, because of all the silver spoons in his mouth and those elite connections.
The Illuminati, a secret society to counter the influence of the clergy, was founded and structured after the Masonic model at the University of Ingolstadt on May 1, 1776 by atheist Adam Weishaupt. “This contestation embraced Manichean symbolism, a war between light and darkness, between the illumination of reason and the sordid dark ignorance of religious superstition.”[8] The goal was a secularized, counterfeit perfection of mankind, without Jesus Christ.
In an attempt to emulate Christianity, reason postured as revelation and nature, the created replaced the Creator. The holy book for Christian enlightenment was the Bible, while the 36 volumes of atheist Diderot’s Encyclopedia was the inspiration of the Enlightenment – all the while trying to eliminate God. This encyclopedia included imprints of Voltaire, Montesque, Rousseau, Buffon and Turgot. Significantly, the title page of Diderot's first edition offered a drawing of Lucifer, symbol of light and rebellion, standing next to the Masonic symbols of square and compass.
The Illuminati studied the Enlightenment philosophers to battle against the Jesuits and strengthen the Illuminati philosophy through their literature. Weishaupt stated: “Princes and Nations shall disappear from off the face of the earth! Yes, a time shall come when man shall acknowledge no other law but the great book of nature; this revelation shall be the work of Secret Societies and that is one of our grand mysteries.”[9] The Illuminati had two to three thousand members and spread throughout Europe including Poland, Holland, England and France. Many functioned within illuminized Masonic Lodges. “Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744-1803), German philosopher, Atheist and composer was an Illuminist, as was Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1823), German philosopher, writer and privy councilor. Goethe is best known, perhaps, as the creator of Faust, which some have speculated to be an Illuminist allegory.”[10] In 1785, the Order that was intent on restructuring the state and destroying the church was officially abolished, unless of course it merely resurfaced in America as the more sinister, more secret Brotherhood of Death or the Order of Skull and Bones.
Probably the most secretive group, The Brotherhood of Death or the Order of Skull and Bones, also known as Chapter 322 or simply The Order, is the powerful all-male society that was established at Yale University for the elite children or grandchildren of the Wall Street Banking Establishment. George W. Bush, whose father and grandfather were members, remarked: “My senior year, I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret I can’t say anything more.” The Order was co-founded by Alphonso Taft (Secretary of War in the Grant Administration) and William Huntington Russell and thirteen others. Skull and Bones “is a clear and obvious threat to constitutional freedom in the United States. Its secrecy, power and use of influence are greater by far than the Masons, or any other semi-secret mutual or fraternal organization.”[11]
The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856 by Daniel Coit Gilman as treasurer and William H. Russell as president. For the next fourteen years Gilman consolidated the power of The Order. More about Gilman and his influence in the field of medicine will be given later.
William Russell’s cousin Samuel established Russell and Company in 1823 which was an opium empire which acquired opium in Turkey and smuggled it into China. More than one prominent American family made a fortune through drug smuggling. Warren Delano, Jr. (grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt) was Chief of Operations for Russell and Company in Canton. Other Russell business associates included John Cleve Green (financed Princeton), Abiel Low (financed construction of Columbia.), and Joseph Coolidge (his son organized United Fruit and grandson, Archibald C. Coolidge, was a co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations.)[12] Read about United Fruit and their monopolies in third world countries here.
The un-American chapter of a German Order was established at Yale on June 28, 1832 when Russell returned there after studying in Germany from 1831-1832 where he was exposed to Hegel’s philosophical ideas which found great popularity and ready acceptance in the German educational system.[13] It has been suggested that while William Huntington Russell was in Germany “he was initiated into a secret society with a skull and bones for its emblem. Some even claim that he was initiated into a continuation of the Illuminati and granted authorization to start a Yale chapter.”[14]
“Members are chosen in their junior year and spend only one year on campus, the senior year, with Skull & Bones. In other words, the organization is oriented to the post graduate outside world.”[15] This society is by invitation only - just fifteen candidates each year for a total membership of about 2500. At any given time only about 600 or so members of The Order are alive. Of that number only 150 (about one-quarter) take an active role in the society. It is estimated that a core of perhaps 20-30 families run The Order. “The most likely potential member is from a Bones family, who is energetic, resourceful, political and probably an amoral team player. A man who understands that to get along you have to go along. A man who will sacrifice himself for the good of the team… In real life the thrust of The Order is to bring about certain objectives. Honors and financial rewards are guaranteed by the power of The Order.”[16]
Members of Skull & Bones have infiltrated “just about every significant research, policy, opinion-making organization in the United States, in addition to the church, business, law, government and politics. The evolution of American society is not, and has not been for a century, a voluntary development reflecting individual opinion, ideas and decisions at the grass roots. On the contrary, the broad direction has been created artificially and stimulated by The Order.”[17]
Bonesmen support one another in their quests for successful infiltration into various endeavors. “A couple of Bonesmen came up with the money to launch President Bush's career in business when he founded the oil company Arbusto; another Bonesman provided the capital for Bush to acquire a stake in the Texas Rangers; and another member of the fraternity that bolstered Bush's 2000 presidential campaign by paying for advertising billboards at a million dollars a piece. One of President Bush's first actions when he entered the White House was to organize a dinner with the members of his fraternity.”[18]

Deanna Spingola
June 25, 2006
The super secretive Order of Skull and Bones (hereafter called The Order) is non partisan – it is not right or left, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Of the secret groups, The Order and the Bilderberg Group are the most secretive. The Order may, in fact, be the core of the others. Each group appears to have specific activities toward the development of the One World Order. “The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a One World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction.”[1] Therefore, The Order controls Republican Bonesmen and Democrat Bonesmen.
The Order’s methodology is a strict adherence to Hegelian Dialectics. Apply those dialectics to the two political parties. Essentially, political parties are artificial groupings designed to create division. A contrived choice between two bad options, without recognizing alternative better options, creates the perception of freedom. Supposedly opposing ideologies generates deliberate distraction and polarizations (as in divide and conquer). The very public, distracting, lengthy, increasingly hostile battle between the Republicans, posing as thesis, and the Democrats posing as antithesis is nothing but orchestrated opposition. Elections, staged for the masses, are completely irrelevant political soap operas. Domestic and foreign policies remain precisely the same despite which puppet president is in office.
Despite popular misconceptions, our government is supposed to be a representative Republic (not a democracy). In both democracies and Republics people vote. That single act does not make you free. Those who finagle their way into office are supposed to represent the voters who allegedly put them there. They are also supposed to sustain an invariable written law – the Constitution which mandates civil law and our response to it. The non-negotiable Constitution is our explicit gauge of right and wrong, applicable to all without special considerations for occupations such as politicians, sports stars or “insider” corporate criminals or race. Since Woodrow Wilson, we have descended into a Socialistic democracy (adaptable mob rule, adjustable laws and poll driven public opinions). All democracies, in which selective enforcement of law is rampant, are short lived, for they typically morph into oppressive tyrannies.
“Whenever laws are passed, under whatever form, if they do not represent the will of the majority of the people or their desires, then they represent oppression. That is to say, we in America today have an oppressive government because it passes laws against the will of the people. Thus, we no longer have a Republic. A strong case can be made that America in the 21st century is an Empire, as was Britain in the 19th. Any government that would even consider an issue as ludicrous as ‘hate crimes,’ i.e. the concept of policing thought, is in very serious jeopardy.”[2]
Of the three branches of government, only the legislative branch is authorized to make law. Presidential executive orders have been unconstitutionally used to make law. The Judicial branch, the Supreme Court, is supposed to interpret the constitutionality of a law. Rather, they invent new interpretations never envisioned by the founding fathers. “It is the duty of the Supreme Court to interpret the constitution as ratified by the states, not to invent preposterous meanings which were not originally intended by the authors. The judiciary makes law through changing precedents as well as by invention, neither of which are constitutionally authorized.”[3]
Of the choices in 2004 we had two professional politicians, members of the same silver-spooned secret society whose dedicated function is the destruction of the country, pretending to relate to the working masses while the media sheltered the compromised loyalties of the candidates and ignored any other possibilities. We have already arrived at synthesis – a merging of the two parties into one which favors mammoth government, unrestrained illegals, out-of-control deficit spending, high taxes, continued abortion, big brother spying, loss of freedoms through the Patriot Act, big business/big government cronyism, preemptive war, loss of jobs and the authentic free market, treacherous trade agreements that have nothing to do with trade, all driven by that covert agenda. Impervious to how each party behaves versus their rhetoric, conditioned party loyalists accept a multitude of misconceptions.
Lack of unification behind the Constitution, the law of the land, will lead citizens of the un-United States to ultimately accept enslaving compromise – all the while enjoying their perceptions of freedom. “We are either a united people, or we are not. If the former, let us, in all maters of general concern act as a nation, which have national objects to promote, and a national character to support. If we are not, let us no longer act a farce by pretending to it.” George Washington (letter to James Madison, 30 November 1785) Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (315)
If Americans actually believe that we select and then elect candidates, we are sadly deceived. The Establishment selects all major candidates, Manchurian and/or political. “Since its founding, the Bilderberg Group has functioned as a de facto private Global Politburo with 120 attendees at recent yearly meetings. Historically, the Group's power is awesome. Bill Clinton, an obscure Arkansas governor, was tapped to run for president. Likewise, Margaret Thatcher, as well as Tony Blair, was tapped by the Bilderbergers to assume the reins of government in the United Kingdom. Congressman Gerald Ford --- later US president --- also attended Group meetings in 1964 and 1966.”[4] Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, an unknown peanut farmer, joined forces with the Bilderberg Group. In all likelihood, every presidential candidate in the last five decades has collaborated with the Bilderberg.
Voters witness this contrived opposition in every national election. In the staged elections of 2000, our mock “choices” were Gore and Bush. “In the months leading up to the November balloting, Gov. Jeb Bush ordered elections supervisors to purge 58,000 voters on the grounds they were felons not entitled to vote. As it turns out, only a handful of these voters were felons. As a result, 50,000 of these voters could not vote. The fact that 90% of these were Democrats should have made it news as this alone more than accounted for Bush’s victory.”[5] I am neither Republican nor Democrat. “In four states — Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia and Florida — people with any felony conviction are barred for life from the polls, unless the government grants them individual rights through a petition process.”[6]
Puppet leaders in any country owe their allegiance to the entities that installed them into office, not to the masses they profess to lead. There are several methods of political installations or resignations: military coups, CIA assassinations of leaders who are antagonistic to American big business interests, paperless electronic voting machines, an illegal Supreme Court decision or a current popularly elected leader’s CIA enforced resignation.[7] Installed dictators wreak havoc against their own citizens and any other country that they target in their quest for the advancement of world government.
Idealistically, individuals are elected to faithfully represent and proxy vote in the name of their constituents. However, there are variables – representatives may vote in several different ways:
Vote their conscience
Vote for what they think their constituents want
Vote based on Executive Branch pressure
Vote based on lobbyists' perks
Vote with the party leadership
The last, voting with the party leadership is the most common – it is party politics and voting the party line is frequently at the expense of the people! I have never requested any of my congressional leaders to vote themselves a healthy pay raise, a millionaire-maker pension or a great all encompassing family health care program that dwarfs any of the salaries or other benefits of the average American worker. Yet, this has certainly occurred. However, I have made numerous calls, sent abundant faxes, letters and emails requesting, nay demanding, constitutionally sound votes on such things as CAFTA. Usually, they vote against the constitution, against their campaign rhetoric and in favor of their party. I did get a reply from my pro-abortion, pro-big business Republican representative telling me that she had voted for the CAFTA (passed and signed into law on August 2, 2005) bill for three reasons:
1. “It will help our manufacturers.
2. It bolsters our national security as it helps strengthen relationships with six very important new governments in our own backyard.
3. This agreement will help the anti-poor efforts in these six nations, stem the flow of illegal immigration to the U.S., and reverse China’s dominance in textiles and apparel.”[8]
She ended her letter by saying: “I am sorry we did not see eye-to-eye on this issue, but I hope this information and the enclosed fact sheet on benefits for Illinois might help to allay some of your concerns about the agreement. Please don’t hesitate to contact me again on this or any other issue that interests you.”[9] Well Representative Biggert, thanks for your belated response reminding me and others that you no longer represent the voter. It must have taken extra time and creativity to come up with the concocted excuses for your complicity in destroying our sovereignty with a phony trade agreement that you probably didn’t even read before voting.
I am certain that the voter’s views of CAFTA paralleled their perceptions of NAFTA. The “representatives” didn’t read that bill either. It wasn’t even published until several weeks after the vote. Over 80% of the American population opposed NAFTA. Obviously, Representative Biggert didn’t bother to review the disastrous results of NAFTA on the American middle class and she apparently believes that no one else noticed the huge demise of 7 million manufacturing jobs. Fifteen hundred manufacturing plants relocated to Mexico as a result of NAFTA. So why are so many Mexicans coming north to work in “jobs Americans won’t do”? Moving those plants should have provided motivation for workers to remain in their own country. Folks, we are lied to on a regular basis. Only a complicit politician ignores the cause and effect of any legislative disaster and hopes the voters won’t notice. She will be elected again by amnesia afflicted or ignorant voters who may currently work two jobs to stay afloat.
But I digress. Suffice it to say – both parties are owned and reek with corruption. In the 2004 election the Establishment selected Kerry to run against the incumbent Bush, both committed members of The Order and both adept in the art of orchestrated opposition. The candidates deliberately ignored the real issues while focusing attention on other things. Bush’s Bones membership would have been the very last issue that the Democrats would have mentioned. Instead attention to military and drug/DUI arrest records and Kerry’s possible lack of dedication to the Iraqi War with the intention of introducing the frightening possibility that Kerry couldn’t keep us safe from those bogeymen terrorists. That timely counterfeit Osama video, in addition to the dedicated, yet deceitful, Republicans monitoring the software in the Ohio voting machines clinched the staged election.
With Katherine Harris and the U.S. Supreme Court, Bush “won” the election.[10] What a surprise!! – NOT! Papa George H. W. Bush nominated two of the Judges that sat on that Court. I wonder if that is significant. Three other Court members were: Sandra Day O'Connor, Steve G. Breyer, and Ruth B. Ginsburg, members of the Council on Foreign Relations, another group dedicated to obliterating American sovereignty.[11]
Deanna Spingola
July 5, 2006
Despite threats of an impending impeachment, possible indictments, descending ratings and magazine articles[1] claiming that he is the worst president in history, George Bush has had an incredibly successful presidential administration. It is probably more successful than any other in the last 100 years. We can attribute this to his character, his society affiliations, his astute political appointments, his Yale education, his experience and his Eastern Establishment family background. The vast and very vocal Christian right also played a major part in his success. They were greatly influenced by Bush’s claim that his role model was Jesus Christ. He is the right man for this crucial time in history. His success and accomplishments are unmatched. His America First Acceptance Speech of 2000 bears absolutely no resemblance to his One World Order actions.[2] Despite the globalist accomplishments of previous administrations, he has virtually left all of them in the dust. And speaking of leaving people in the dust – as a result of his invasion of Iraq, depleted uranium dust has covered more territory, crept into more water and affected the health of more people than at any other time in history.
George W. Bush is definitely his father’s son. The senior Bush, also a member of The Order, served the ignoble One World Order cause as a Vice-President, President, head of the CIA, ambassador to the People's Republic of China and other influential positions.[3] It is unfortunate that the citizens do not have a complete record of his many deeds and activities. This is partly due to Executive Order 13233 which conveniently restricts access to the records of former presidents.[4] This was drafted by Alberto R. Gonzales, then White House council and issued by George W. Bush on November 1, 2001, just before the National Archives was due to release some very revealing records, “some of which might prove embarrassing to the President's father, George H. W. Bush, due to his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair.”[5]
Censorship by Executive Order or theft by former national security advisers suppresses or destroys a lot of evidence. Any “leak” is absolutely intentional! With the Bush administration, secrecy is epidemic,[6] much more genuine than any impending crisis-driven bird flu outbreak. Donald H. Rumsfeld is one happy Gilead Sciences stock holder with this orchestrated improbable scare crisis. He was Chairman of the Board of Gilead until early 2001 when he became Secretary of Preemptive War. Tamiflu, made by Gilead, is the bird flu drug of choice in the world market.[7] He will certainly not suffer any Martha Stewart style complications. Nor will the insider/insiders who made millions immediately before 9/11 because of their foreknowledge. Can insider trading be repetitive, contagious or addictive, I wonder…
The elder Bush appointed two Supreme Court judges: David Souter, a Rhodes Scholar and Clarence Thomas who is a member of the right-wing Federalist Society which tends to dominate the legal profession. Scalia is also a member of the Federalist Society. The Rhodes Trust is intent on overthrowing the American government. Both Scalia’s and Thomas’ votes were crucial in putting Bush into the White House in 2000 despite a minority of popular votes.
Son Bush has also pushed through two Supreme Court judges who will further the cause. Naïve Republican supporters focused on the abortion issue, the so-called “settled law of the land”, when shoo-ins John Roberts and Samuel Alito were nominated after the Harriet Miers pretense. Anticipated rejection of Miers set up easier acceptance of successive nominees. “Conservatives” would have been wiser to focus on those nominee’s views of executive powers. Fathers with unfinished goals typically hope that their children can rise to the occasion and complete those unfinished tasks.[8] George W. has certainly done this. In fact, to ensure continuation of the agenda, he has chosen or appointed many of the same accomplices as were in his father’s sphere of influence.[9] Additionally, he has selected several CFR members to speed up the pace.[10]
President George H. W. Bush, a member of The Order, said in 1991: “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders.” Nuclear clouds and deadly depleted uranium dust are rarely experienced in the natural interactions of the jungle, only human animals use such implements of death against their own kind.
The term “New World Order” isn’t new. The term was used by Adolph Hitler when he established his 1,000 year Third Reich. It was also used by Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Vladimir Lenin, and Karl Marx. Globalism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism, Zionism, Illuminism and Fascism are synonymous terms as well as the political means to bring about a one world government, comprised of the wealthy unelected elite and obedient slaves. There will be no independent, critical thinking middle class.
Papa Bush is extremely loyal to the United Nations which is attempting to replace Christianity with a new world religion. “It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance,” said President George Bush, Sr. while addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations on February 1, 1992
Referring to Saddam Hussein, President George H. W. Bush said on January 1991: “If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long.” He said this just prior to bombing Iraq into the Stone Age and killing thousands of people. Lawlessness is lawlessness – whether it is Saddam Hussein using United States supplied weapons of mass destruction against the citizens of Iraq or a United States president using United States weapons of mass destruction against the citizens of Iraq. The results are the same: thousands of dead Iraqis! Only the captured, the mind-controlled or the losers in this war racket go to trial for crimes against humanity. Labels make all the difference: calling it war justifies the mounds of dead bodies attributed to the United States and the acquiescent accommodating taxpayers.
Bush couldn’t have done a better job if he were a dictator. “If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.” President-elect George W. Bush, CNN News, aired December 18, 2000. He is a member of The Order of Skull and Bones first and an American Republican second. Bush has taken the following oath twice: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” We do not have a copy of the oath for The Order of Skull and Bones – it is secret. That should tell volumes.
“Members of The Order of Skull ad Bones take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a One World Order...according to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States means nothing.”[11]
Just what has Bush attained in bringing America into a One World Order?
He continually minimizes the Constitution by repeatedly demonstrating his unwillingness to follow it
He has issued thousands of unconstitutional Presidential Executive Orders
The invasion of Afghanistan 3,000 - 3,400 dead civilians [October 7, 2001 thru March 2002]
Consequent resumption of poppy production in Afghanistan
He got rid of the Bridas Corporation an obstacle to the United States controlling the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline.
Invasion of Iraq – see the population reducing Civilian body count
The unimpeded attack of America on 9-11
Created a perpetual enemy: terrorism
He strengthened FEMA
Invasion by invitation of America – 2000 -2008 by poverty stricken illegal aliens to be used as cheap labor
Continued destruction of the middle class
Increased the deficit – pouring trillions into the banker’s coffers.
Politically blackmailed Congress into passing the un-read CAFTA
Politically blackmailed Congress into passing the un-read Patriot Act 1 and 2
Established the nefarious Department of Homeland Security
Fooled ordinary Christians into believing he was one of them
Returned the war hawk neo-cons to leadership positions in strategic fields
Collaborated with two foreign countries about the dissolution of our borders
Enriched his cronies and family through no-bid contracts
Strengthened Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland 2003-2012 – part of the Department of Homeland Security. PDF file
Implemented the building of all of those detention centers by Halliburton
Bush has claimed the authority to break more rules than any other president
Sent billions of confiscated tax dollars out of the country – not his to give
Abetted in the sale of national properties to foreign governments
He told us to stop worrying about conspiracy theories and some people did
He has responded to the concerns of the drug companies and agri-business
Through his efforts there are higher profits for the pharmaceutical industry
Got rid of that annoying Geneva Conventions requiring humane treatment
He broadened the government’s wiretapping, surveillance and search-and-seizure authority
He ushered in a new era of secrecy for presidential activities
He has assumed sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act
He bypassed the Senate and appointed John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations.
Instituted The National Security Strategy of the United States of America
Although he has accomplished many things there are a few areas where he has failed: he did not find Osama bin Laden. There are 750,000 Americans who are homeless, 250,000 of them are Veterans. 1,600,000 jobs have been lost in the private sector since Bush took office. He failed to get those warrants or the authority for all that wire tapping. And the number of Washington lobbyists, with their congressional bribery and perks, has increased. But, hey, we can’t quibble about the things he didn’t accomplish when we see just how successful he has been in the issues that impact Americans the most!
Illegal entry into the country has doubled since Bush’s infamous guest worker flood-gate invitation. This has certainly ravaged our sovereignty and pitted the pro-amnesty against the no-amnesty factions. The illegals are mostly comprised of poor Mexicans, made poorer by constitutionally illegal trade agreements like NAFTA. “George H. W. Bush's government, along with the Conservative Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, spearheaded the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Bill Clinton signed in 1993.”[12] NAFTA, which was staunchly supported by Governor George W. Bush,[13] is a major means of combining Canada, the United States and Mexico into the North American Community. The next plan to attack our sovereignty is another phony trade agreement, the FTAA.
July 18, 1993 -- CFR member and Trilateralist Henry Kissinger writes in the Los Angeles Times concerning NAFTA: “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system... a first step toward a new world order.”
“When NAFTA was passed, one of the primary arguments was that trading with Mexico would create new jobs in America. The argument prevailed despite historical and research studies indicating that a NAFTA would encourage movement of manufacturing and labor intensive jobs to Mexican nationals, at the expense of American jobs. The Mexicans spent millions on lobbyists, and in public meetings in Mexico, bragged about how with NAFTA they had ‘out-traded the Americans again’ and that a new flood of industrial jobs would come into Mexico. NAFTA passed, and the flow of capital into Mexico increased further. Mexico created new companies almost daily, but also incurred new debt. Of the some 70 billion dollars invested in Mexico, only 10 billion actually went into new factories, industry, capital creation, and job creation entities. The rest went into speculation, debt service, and into the coffers of the 32 wealthiest ‘haciendas’ of Mexico. Much of it flowed into offshore banks and investment houses.”[14] “Mexico is a land of 90,000,000 people. Perhaps 200,000 people in Mexico control most of the wealth, and some 32 families, all billionaires, control the vast majority of wealth in Mexico.” In this regard, there are similarities with the United States.
Unfortunately, Mexico, along with many other third world countries, was a victim of some economic hit men. Their tactics were recently revealed by John Perkins in his excellent, must-read book: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Mexico was generating about 30 billion dollars a year towards paying the debt service or interest on its international banking cabal loans. Yet the actual cost amounted to 40-45 billion dollars per year. Alan Greenspan, then chairman of the privately owned Federal Reserve increased the interest rates in late 1994 which “devastated the Mexican Economy.”[15] In December 1994, Mexico devalued the peso by about 40 percent.[16] Congress immediately approved a $40 taxpayer funded billion dollar loan despite debt burdened Mexico’s inability to repay it. That loan was merely a transfer from our pockets into the international bankers’ coffers.
Spending confiscated taxpayer money to partially “fix” orchestrated problems furthers the One World Order goal. Government solutions deceptively deprive security seeking citizens of their liberties by installing totalitarian policies. This is the case with our current southern border problem. We have moved from a protective, American friendly immigration policy to an open Swiss cheese farce of a border.[17] While Americans take sides and witness Republican and Democrat congressmen pair up against us, we fail to recognize that the disbanding of both the southern and northern borders is part of an organized plan to reject national sovereignty and establish the North American Community encompassing Canada, Mexico and the United States.[18]
All the attending uproar and big-money-financed demonstrations are for mass media benefit. “In late December 2005, Mexican President Vicente Fox hired a lobbying firm to sweeten political sentiment in the US towards Mexicans and the immigration issue. The same PR expert and GOP political consultant helped George W. Bush defeat Ann Richards for the governorship of Texas in 1994 and worked on both Bush's presidential campaigns.”[19] This PR firm planned highly organized, expensive, flag-flying, controlled opposition demonstrations with the expected congressional treasonous response. It was designed to change mass American opposition into complacent acceptance – and provide justification for the impending national ID, which will serve as an alleged attempt to monitor all of the newly created citizens.
President George W. Bush said: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”[20] Is this just another one of those silly Bushisms to make us think he is stupid or the absolute truth – you decide! Or does “The Decider” get to make that decision?

Deanna Spingola
July 8, 2006
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” “We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives ...for charting the changes in human behavior.” Brock Chisholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry.
The manipulating maneuvers of The Order of Skull and Bones (hereafter called The Order) have focused on specifically changing society with an eye towards the globalist goal of a One World Order. In order to drastically alter civilization, members of The Order infiltrate society’s institutions and use their influence, backed by the vast wealth of the international bankers, to gain absolute control. The societal elements as defined by Antony C. Sutton in An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones:
Education – how the population of the future will behave.
Money – the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods.
Law – the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state.
Politics – the direction of the state.
Economy – the creation of wealth.
History – what people believe happened in the past.
Psychology – the means of controlling how people think.
Philanthropy – so that the people think well of the controllers.
Medicine – the power over health, life and death.
Religion – people’s spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many.
Media – what people know and learn about current events.
Continuity – the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps.[1]
I will briefly address, in this and forthcoming articles in this current series, each of these fundamental facets of society and how they have been controlled in order to devastate the American Republic and enslave every average American in the bonds of satanic globalism.
Education: Real education, as opposed to brainwashing, should be a lifelong personal pursuit rather than a state scheduled mass indoctrination limited to just what the state wants you to know or believe in order to fulfill some stealthily crafted agenda for the dismal existence of the masses. Ideally, people, as they are exposed to a growing body of information and technology, should have the opportunity to exercise their inherent abilities in order to expand their understanding.
At birth, our minds are empty vessels waiting to be stimulated. We adapt to what we absorb. Perceptions about the world, about ourselves and others are developed primarily by our parents and then by our teachers, our relatives, friends, politicians and the media. Discrimination and wisdom increase with age – we must choose exactly what we wish to imbibe: facts which educate or fiction that merely entertains. Most entertainment leaves us ignorant and vulnerable to misinformation and deceptive propaganda. A dumbed-down, non reading adult society is much easier to influence and control than an alert, well educated principled population who have been schooled in history, classical literature, a foreign language, grammar, and have an understanding of their moral civic responsibilities. Education should inspire us how to think, not what to think – we have not learned if we merely regurgitate information on command. Our education should motivate us to scrutinize data, evaluate evidence, make comparisons and make appropriate application.
A principled population, not seeking government entitlements, would also demand responsible, principled leaders. Independent personal study after high school or college, beyond readily accessible information, requires time and is not effortlessly available to overtaxed individuals attempting to keep their heads above water in an economically depressed society. Yes, despite official contradictory claims, we are not merely depressed but bankrupt.
Obedience trained students read specific books, designed to produce globalist convictions, introduce faith shattering alternative beliefs and create distrust of traditionalism, but rarely read anything not required. Many graduates never open a book after they leave school. They are satisfied to read, if they are able, the newspaper headlines, People magazine or catch a few “news” shows on television. After all, why bother to read if one can tune into some familiar pleasant personality disseminating the “news”? People who do not re