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    Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) US Senate Voted for Obama's Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

    Kelly Ayotte, was added to ALIPAC's Illegal alien amnesty list on October 1, 2014.

    Kelly Ayotte Amnesty Support Summary:

    Senator Kelly Ayotte more than "supports amnesty" for illegal aliens, this senator is one of only 14 GOP sellouts in Washington who actually voted for and passed the illegal immigrant amnesty bill S. 744 out of the US Senate in June of 2013 in an effort to get the bill to Obama's desk.

    Kelly Ayotte voted for and passed Obama's illegal alien amnesty bill!

    This illegal alien amnesty bill is called:
    "S. 744: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act"

    Kelly Ayotte's vote for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens does not reflect the wishes of a large majority of voters in America.

    The bill was stopped in the House due to hard fought battles by true conservatives in the US House and illegal immigration activist groups like NumbersUSA and ALIPAC!

    This senator's illegal alien amnesty bill S. 744 would have given citizenship and eventually voting rights to more than ten million illegal aliens, allowing them to form a new voting block in American elections and paralyzing any future border or immigration law enforcement designed to protect Americans.

    S. 744 would have cost US taxpayers trillions of dollars in future federal expenses. While leaving our states open to further invasion and larger future waves of unstoppable illegal immigration due to the undermining of America's laws, borders, the Constitution, and the Republic by those who voted for and passed the illegal immigration Amnesty bill S. 744.

    S. 744 would have cost millions of Americans their jobs, while pushing American wages even lower, and would have increased the number of Americans being killed by illegal immigrants each year due to the nonenforcement of our existing immigration laws.

    Contact Info for Kelly Ayotte:

    Washington, DC
    Phone: (202) 224-3324

    Manchester Office
    1200 Elm Street, Suite 2
    Manchester, NH 03101-2503
    Phone: 603-622-7979
    Fax: 603-622-0422


    Last edited by WBeasternNC; 11-30-2015 at 09:57 PM.
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