Loosing our Identity, our freedom from tyranny and slavery

A Lot of Work Must Be Done to Head Off Socialism and Obama

By Jerry McConnell
Friday, December 4, 2009

This column is devoted to trying to convince Americans that we are about to lose our identity and worse, our freedom from tyranny and yes, SLAVERY.

Somewhere years ago, perhaps about 25 or so, America’s role of leadership in the world scene was obvious that she was the dominant force looked up to by just about every nation on earth. As a role model, there was no finer country as we seemed to have everything that any group of people would ever desire.

And to make things more interesting, we were at a very fragile break-point as countries everywhere on the globe were frankly, jealous and desirous of our bounty. What made us so fragile was that we just didn’t know how to handle criticism and so any calumny or derision of our nation was accepted humbly and often with apology for fear that speaking back to the accusers would only bring on more negativity.

This aura kept getting worse and our brow-beaten psyches allowed and even suggested that we surrender to those who berate us or of our embarrassment at having so many rich and plentiful bounties. Our earlier generations worked hard to perfect a land of plenty and when it was accomplished, we couldn’t enjoy all of its fruits due to a guilty conscience.

This is when others of not nearly so well disciplined or aggressive character decided that they had to stop America from being so bountiful and make them share their plusses with the rest of the world; something that had actually already started voluntarily by Americans of good graces. Being the bread basket of the world we relished heaping our excesses on other nations trying to cure hunger in all corners and our caring was gladly received by those other lesser countries; to the point, in fact, that it was looked on by others as a mandatory penalty payment for having so much.

This then was the beginnings of the spread of Socialism over the world where anyone who was fortunate enough to accumulate wealth and bounties beyond their immediate needs were expected to rid themselves of what they did not have to have to survive to those who had less; even if they had less because they were just too non-innovative or they refused to exert the needed effort to excel at their dally labors. It was easier to do nothing and reap the harvests of those who felt an extra effort was required to produce extra bounties.

This then was the beginnings of the spread of the welfare class or those whose parasitical nature allowed them to unjustly demand equal sharing without equal production. And to our own eventual downfall we allowed this to happen as some with guilt consciences pored over what they felt was their selfishness, but which was really just misguided thought processes.

These groups of socialist promoting individuals who would not rise up to provide for themselves began plotting a takeover of our great country as well as any other bountiful country. This then was the beginnings of spread of terrorism and terrorists as we know them today. People who had no loyalties or fealties to any particular country and preferred to roam and practice what was once called “squatter’s rightsâ€