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  1. #1
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    So, What's The Game Plan For '09?

    I admit I've been seriously distracted by this long drawn out Presidential election process. Now that I'm focused again as to why I came to ALIPAC in the first place, I would be interested in what plans are in place to fight this next Amnesty round. The other side seems to be getting all their soldiers in line and ready to do battle. It's going to be really difficult this time around but I was wondering if we can do something way ahead of time to sort of.... what does the military do before troops go into battle? Something about softening the ground (when they use air power first)

    I'm thinking, we need to work on some middle of the road candidates or start some sort of PR campaign right now. Maybe expose LA-RAZA? Make copies of negative YouTube videos of their group and burn them to dvds to hand out to people? Hey, I was part of the Ron Paul Revolution and we came up with a lot of creative ways to educate people and get the word out. Maybe I learned a few things along the way and can apply it here. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Senior Member SOSADFORUS's Avatar
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    Hi "Chloe" welcome back, we are glad the election is over, but your right the other side is regrouping and starting their demanding and protesting again.

    I'm sure we will be back in the battle real soon, we just needed a little breather after the elections and of course the behind closed door peace meal deals we fought this year.

    Glad to have you back!
    Please support ALIPAC's fight to save American Jobs & Lives from illegal immigration by joining our free Activists E-Mail Alerts (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Hi Chloe,

    We are working on some good stuff we can start to unveil for everyone soon. Welcome back.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Guess what comes to mind with me is really making it public as to how we don't NEED all these people.......especially illegal and even legal in some cases because they are outsourcing our jobs and insourcing cheap labor in all areas.

    I say back to the fence and next the anchor baby loophole. Put an end to this nonsense once and for all. English as the official language once and for all.......I mean in a country of immigrants from all over the world, freedom of relegion, race, etc to work through, we don't need more seperation with else will we join together as one America when there's so many other things seperating us?

    To show we are knowledgable about the need for reform.....hit the reform areas from those who have come here legally and the issues they have.

    Stop the perks and abuse of the system. Obamas aunt is a prime example of where the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. She was collecting, but when her status changed....they weren't informed and she was still collecting. We have people here that use the system by saying they aren't married, when many are, and not reporting the income of all the people contributing into a household. Not needing in many cases, just taking because it's free. The simple fact of the sheer amount of remittances to foreign countries, by those supposidly working for slave wages, proves they are getting money or assistance somehow. Can't be qualifying for a new home, collecting welfare and still have money to send home. Don't know about you, but not many come here in poverty and are ready to retire after 3 years.......I don't care how hard you work....without something seriously illegal going on.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I really think that our move needs to be a return to the Constitution. Most folks who ARE citizens dont know what the governing papers of this nation say. Whoopi, in all her leftist drivel at least said "read the d^&* Constitution." I think that is a very good idea. We already know that these jokers are going to try to force this nation killing legislation stuff down our throats, and we need to be ready to stand and say, The Constitution is THE governing law of the land, NOT the laws we pass today. The Constitution states that the Federal Government has the onus of protecting the borders. The Constitution does NOT have a provision for illegals running roughshod (Nor traiteorous Americans for that matter) over OUR laws. Part of what got us in the mess we are in is we fail to support and defend The Constitution against ALL enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. The courts simply have to side with the law of the land, and that Law is The Constitution. If we were to hand LaRaza a copy of The Constitution, and ask them where does it say you have a "Right" to any of this, then I think that most folks would begin to get the picture. Forcing La Raza to defend their position is the most important thing, I think. Make THEM go on defense, as we have been on defense, make THEM prove their point, and they cant, because The Constitution DOESNT support their position. I proudly supported Chuck Baldwin during the election, because John McCain was more of the same old, same old. Worse than that, Obama hit "Change,Change,Change" and the people flocked to him WITHOUT asking WHAT change are you thinking of passing? Rest assured, when people in America get hit with a carbon tax, an internet tax, increased taxes period, and all of the world spending Obama wants to do, they will get a craw full very quickly. We have, in my opinion, a few short years, of tough, bloody battles to fight, and then people will begin to listen. Then, we will be able to start dismantling this horrible set of rules, regulations, restrictions, taxation etc. Just my opinion.
    "I'm An American, and I'm PISSED OFF!!!"

  6. #6
    Senior Member 93camaro's Avatar
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    You want some of this?
    We need to expose Laraza, splc, aclu and other groups that exclude everyone but Latinos!

    A grad march on the capital could work very well, But now that I think about it carefully a march might backfire in our faces like it did for the illegals back in 05!

    But we need to help each other just so we can keep our country, culture, and way of life as we know it!

    Time is running out!!!!! We need a scene of urgency right now more than ever!!!
    Work Harder Millions on Welfare Depend on You!

  7. #7
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    I agree only problem is how long it takes to get to the supreme court to get a final say on what does this mean. We are seeing so much be twisted and turned into something it's not.....yet who has the money to go through the long, long, process to have a say? While groups supporting illegals have endless money and have not been secret in how they intend to financially bust a town or what-ever to drag the issues out for so long that no-one will be able to afford to fight it. We as citizens have nothing backing us except our own personal funds......while they have every special intrest group, big business, foreign governments and the whole nine yards backing them.

    I mean even today, I heard and seriously wondered about it anyway.....about the cameras at stop lights. They ticket your car without having to prove who's driving. So if you're dad....and your kids or wife or friends stop a hair over the crosswalk......YOU get the ticket. It costs you as much or sometimes twice as much to try and fight it and so far, the pic makes you guilty no matter what you do. We have a rash of big tickets is legal to turn right on red.....unfortunatly after you stop, you do have to cross into the cross walk to be able to turn.......cross into the cross walk even legally and you got yourself a ticket. Stop and just have part of your front wheels in the crosswalk and you got a ticket.....even though they have proven they have shortened the yellow light time. Forget in some of the smaller areas where simply having a semi next to you can block the view of the lights and cause you to stop a hair over the line. This venue says you are guilty till you can prove yourself innocent and so far there is no recourse. This goes against the Constitution for innocent till proven guilty. They want them to make sure you can see the face of the person driving as well as the license plates, but then they said people can pull the shade down, put their hand in front of their face or wear a hat and bandanna and get out of it's basically a bunch of money for nothing because there isn't any proof it helps save lives......only line the coffers of easy revenue. We've had people loose their license from supposidly running the tollway booth.....when it's been someone with some artistic talent that has merely altered the numbers, and the cameras aren't THAT good to tell the difference. So they not only got nailed for running the booth, it was wrong plate on the wrong vehicle....on down the line.......prove it's NOT you. I think one out-of-state license got out of it because they could prove they were in their home state and in the hospital at the time. Have a real jerk switch plates on you with the same type of car, and what can you do?

    Who knows how many are going to be ruined by this before it ever manages to get to the top dog to have it settled? I think it's been atleast a year, if not more, where I heard the anchor baby issue was on the list to be heard by the Supreme Court, brought by Texas, I think.....yet not word one since. We have anchor babies going to our public schools who aren't citizens and yet you can't ,as a citizen even put your kid in a different school in your own district. I mean it can be as simple as a citizen who lives on one side of town and grandma and grandpa on the other.....both paying property tax for the schools and not letting the grandkid use your address to get to west branch instead of the east branch. I mean the school isn't loosing anything. Yet it's no problem for my taxes to sky-rocket to cover illegals who pay nothing. Even if you want to get nit-pickey and say they do through the landlords's not calculated that 10 kids would be covered in a 2 bedroom apt.

    I was thinking and wondering about the validity and traceability of a matricular card....when Mexico doesn't even honor it. How can you grant amnesty to millions from a country when there is no valid identity card? They have no secure passport or any consistant mode of identification that ever validates exactly who they are. I mean do they have certified birth certificates? Anything that even those of us who are citizens have to prove before we can drive, vote, get a passport, etc. It's required for other immigrants and tourists and visas etc. Until Mexico can offer a tamperproof and traceable method of do we know who we're getting? How do we know it's not someone from some other country that got bogus identification through Mexico? I was wondering about throwing the ball back into Mexico's court and have them be responsible for something for a change. They're running around here with stolen and multiple identies with ease and how do we know how many they have of their own doing the same? I sure don't want amnesty for a murderer and child molester because Mexico has no consistant records or ID to there's this constant run for the border after you commit a crime....or take a child, or marry multiple women or father half the nation and have no clue who you are. Seems those issues are things that must be addressed and implemented before we starting waving the wand over a blanket everyone. We don't even know for sure if some of these kids are anchor babies or some relatives or friends kid waiting for their in.

    It just seems we have alot of issues that need to be addressed if for no other reason than our citizens children who can be taken out of the country because the "other" parent has abducted them and refuses them their parental rights and not to mention child support for these kids if they decide to run for the border.

    Every one of our problems has been because they put the cart before the horse and neglected to make a rule or close a loophole that can be abused. Sorry....we have the death penalty....if your citizen commits a crime in this country, you honor our laws or you aren't allowed in or there's some agreement then that you will be responsible for never letting them out and free to come back here they let the guy loose that was supposed to be extradited here. I mean we have men that are married in Mexico with children and married here with children.....anyone see a problem here? If they earn money here there must be some tax or something for money sent out of this country...traceable and accountable. I mean I can't send all my money out of this country to "someone" and build homes and such while I'm collecting welfare here and working and not paying taxes and racking up a debt I can escape from, not be traced for, accountable for and waltz away to a lap of luxery and ease. Not to mention money laundering and all that.

    They haven't finished the fence, we haven't had a ruling or action on the anchor babies.....and everything that entails......Daddys a drug dealer and cartel member, we KNOW it but his "children" are citizens and we are to forget about that? I want an end to this "breaking up the family" bull because it seems many aren't really even married, they're shacking up with the dad. I mean we need to check this business out. As citizens we can't get away with it, as legal immigrants they can't get away with it....why should they?

    Our economy is collapsing....they have said we are sending a huge amount of money out of our country to pay for oil that could have been kept into our system...not to mention how China owns us....we know it's BILLIONS sent out of this country as reperations to other countries, billions sent out I'm sure for drugs and who knows what else.....while we're stuck holding the bag with bad credit, no taxes, lost jobs, forclosures, medical bills, welfare, crime etc.

    Let's even pretend that it's a sure fire thing they will have the "open borders" and the NAU......there's still going to have to be things implemented FIRST before it's utter chaos. Problems with South Americans comming illegally through Mexico etc. or Muslim terriorists or people from other countries and Mexico has a whole ton of stuff to do FIRST, before they are the weak link that will not only destroy us, but Canada as well. Think Canada is gonna be able to absorb us running there to get away from this nonsense? No. Think their country as liberal as it is, isn't going to need to create some limits in order to sustain anything for their people?

    I just figure there's a whole load of sruff that needs to spelled out extreemly clearly before anything else is discussed.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #8
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC
    Hi Chloe,

    We are working on some good stuff we can start to unveil for everyone soon. Welcome back.

    Thanks everybody. That's great to hear William. Especially since things have really heated up over here on LI with the recent murder of that poor man from Ecuador. The local media and pro-illegal groups completely jumped on the bandwagon to make this attack out to be something that happens routinely over here. This story has now gone worldwide and the media will distort things to make it seem that Long Islanders have it out for Hispanic people, and to gain the public's sympathy for illegal aliens.

    They distort all the facts and blame our good county legislator Steve Levy for inciting this sort of attack because of his clamp down on illegals.

    The following is taken from the Long Island Immigrant Alliance website and it just gets me really upset because it's so untrue! When a crime such as this happens and the media uses it for propaganda, the odds of winning public support for our cause seems almost impossible.

    From the LIIA website:

    The repeatedly insistent call to vigilantism against immigrants by our Suffolk legislature at the behest of the county executiveÂ*by theirÂ*laws designed to harass "illegals" underÂ*a piousÂ*pose of law and order have had many unintended consequencesÂ*not onlyÂ*boosting short term popularity of fulminating Suffolk politicos, but also encouraging an unleashedÂ*ugly rhetoric of nativism and neo-Know Nothing formulations defining "real" Americans, to theÂ*flag wavingÂ*for conferring instant patriotic halos accessorizing their public pose, to theÂ*many instances of hate crime both reported and unreported.

    Our county, Suffolk, has well earned its reputation as the single county in the NY State's 63, that alone seems intent on demonizing immigrants and intentionally fostering contempt, blame and resentment through their targeting and vitriolic falsehoods against the most vulnerable, mostly Latino dayÂ*laborers. .
    Sow to the wind and you will reap the whirlwind, today we mourn the death of Marcello Lucero in Suffolk County. Although it is deeply tragic for the family, co-workers, friends and neighbors of this murdered man, it is also a stark waste of 7 young Suffolk men's lives for however many years they go through the justice system, stunted and anguished, marked for the rest of their lives no matter the outcomes.

    What a cost is racism, its viral, gnawing hate burning bright in our county, scorching all who are complicitÂ*in feeding it. For nearly two decades, the Town of East Hampton Anti-bias Task Force has sought to champion tolerance and foster respect for the diverse people who live here. It is plain to see how much work remains. Join with us to fight racism and bias.
    To try to reduce the fear and the hurt that has been visited yet once again upon the Latino community, including East Hampton residents, it will take sustained visible standing in solidarity with immigrants toÂ*try to shieldÂ*them from any further harm, should any other thugs think they have been givenÂ*tacit, vengeful permission from authorities. The East Hampton Anti-Bias Task Force will continue to work with the Long Island Immigrant Alliance, which will hold a vigil Friday evening at 7:00 in front of Patchogue Town Hall,Â*inviting all Long Islanders to say enough of the racism, enough nativism, enough with the anti-immigrant vitriol. There is much work to do to find sensible solutions to reduce the hate.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Schenectady, N.Y.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazybird
    Not needing in many cases, just taking because it's free.
    That is the difference. I have custody of my niece and have had her for the last 6 years. I could have gotten money from Social Services and Medicaid and whatever else but I did not because I can afford to support her. Would an extra $400 or more dollars a month help? Yes, but that is not the point as I refuse to put the burden on others because my sister is a dirtbag. Whereas you have illegals and others who take all they can because they can and it P's me off that they get away with it.
    "Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country"-John F. Kennedy

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