ObamaCare and the Danger of 'Let It Fail' strategy

Why the "let it fail" approach is a risky strategy for getting rid of ObamaCare.

Among those who want to pull the plug on the President's health care takeover scheme, there's a strong chorus of voices saying the best thing to do is…nothing…let ObamaCare fail, collapse under its own weight, just go down in flames. Among these voices are Republican lawmakers who've been critical - some harshly critical - of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and his "cruzade" to defund.

In addition to politicians, some pundits and generally astute conservative commentators also favor the "let it fail" strategy. Most recently, Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal argues that the law's opponents should just let the Obamastein monster collapse and thus crush liberal fantasies under its lifeless carcass. Writing in the Journal, Henninger says, "If ObamaCare fails, or seriously falters, the entitlement state will suffer an historic loss of credibility with the American people. It will finally be vulnerable to challenge and fundamental change."

Now, Daniel Henninger is a smart guy. He's Deputy Editorial Page Editor of the Wall Street Journal and a Fox News contributor. But, that doesn't mean he and others are not, inadvertently, playing into a brilliantly laid trap…a snare set by crafty and cunning liberals who, for all intents and purposes, would be fine with the failure of ObamaCare…in its present form. Because, you see, the law was never intended to succeed as a solution, only as a wrecking ball…a destructive force to overwhelm and wreak havoc on America's health care system.

Why do we say that? Well, consider how the law was passed - thrown together and rushed through the Congress as a hurriedly and haphazardly assembled hodgepodge of noble concepts, good intentions and lofty ideals. Consider how team Obama seems so willing to delay, defer, alter and ignore parts of the law. Consider how ObamaCare advocates are setting up the Republicans as obstructionists, arsonists, even calling them terrorists for trying to stop the law's implementation…so they can be blamed when it fails.

Consider also how provisions of the law have been put in place over time; how its sweeping changes have been imposed piecemeal; how thousands upon thousands of businesses, large and small, have already made significant changes in coverages offered. How doctors, hospitals and insurance providers have already reshaped their practices and procedures. So, if ObamaCare falls - when it falls - a health care crisis of untold proportions will arise. And as we well know, team Obama embraces crisis, works for collapse, welcomes chaos as a golden opportunity for change - for fundamental transformation.

So about that "let it fail" strategy, we fear it will fail - fail to stop the federal government from riding to the rescue and filling the void with government-run, single-payer, universal health care. And the inevitable collapse of this Obamastein monster will give rise to an even more powerful beast - with even greater political, institutional and cultural clout…and control over our lives.

Norvell S. Rose