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  1. #21
    Senior Member Reciprocity's Avatar
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    Re: I Don't Trust Guiliani or Fred Thompson

    Quote Originally Posted by LegalUSCitizen
    Just my two cents, but I've been wanting to say it.

    Good LegalUSCitizen, you shouldn't trust them and you should not support then
    “In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” –Thomas Jefferson

  2. #22
    Senior Member 31scout's Avatar
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    Guiliani is TERRIBLE on immigration. Did you see any of his comments he made while he was mayor?? Now he's not saying much as he sees what is happening to McSlime. He hasn't said anything about amnesty so my take is that he supports it. From his early comments, he definitely does.
    Look on Numbers USA for Thomson's voting record on immigration, not good at all!
    <div>Thank you Governor Brewer!</div>

  3. #23
    Human2's Avatar
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    You know if you are going to be like this, GOOD BYE.

  4. #24

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    "The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled, it burns like a consuming flame." ~Teddy Roosevelt~

  5. #25

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    This is just an email that I received so I cannot validate any part of it as being true or false.

    "First of all, Thompson is a political protégé of Establishmentian fmr GOP Senate leader Howard Baker...Baker (a CFR member) is currently on Citigroup´s International Advisory Committee as Senior Advisor. Citigroup is a Rockefeller dominated international bank currently headed by Clinton´s
    fmr Treasury Sec. Robert Rubin (Rubin is vice-chairman of the CFR. Ken Duberstein, currently on the Board of Directors of the CFR, is another Baker protégé and succeeded Baker as White House Chief-of-Staff in 198...

    Thompson was Baker´s campaign manager in Baker´s 1972 Senate race - which enabled him to be on the Watergate Committee. In short, Thompson comes out of the "Moderate wing" of the Tennessee GOP. Others who come out of that wing are: Lamar Alexander (Papa Bush´s fmr Education Sec. who gave us Goals 2000), and Bill "I am for Stem Cell research on
    embroyos" Frist. All of this should be a big red flag to conservatives...
    So why are conservatives all enthusiastic about "Big Fred"? The first question to be asked is which "conservatives" are we talking about? Lo and Behold, you guessed it, the NEOCONS! Where did Thompson make his appearance stating he was interested in running? Yep, good ole FOX NEWS!. Which online poll had Thompson at 50%? Sean Hannity´s (Hannity is a Gingrich protégé). Also, Laura Ingram (another neocon mouthpiece) is
    big on Thompson...
    Does all of this sound a bit familiar? Yes it should. When was the last time a folksy cowboy like-Bubba, who´s political mentor was a high ranking Establishment figure, was boosted and given a coronation by the likes of Hannity and Ingram? You guessed it again: DUBYA!!!" - from my (3/21/07) mass-emailing: 'Fred Thompson for drPresident? I Don't Think So!'

    Dear Fellow Republicans, Conservatives, Constitutionalists, and otherPatriotic Americans:

    Two months ago, I warned you that conservatives, after being taken for a ride by Bush, are being set up for another by Fred Thompson - as the above quote makes clear. Now I HAVE THE PROOF! Below is a article from Politico showing how the Bush machine is backing Big Fred. Most interestingly, Thompson backer Number One is George P. Bush - who is Jeb's son and a BIG TIME LATINO MULTICULTURALIST! Also backing Big Fred is moderate Republican super-hero Mary Matlin.

    However, the biggest proof is an article below that by Free Market News that states that Thompson is a MEMBER OF THE C.F.R.! Not only that, the article claims that Thompson will run a campaign similar to the one Dubya ran in 1999-2000 (i.e.: as a Paleo-conservative. Recall, Bush ran on a platform of subsidiarity and non-intervention, a "Humble foreign Policy").

    The Neoconservative Beltway Right knows darn well 'Rudy McRomney' won't sell. THEIR REAL FEAR IS THAT AN AUTHENTIC CONSERVATIVE (PAUL, TANCREDO, HUNTER, etc.) will be the conservative candidate. Hence, Big Fred will muscle those 'second tier' guys out of the race (Laura Ingraham said as much last week on Hannity & Colmes, she stated that all the 'second tier candidates' need to drop out. This is the same
    thing that happened in 1999 when Hannity demanded that Buchanan drop out to make room for Bush).

    As the Old saying goes, "FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU, FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME''.

    Chris Golden

    Key Bush backers rally to Fred Thompson
    By: Mike Allen
    June 4, 2007 06:09 PM EST
    George P. Bush, a nephew of President Bush, has contributed to the prospective presidential campaign of Fred Thompson and signed an e-mail asking friends and associates to do the same, The Politico has learned.

    "In a field of candidates without a clear favorite among our fellow
    Republicans, my sincere hope is that you consider joining us in this effort to encourage Fred to run," the e-mail says.

    The involvement of a Bush family member highlights a stream of
    former Bush-Cheney aides and supporters who are signing on with Thompson, in some cases quietly. Thompson, the "Law & Order" actor and former Tennessee senator, filed papers Friday that allowed him to begin raising money. Aides say he
    remains on track to formally announce his candidacy the week of the Fourth of July, although they say no date is set in stone.

    Mary Matalin, the former counselor to Vice President Cheney, says
    she will be advising Thompson. A campaign source says she will be an unpaid adviser. Matalin is friends with Thompson and his wife, Jeri, and her involvement began informally, the source says.
    Advisers say the head of economic policy for Thompson's fledgling
    team will be Lawrence B. Lindsey, who was President Bush's first
    economic policy adviser and an architect of his tax cuts. Lindsey was chief economic adviser to Bush's first presidential campaign and is a former member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Lindsey will also have a hand in the campaign's broader policy formulation, sources say.

    The head of domestic policy is to be David M. McIntosh, a lawyer and former congressman from Indiana who was an official in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, according to the sources.

    The chief foreign policy adviser will be chosen soon, the sources say. Adding to the Bush-Cheney ties, the campaign has said that the chief operating officer will be Thomas J. Collamore, a former aide to the older Bush when he was vice president and also an official in the Reagan administration.

    And Michael Turk, e-campaign director for George W. Bush's reelection campaign, will take a leave of absence from his current job with the National Cable & Telecommunications Association to assist in getting the Thompson website off the ground. He may continue in a webmaster capacity for the campaign. George P. Bush, the chief operating officer of a real estate development
    firm in Fort Worth, Texas, sent the appeal Friday afternoon along with Timothy P. Berry, the firm's president. The e-mail closes "Devotedly," then has both of their signatures.

    "Friends and Colleagues," the e-mail begins. "We are writing you on behalf of Sen. Fred Thompson to ask for your support as he considers running for president. As you know, Sen. Thompson has generated buzz this election cycle because of his likable personality and approachable brand of politics, which, consequently, has attracted tremendous grassroots support of his potential candidacy. Additionally, his consistent record in public service and sincere vision to pursue a reform-based agenda in Washington, D.C., has primarily contributed to strong national polling numbers without having even

    George P. Bush was unavailable to discuss the e-mail, although
    associates confirm its authenticity. He is a son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and was a popular surrogate for his uncle's first presidential campaign, drawing comparisons to John F. Kennedy Jr. when he spoke to the Republican National Convention. Since then, he has served as a clerk for a federal judge, married and become involved in several business and charitable groups.
    In March, he joined the Navy Reserve as an intelligence officer.
    Using language similar to other appeals for Friends of Fred Thompson, the e-mail continues: "As a 'Friend of Fred Thompson,' your support will finance

    Sen. Thompson's efforts to test the political waters starting on June 4, 2007. If Sen. Thompson decides not to seek the presidency, any unspent funds that you contribute will be returned to your attention. Donations must not exceed federal contribution limits; therefore, an individual may contribute up to $2,300. If a joint checking account is used, the total can
    be $4,600, but both individuals must sign the check. Corporate and foreign national contributions are prohibited. It is very important that your check be dated June 4, 2007, even if you make out your check before this date."

    The Politico's Jonathan Martin contributed to this report.
    Fred Thompson Vs. Ron Paul
    Friday, June 01, 2007 -
    Is it true that Fred Dalton Thompson, former republican senator from Tennessee and current actor is seen by GOP leaders as a "Ron Paul" vote killer? If so, the rhetoric may not match the facts, political observers say.

    Thompson has indicated he will likely join the race for the GOP nomination for president in June. And in doing so, he will bring a perspective that he and his followers describe as "small government conservative and federalist" - much like Ron Paul´s.

    Ron Paul (R-Tex), congressman and republican candidate for president has been seen by Internet observers as doing well both in debates and in terms of public sentiment. His message is one of minimalist government, low taxes and a non-aggressive military policy.

    But Thompson´s record gives rise to questions about his small government "federalist" is a "synonym" for small government, Thompson´s credentials as such still seem questionable, according to some observers of both campaigns. Because Thompson has spent much of his life as a public figure, his voting record is easily available at and from
    other `Net sources.

    While in congress, Thompson, reportedly a good friend of Senator John McCain, (R-AZ) supported two obviously anti-free market bills: the McCain- Feingold Campaign Finance Reform act and the Shays-Meehan bill restricting issue ads. He is also a member of Council on Foreign Relations, a main think-tank behind the idea of a North American Union that would eventually dissolve borders between Mexico, Canada and the United States
    to create one big super-nation. Thompson also seems to believe in a robust military presence worldwide and apparently advocates continued US military involvement in Iraq.

    Ron Paul´s "small government" credentials extend beyond rhetoric, and even the many editorials and position papers he has authored. Ron Paul has consistently voted a "constitutionalist" line in congress, and thus his actions match his sentiments. He is neither a member of the Council on
    Foreign Relations, nor any other Washington think tank that advocates
    similar views.
    "The American people are slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled, it burns like a consuming flame." ~Teddy Roosevelt~

  6. #26

    Join Date
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    109 ... opic&t=394

    This link is to an article posted on this site a long time ago about sanctuary policies. I saved the link because I found it to be quite interesting, especially this part about New York and Giuliani:

    [quote]Immigration politics have similarly harmed New York. Former mayor Rudolph Giuliani sued all the way up to the Supreme Court to defend the city’s sanctuary policy against a 1996 federal law decreeing that cities could not prohibit their employees from cooperating with the INS. Oh yeah? said Giuliani; just watch me. The INS, he claimed, with what turned out to be grotesque irony, only aims to “terrorize people.� Though he lost in court, he remained defiant to the end. On September 5, 2001, his handpicked charter-revision committee ruled that New York could still require that its employees keep immigration information confidential to preserve trust between immigrants and government. Six days later, several visa-overstayers participated in the most devastating attack on the city and the country in history.

    New York conveniently forgot the 1996 federal ban on sanctuary laws until a gang of five Mexicansâ€â€

  7. #27
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    Check Thompson's voting record! He never met an immigration bill he didn't like.........and vote YEA on.

    As for the cross-dressing Guiliani? Anyone who would ride the coat tails of 9/11, is pathetic. He was only mayor for 3 months after 9/11!!!! Further, HE IS THE ONE WHO INSISTED (over the objections of those in the know) ON PUTTING THE COMMUNICATIONS CENTER IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER!!!!!!!!!!! How dumb was that? And he wants to protect the U.S.? He couldn't protect a doghouse!

  8. #28
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    And on the East Coast, on Sunday, The New York Times carried a story focusing on a question that has already been the subject of many blog postings — is America ready for a "trophy wife" first lady? The woman in question is Jeri Kehn Thompson, who married the actor and former senator in 2002, is 24 years his junior, and, as the Times notes, has "youthfulness, [a] permanent tan and bleached blond hair." The story also quotes a political scientist who says Republican women may be turned off by an "ick factor" when they see Thompson, 64, with his younger wife.

    Rec'd via email

  9. #29
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    Thompson is a wolf in sheep's clothing, at least as far as open borders and the NAU are concerned. I don't believe it's just coincidence that he has now come along at a time when McCain is in a nose dive and many are skeptical about Guiliani's conservative credentials on such issues as abortion and immigration. The CFR is out to ensure that one of theirs will be in the White House. If the people reject one candidate, they find another (assuming that they are not already rigging elections, which is questionable). Thompson is a CFR set-up....don't anyone fall for him!

    Did you hear about that study which suggests that people vote based on emotion? Therefore, they put up candidates that are likeable and appealing to the public. Thompson surely is that.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by JAK
    I thought I liked Fred Thompson too until I started LOOKING!

    I don't trust Guiliani either.

    They want to dangle the bait and hope we will bite like we have done in the past and this time I REFUSE to take the bate! One more round of the same old status quo and we will be finished as a country!

    They can keep their groomed speakers... we see them dance around the issues everytime they speak!!! No thanks!!! I would rather have a man like Tancredo who is not an excellent speaker...BUT, he is a man of the people and THIS is who this country needs right now, IMO.
    Me too JAK, I am so tired of the flip floping phonies! Tancredo is so refreshing!

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