Tuesday, January 5. 2010
Posted by Karl Denninger in Editorial at 08:39

A Cautionary Tale

When in the course of human events......

So began a document written over 200 years ago.

But for a very long time, before there were firearms in the hands of the people, there were pitchforks and.....

Yes, that would be torches.

But that is not 200 years ago, or 400, or 1,000.

It is today.

In Iceland.

A land where a handful of banksters robbed the nation and looted its Treasury, then demanded that the public accept paying for the consequences.

The people have risen and declared that these are the acts of a criminal gang. That the actions that led to this distress were not mistakes, they were instead unindicted and unpunished felonies. That the people were unwilling and unknowing dupes, not willing participants with equal culpability.

And finally, that they will not pay so the criminal cabal - the international bankster fraternity - will be protected and made whole.

Iceland's President has said "no": http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... dcs4&pos=6

“The cornerstone of Iceland’s constitution is that the nation is the highest judge for the validity of law,â€