Death of a nation

By: Pat and Sid Patelson - Commentary

June 18, 2007
North County Times, California

The president and many in Congress have decided that despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans are vehemently opposed to the immigration reform bill, they are going to pass it anyway.

They no longer care about the people or the country. They are putting cheap labor for the big business lobby ahead of what is good for America. Since this issue will never be put on a ballot, we must let them know, in no uncertain terms, that all who vote for this bill will be replaced in the next election.

We elected them and only we can vote them out. Go to your senators' and representatives' offices or make a phone call. In fact, make many calls. The best thing we as voters can do is stop voting by party affiliation and support whomever votes against this bill. We believe this is the most important issue in our lifetime. We can only save our country if we put forth the effort now to defeat this bill.

We are not conspiracy theorists. We believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There was no UFO government coverup in Roswell. And, despite what Rosie O'Donnell says to the contrary, the Twin Towers were brought down by fanatics in hijacked airliners, not the U.S. government.

However, we do believe the immigration reform bill is just the first step in a process moving us closer to a One World Order, a blurring of our national identity. If we do not act quickly, freedom, as we know it, will be gone forever. We will be just like the European Union, without a voice or choice.

Like it or not, we will be merged with Canada, Mexico and South America. The country we grew up in will vanish. The melting pot that forged the uniquely American character will be replaced by a multicultural morass. A group of islands in a sea without identity. Those characteristics that define our country, or any country ---- sovereignty, culture, language and borders ---- will disappear. And, with it, the America we knew and loved.

The danger is more than cultural or historical. It is also economic. We will be educating, medicating and providing welfare for the people of poor countries that have not taken care of their own. The added tax burden and oversupply of cheap labor can only diminish the prosperity of the United States and erode the middle class.

The time to act is now. You, the voters have the power. Use it to save our country and give it back to its rightful owners, the people.

Pat and Sid Patelson live in Temecula. ... 181556.txt

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