May 14, 2007
We need more of us taking an activist stand and refusing to accept attacks on our freedoms and America. The other side is bought and paid for by our government tax dollars.

We can not remain silent and expect that we will not be affected. If one of us is deprived of the protection of the rule of law, all of us are deprived. We must stand as one in this war. And it is a war.

When a group of illegal aliens conspire to attack a military base on American soil, that is an act of war, when three thousand people die as a result of terrorist flying into the trade center twin towers that is war, when corrupt elected officials conspire with foreign agents to destroy American national sovereignty, that is war, when corrupt elected officials steal taxpayer funds and give it to foreign invaders, that is war, when corrupt elected officials act as foreign agents for another country, that is war, when invaders take over our government buildings, take our flag down and replace it with the invader's country flag, that is an act of war. The war is not in Iraq, it is here in each of our cities. It is in your town, and mine. It will soon be on your street or in the shopping center where you buy groceries.

When will American citizens come to the realization America is under attack from both without and within the country? When will American citizens come to the realization it is their duty to protect themselves from this take over because there is no one to defend us?

When will American citizens at least go to their local government representatives and demand they comply with the constitution and rule of law?

Silence in the face of tyranny implies consent.

• Thomas Jefferson “There is not a truth existing that I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.â€