This makes me want to hurl..

Michelle to kids: Tell grandparents they are ‘wrong’ for not voting for my husband

April 3, 2012

Michelle Obama, who has quickly become the Obama campaign’s tip of the spear when it comes to fundraising and vote-getting, is now stumping for children to convince their “great-grandparents” to vote for her husband. At an event at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park – for which tickets cost at least $500 – Michelle said:

"I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country."

This is a hallmark of leftist campaigning – the notion that children possess some sort of inherent wisdom to which their elders must heed. It’s insulting and ridiculous, but it’s also the same sort of electioneering that got Obama elected the first time.

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