*BLITZ for the KIDS*

Parents - now’s a perfect time to give your kids a lesson in AMERICAN GOVERNMENT that they have sadly lacked in school. They are our greatest resource and it’s time they learned what a ‘REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC’ is all about!

We invite parents and their children to lobby their Senators today through Tuesday by calling Senate offices and leaving voicemail messages – in their own words - urging Senators to oppose the S.1639 immigration bill and to vote NO on cloture on Tuesday.

The voices of American children have not been heard in this debate!

Yet it is our kids who will experience the most grave and devastating effects of an amnesty granted to 20-40 million illegal aliens and their extended families.

Our children will not have a future in our beloved country. The environment will be destroyed as the population approaches a billion people. The powers that be plan on saddling our children with TRILLIONS of $$$ in costs …. paying for illegal aliens and their families….while our kids and their families will carry the financial burden!!

As American parents work longer and harder to put our kids thru college and often go deeply into debt, illegal aliens’ children are eligible for grants, scholarships, other entitlements and even in-state tuition in some states. We need to protect American kids. They are the future of our USofA.

Let the Senate hear the voices of OUR AMERICAN CHILDREN today through Tuesday. Let our kids tell them that it’s time they represent American citizens, American kids, and not foreign people.

Have your children call, fax and e-mail in their own words.

Toll Free Congressional Switchboard Numbers

(800) 862-5530

(877) 851-6437

(866) 220-0044


http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=F ... ic&t=68216

List of Senators to contact follows talking points.

Here are some thoughts from a 12-year old American boy…. in his own words.

Thank you Christian!

My name is ____________ I am _____ years old.

I am calling you because I am worried about America.
I always try to follow the rules. If I break the rules I get punished.
If I didn't get punished, I would probably break the rules a lot.
Illegal aliens should not be allowed to live in our country and be citizens.
They should go home and come back to live here the right way.
Please don't pass the bill that makes it okay to break our laws.

Our flag is the most important possession in America and illegals just destroyed it like a piece of garbage during the protests and nobody is saying or doing anything about it. If an American hung it upside down or burned it they would be charged with treason but since the illegals are doing it, they are getting special treatment that Americans don't and won't get and IT MAKES ME VERY ANGRY.

When I see all of these pro illegal marches they get news coverage like it is the most important event in the world and whenever there is an anti illegal march, they get no news coverage like it is not even happening. When I see that it makes me so mad.

If this bill goes through, it will damage our country and then when all of us kids grow up we are going to have to fix it so our kids and grandkids won't have to pay the price for your mistakes. So, vote NO for this Amnesty and do what is right for America!

Why is the President worried about taking care of the Mexican people. They have their own President and I want him to care about me and my family and my country. I want the Senators to care about me and my future instead of the illegals futures.

I watched the debate with my family and I liked Tom Tancredo cause he likes Americans and America and he will help us. We need a strong leader who will make me so happy that I will wake up in the morning and be proud to be an American.

If you vote for this bill, I'm afraid that my dad might lose his job or our house cause he won't get paid as much anymore and my mom will have to work and won't be able to spend as much time with me. That's not fair because illegals are doing something wrong and we get punished for it.

From now on my mom and dad said they are only going to buy from stores that like America and have American flags. And I don't like when I see stores that help illegals by giving them jobs and they fly Mexican flags instead of our flag.

If you kick the illegals out, that will make a lot of drugs go away. That will increase my chances for a better future. If you let the illegals stay someday I might be beat up by illegals that are in a gang and that is not fair. If you kicked the illegals out, there would be a lot less crime in America.

There were so many kids in my class that my teacher didn't have time to answer my questions. A lot of those kids don't even speak English and my teacher had to spend most of her time with them. What about me? Don't I deserve a good education too?

My dad works hard and he has to pay a lot of our money for taxes because the government gives too much free stuff away to illegals like healthcare. That is not fair. Why should we have to give up the money my dad works very hard for to people who broke our laws and don't deserve it.

Senator, I want you to support me because right now, I am not being represented. You are not doing your job if you pass this bill. We elected you to support us and instead you are supporting people who didn't vote for you and don't pay taxes.



On-the-Fence Republicans – need to be told that they will be turning their backs on America’s children if they support the amnesty bill!

Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Majority leader & up for re-election

Kit Bond (MO)

Richard Burr (NC)

Thad Cochran (MS)

John Ensign (NV)

Judd Gregg (NH)

Orrin Hatch (UT)

Judd Gregg (NH)

Thad Cochran (MS)

Norm Coleman (MN)

Amnesty-supporting Republicans:

Jon Kyl (AZ)

Olympia Snowe (ME)

Susan Collins (ME)

Pete Domenici (NM)

Larry Craig (ID)

John Warner (VA)

Chuck Hagel (NB)

Ted Stevens (AK)

On-the-Fence Democrats - need to be told that they will be turning their backs on America’s children if they support the amnesty bill!

Jeff Bingaman (NM)

Barbara Boxer (CA)

Kent Conrad (ND)

Carl Levin (MI)

Ben Nelson (NE)

James Webb (VA)

Max Baucus (MT)

Jay Rockefeller (WV)

David Pryor (AR)

Bernie Sanders (VT)

Amnesty-supporting Democrats:

Joe Biden (DE)

Sherrod Brown (OH)

Ben Cardin (MD)

Robert Casey (PA)

Hillary Clinton (NY)

Kent Conrad (ND)

Evan Bayh (IN)

Tom Harkin (IA)

Amy Klobuchar (MN)

Herbert Kohl (WI)

Blanche Lincoln (AR)

Bill Nelson (FL)

Barack Obama (IL)

Harry Reid (NV)

Sheldon Whitehouse

Ron Wyden (OR)

Jack Reed (RI)

Republicans we are very proud of! (thank them!)

Alexander (R-Tenn.)
Allard (R-Colo.)
Bunning (R-Ky.)
Chambliss (R-Ga.)

Coburn (R-Okla.)
Corker (R-Tenn.)
Cornyn (R-Texas)

Crapo (R-Idaho)
DeMint (R-S.C.)
Dole (R-N.C.)

Enzi (R-Wyo.)
Grassley (R-Iowa)

Hutchison (R-Texas)
Inhofe (R-Okla.)
Isakson (R-Ga.)
Roberts (R-Kan.)

Sessions (R-Ala.)
Shelby (R-Ala.)
Smith (R-Ore.)

Sununu (R-N.H.)

Thune (R-S.D.)
Vitter (R-La.)