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  1. #1
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    You’re Meeting with the Founding Fathers to Explain what has Happened to America – Wh

    You’re Meeting with the Founding Fathers to Explain what has Happened to America – What Do You Say?

    Published on: October 21, 2014

    Imagine this: You’re Meeting with George Washington in 20 minutes, and he wants to know what has happened to his country – What will you say?
    Picture this…What if I told you that in 20 minutes you are going to be sitting at a table next to George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. By some miracle of God, they were going to come back to life for one hour to inquire of you the state of their most beloved and cherished country they left to us 238 years ago.

    It was left up to you to explain to them the state of our nation today and why we are in the state our country is in.
    This meeting will determine for our Founding Forefathers if what they sacrificed, fought (at so great a cost) and gave their lives in the service of, was worth it. If the posterity that they entrusted their beloved country to had taken up the task with honor as to the preservation of our freedoms as a nation, our morals, principles, and the Christian values this country was founded upon.
    Get Bradlee Dean's My War, a DVD series that takes on the issues of today and gives understanding and clarity of who our Founders were, and their true intentions when they established our Judeo-Christian nation
    Think about it for a moment…
    You would have to explain to them how 238 years later this nation was not the same country that our Founding Forefathers gave us.
    You would have to explain how 3,700 babies are murdered by their own mothers every day in this country, that now men marry men and women marry women, and how children are violated everyday by sexual predators.

    You would have to explain to them how blasphemy, fornication (sex outside of marriage – 1 Corinthians 6:9) and lewdness are common place in our society as a whole and yet despite all this, the pulpits in America (for the most part) remain silent and the church has become a reproach to the nation (See Jeremiah 23; Matthew 23).
    You would have to tell them that drinking, gambling, lying, stealing, and doing whatever you want as long as it feels good to you, have become the status quo, instead of a love for God, country, your fellow man, and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Luke 6:31).
    You would have to convey to them that the American people (for the most part) have stood down, tolerated, and enabled a tyrannical president and his administration, who are willfully and knowingly destroying America.
    You would have to bring them up to speed on issues such as Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, and much, much more.
    You would even have to explain to them how the federal government has their hooks into nearly every portion of our lives, even to the point where if you want to fish in your own lake outside your backdoor, build a fire outside your front door, or even own a gun (which the Second Amendment was established to guarantee a protection of that right), you now have to ask for and receive the government’s permission by getting a permit.
    What do you think after telling them all this would be the look on their faces? Would it be sadness? Disbelief? Or shame? Would George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin experience deep sorrow in their hearts that they sacrificed so much for nothing?
    Was this the posterity that they fought so much for? A cowardly bunch of immoral men and women who stood down to tyranny, fell to immorality, and let the government control every angle of their lives? What would they be thinking after they heard all this? I can only imagine.
    The disgrace the American people have brought upon our forbearers because of our immorality and unwillingness to fight the same battles they had to fight is absolutely shameful. After bringing our Founding Forefathers this news, the only thing a reasonable person could do would be to bow their head in shame.
    What a disgrace to them and their sacrifice; not to mention the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have, fought, bled, and died to preserve this great nation since then.
    What would our Founding Fathers do in your position if they switched places with you today? If they had the opportunity to right the wrongs and fight against immorality and all forms of Tyranny, how would they act? What would they do? Would they have let things get so bad? Would they have tolerated these long trains of abuses?
    History answers that question quickly enough – Absolutely not!
    What is wrong with the America of today? The answer is that she left her first love, namely Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:4), the Rock of our salvation and the principles of Christianity (the foundation of our government – Common Law).
    So, will this sad little story be America’s end? Is this how we will go down in history, as a cowardice group of individuals who stood back while lawlessness and tyranny overtook our lives.
    How do you think those countries that let dictators such as Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini rule and reign through their abominable and wicked acts look back upon their history?
    The story is not finished America. The book is not complete. We have an opportunity to change the final chapter, but the choice is up to you.
    We need men and women like Moses, David, Daniel, Deborah, Ruth, Esther, and Elijah. We need John the Baptists and Pauls. America needs you! If not now, then when? If not you, then who?
    Remember, as John Adams said,
    “Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”
    Don't forget to Like on Facebook, Google Plus, Tea Party Community & Twitter.

    Last edited by kathyet2; 10-21-2014 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    If You Had to Explain Today’s America to Founders

    Written on Monday, October 27, 2014 by Bradlee Dean

    Picture this: You’re going to be meeting with George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They wants to know what has happened to America. What will you say?

    This meeting will determine for our Founding Forefathers if what they sacrificed (at so great a cost) and gave their lives in the service of was worth it. They want to know if the posterity they entrusted their beloved country to had taken up the task with honor, the task of preserving our freedoms as a nation, our morals, principles and the Christian values this country was founded upon over 238 years ago.
    Think about it for a moment.

    You would have to explain to them how this nation is not the same country they gave us.
    You would have to explain how 3,700 babies are murdered in the womb everyday by their own mothers with the approval all of those who stand by and do nothing.

    You would have to explain how men “marry” men and women “marry” women with government’s consent and how children in public schools are violated every day by sexual predators.

    You would have to explain to them how blasphemy, fornication (sex outside of marriage – 1 Corinthians 6:9) and lewdness are commonplace in our society as a whole. Despite all this, the pulpits in America (for the most part) remain silent, and the church has become a reproach to the nation (See Jeremiah 23, Matthew 23).

    You would have to tell them that drinking, gambling, lying, stealing and doing whatever you want, as long as it feels good to you, have become the status quo, instead of a love for God, country, your fellow man and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you (Luke 6:31).
    You would have to convey to them that the American people (for the most part) have stood down, tolerated and enabled a tyrannical president and his administration, which are willingly and knowingly destroying America.

    You would have to bring them up to speed on why the American people have allowed a criminal administration to remain without consequence for violating numerous laws. These issues include such crimes as Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal and much, much more.

    You would even have to explain to them how the government now has their hooks into nearly every portion of our lives, even to the point where if you want to fish in your own lake outside your backdoor, build a fire outside your front door, or even own a gun (which is your right, protected by the Second Amendment), you now have to ask for and receive the government’s permission by getting a permit.

    What do you think, after telling them all this, would be the look on their faces? Would it be sadness? Disbelief? Or shame? Would George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin experience deep sorrow in their hearts that they sacrificed so much for nothing?

    Was this the posterity they fought so much for? A cowardly bunch of immoral men and women who stood down to tyranny, fell to immorality and let the government control every angle of their lives?

    What would they be thinking after they heard all this? I can only imagine.

    What disgrace the American people have brought upon the sacrifice of her forefathers because of her immorality and unwillingness to fight the same battles they did. After bringing our Founding Fathers this news, the only thing a reasonable person could do would be to bow his head in shame.

    Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of men and women who have fought, bled and died to preserve this great nation since its founding.
    What would our Founding Fathers do in your position if they switched places with you today? If they had the opportunity to right the wrongs and fight against immorality and all forms of tyranny – how would they act? What would they do?

    Would they have let things get so bad? Would they have tolerated these long trains of abuses?

    History answers that question quickly enough – absolutely not!

    John Adams, the second president of the United States, said, “Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

    If only the American people knew their history!

    Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

    Good thing to think about as we go to the polls....
    Last edited by kathyet2; 10-28-2014 at 08:17 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    America’s Enemies: It’s not a Foreign Government that’s restricting our Rights

    Bradlee Dean October 29, 2014

    When I read the Declaration of Independence and see the usurpations committed by the tyrant King George against our forefathers (who at the time were labeled terrorists), I have come to the conclusion that our forefathers knew better than any the acts of a tyrant. For example, James Madison, known as the father of our Constitution, said, "If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also quoted, "The means of defense against foreign danger historically, have become the instruments of tyranny at home."

    When I look within America, I can see that since 9/11, the media elites have (of course, with the use of fear) inundated the American people with the fact that we have a foreign enemy of Islamic radicals trying to destroy America by any means necessary. I then noticed that it wasn't a foreign enemy who they made the target; it was now the American Constitution and the people. I also noticed that it was not a foreign government asking us to give up our rights; it was our own government (and always under the guise of our "safety" and "security").

    Are foreign governments violating the Second Amendment while trying to disarm you? Are foreign governments usurping the Fourth Amendment when violating you at the airport while you travel domestically? Are foreign governments attacking your First Amendment right and America's Christian heritage? Are foreign governments overriding the Tenth Amendment to indoctrinate your children in public schools? Are foreign governments ignoring the Fifth Amendment while facilitating the murder of 3,700 babies a day? Are foreign governments attempting to demoralize you by setting you at war with God so you can become their slaves? Are foreign governments inducing trillions of dollars of debt? In fact, it is not a foreign government; it's those in America's government who are foreign to our God and to our Constitution.

    According to Obama, terrorism is no longer applicable to Islam. Could it be because Muslims call him their own? That being the case, who are the terrorists? There are some in government today who want you to look past themselves in hopes that they can now make terrorists out of whomever disagrees with them and their administration. It's not a foreign government that is trying to tear down the Constitution and recreate it in their own image; it's Obama and his administration.

    Let's parallel foreign attacks on America vs. Obama's attack on America, and see which one's more destructive. You decide:


    I hope and pray our Founding Fathers are can't see what is happening. Are you A Wake Yet America...

  4. #4
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    Jun 2013
    America Needs Bravehearts to bring Justice on the Obama Administration

    America Needs Bravehearts to bring Justice on the Obama Administration » Sons of Liberty Media
    America Needs Bravehearts to bring Justice on the Obama Administration

    America Needs Bravehearts to bring Justice on the Obama Administration

    Written by: Bradlee Dean

    Published on: October 31, 2014

    We the people of the United States, in order to perform more perfect Union, do establish justice of the United States, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. –Preamble to The United States Constitution
    What if you woke up this morning, opened up the newspaper or turned on the TV to your local news channel and saw this:
    “The Obama administration has been found criminal and corrupt. Impeachment will take place this week and all administrative officials who have continuously broken the laws of our Constitutional Republic will be tried, convicted and brought to justice.”
    Would you not be shocked? But why is that? It’s because American citizens have fallen so far from The Bible, the American Constitution and, of course, what our forefathers established that we think justice is impossible.
    Yet, Justice is what preserves our Republic.

    I am reminded of the true story of William Wallace, most of you know him as “Braveheart.” William was told by the “Nobles” of Scotland that it was impossible to defeat the tyrannical king of England and his minions (which held Scotland in captivity to their tyrannical ways). They were too many (which is completely opposite of America’s state), too strong in every way for Scotland… Or so they thought.

    This one man, William Wallace, knew more than the “Nobles” of Scotland. He knew that freedom was not a gift granted to them by mere men or a tyrant king, but freedom was a right guaranteed to every man by God, which has been summed up in our Declaration of Independence.

    Freedom was not a thing to be stripped away from the common people by a tyrant because Wallace knew that rights were granted by God.

    The people of Scotland, outnumbered, outmatched, starving, and without even the proper weapons to fight with, followed William Wallace, and eventually Robert the Bruce, into battle. Although it was a high-cost to pay (namely, the life of William Wallace himself), they won their freedom and were delivered from the tyrannical king of England.

    How could this be? How could the starving commoners defeat a skilled, well-trained, heavily armored army? It was because their freedom was more precious to them than anything in the world, and they would rather die than have it taken away. They were resolved and were willing to follow one man who believed they could secure it (1 Corinthians 11:1; Hebrews 12:2).

    He hoped against all odds, believed God for the impossible, and look at the results!

    Now take that to America. The “Nobles,” or shall we say most Congressmen and women, will not stand up against the crimes that have befallen “we the people” from this administration. They have titles and positions and which they don’t want to lose much like the “Nobles” of Scotland in the day.

    But the tyrannical king of England was not defeated by the “Nobles.” He was defeated by the people.

    Justice doesn’t need to be something we only dream. Justice is brought forth to establish righteousness because you are grateful for your blood bought freedoms (Isaiah 51:4).

    America, it can be the reality that we leave to our children, the way that our forefathers left it unto us.

    America, God is willing to give to His people what His people are willing to fight for (1 Timothy 6:12)! Yet, you have to be willing to fight (Psalm 78:9).

    “Sad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and no longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men.” -Roger Sherman, signer of the Declaration of Independence

    In our pledge we state, “With Liberty and Justice for All.” It doesn’t say justice for all unless you are the President of United States or an Attorney General, or the Congress, does it? The word “Justice” applies to all and means all! If America fails to bring forth justice, rest assured tyranny will reign.

    You Have 30 Minutes to Explain to The Forefathers What Happened to America! What Would You Say?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    How about just in a passing conversation mentioning this:

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