by Brother Gregory Williams
January 23, 2009

When August Caesar was sworn into his last 10 year term of office as the Emperor of the Roman Empire, he handed the sacred tablet upon which the oath was written to Tiberius and had him read it. He said he would not take an oath he did not intend to keep.

The other day all America watched as the oath of office for the presidency of the United States was administered to Barack Obama. Millions of dollars were spent on the lavish ceremony performed before the whole world.

While millions watched, some people of faith looked closely to see if Barack Obama would actually place his hand on the Bible, as all other presidents have done since George Washington. News reports told us the Bible used to swear in the new president was the same used by Abraham Lincoln over a century ago.

Something has been determined to be drastically wrong with the events of the day. Something was not done right and what happened yesterday to fix it was unprecedented in the history of the United States.

"Barack Obama has retaken the oath of office that was administered by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts at the ceremonial inauguration yesterday."[*]

There was something apparently wrong with what the whole world saw and heard during the taking of the oath of office. Experts believed they needed to have a retaking of the oath or the presidential power to exercise authority over the nation of the United States would not be legal. What was this serious legal breach that concerned these legal minds?

"Legal experts had suggested the move because of the multiple stumbles and flubs at the original event.â€