Mad World News

Virology Experts Warn CDC Under-informed or Lying About Ebola Contagion Risk
We all deserve to know what is possible so we can protect ourselves and our families to the best of our abilities.

Virology Experts Warn CDC Under-informed or Lying About Ebola Contagion Risk

in News, Opinion, Politics / by Shae Weatherall / on October 9, 2014 at 11:39 pm /

We shouldn’t worry about Ebola in the United States, or so says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They have it ‘under control’. They have assured us that unless someone is exhibiting symptoms, they are not contagious. According to virology experts, they are likely under-informed or they are deliberately lying to avoid public panic.
There have long been studies conducted globally on the spread of viral disease by well-respected leaders in the field of virology, specifically Dr. Timm H. Westhoff, a German virologist and medical doctor, and his peers.

In a virology blog published in 2009, Dr. Westhoff and his peers relayed evidence that a disturbing percentage of those affected with viral disease show no symptoms, but are hosts to a virus and able to transfer disease to others without ever becoming ill themselves.
An acute viral infection is characterized by rapid onset of disease, a relatively brief period of symptoms, and resolution within days. It is usually accompanied by early production of infectious virions and elimination of infection by the host immune system. Acute viral infections are typically observed with pathogens such as influenza virus and rhinovirus. Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an acute viral infection, although the course of disease is unusually severe.
Often an acute infection may cause little or no clinical symptoms – the so-called inapparent infection. A well-known example is poliovirus infection: over 90% are without symptoms. During an inapparent infection, sufficient virus replication occurs in the host to induce antiviral antibodies, but not enough to cause disease.
Such infections are important for the spread of infection, because they are not easily detected. During the height of the polio epidemic in the US, the quarantine of paralyzed patients had no effect on the spread of the disease, because 99% of the infected individuals had no symptoms and were leading normal lives and spreading infection. Inapparent infections probably are important features of pathogens that are well-adapted to their hosts. They replicate sufficiently to ensure spread to new hosts, but not enough to damage the host and prevent transmission.

Dr. Norman M. Balog, D.O., a board-certified family doctor practicing in Silver Spring, Maryland, contacted WND to share his knowledge and scientific research, stemming from the German virology team. Dr. Balog wanted to express his concern that the American public is not being told the truth about the risk Ebola may actually pose to our citizenry. He attests that Dr. Frieden, the director at the CDC, can not possibly be certain of the limitations of this virus being transferred from one person to another.
“Dr. Freiden is either completely uninformed of this research,” Balog explained, “or he is deliberately lying because he does not want to panic the general public.”
Balog pointed out that asymptomatic carriers of diseases infecting others is a phenomenon that has been widely documented in virology studies for decades.
Balog explained to WND much of the fundamental research on Ebola, including the conditions under which asymptomatic carriers of the disease can infect others, has yet to be conducted and reported in peer-reviewed medical journals.
“Dr. Freiden and the CDC have been reassuring the American public from the beginning of the current outbreak that we can contain and control Ebola, no problem; but the first assurances were three continents ago,” he pointed out. “Now we have Ebola in the United States and in Spain. Where is Ebola going to show up next?”
“Ebola is spreading a lot faster than anybody expected,” he said.
“But even today we are not stopping people from West Africa from boarding international air flights; health officials in Dallas did not put up a fence around Duncan’s apartment complex; and it took several days before Dallas health authorities found anyone qualified to clean up the vomit outside Duncan’s apartment. And then the workers just washed the vomit down into the town storm drains.”
Balog pointed out the medical literature on virology commonly says asymptomatic but infected individuals can spread a disease to others before showing any signs of being sick.
“We have medical models that say a person is capable of secreting a virus like Ebola in bodily fluids before the person displays symptoms of the disease,” he stressed, “and that medical evidence is simply being ignored by Dr. Frieden and the CDC when the public is told repeatedly it’s OK to let Ebola-infected people fly as long as they don’t have a fever.”

Thank you Dr. Balog for speaking up, and thank you WND for helping to inform the American people of the real threat that is seemingly being downplayed by our own leaders in order for them to either quell panic or save face — probably both.
It would be lovely though, if our president would do everything in his power to protect all of us as well. It seems that his “pen and phone” are impotent when it comes to securing our borders against even the most insidious of diseases.
Please share this article so that people can choose to take proper precautions against the spread of this dangerous epidemic. We all deserve to know what is possible so we can protect ourselves and our families to the best of our abilities.