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  1. #1
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    Grassley: Lawmakers Want Health Mandate

    Sen. Grassley is a very influencial senator with years of tenure. I find it very disturbing that he has come out in support of our Congess requiring Americans to buy health insurance.

    Grassley: Lawmakers Want Health Mandate
    Sunday, June 14, 2009 10:55 AM

    A Republican senator with a leading role in the health care debate says Congress is more likely to support requiring individuals to buy health insurance than mandating coverage through employers.

    Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa says there is nothing wrong with requiring individuals to buy health insurance. He plays down the argument that it's an infringement on individual freedom.

    Grassley says that an individual mandate for health coverage doesn't tie coverage to employment.

    Grassley says he believes there is bipartisan consensus on the issue. Bills in the House and Senate would require people to purchase insurance if they could afford it.

    Grassley appeared on "Fox News Sunday." ... 24978.html
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  2. #2
    ELE is offline
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    Univeral Health Care is Un-American.

    If the American people are forced by law to buy Health Insurance than the
    Illegals better not get it for free! And too, Health Insurance companies must also be required to lower their prices and conditions.

    I think Grassley wants the American people to be given this opportunity to purchase Health Insurance so that the gov't doesn't take over our Health Care System. Think about it, our gov't will have the power of life over death for us. They will determine who will get care and who won't, and as we have seen demonstated time and again, illegals and their anchors will get care, and the American people will get the crumbs. And too, the American people will be forced to pay for the illegals and anchors.

    I'd rather pay for my own Health Insurance and not pay for the illegals then have the gov't dictate to us the type, quality, and even service that we may or may not recieve.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Ratbstard's Avatar
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    Am I the only one here who thinks the cost of health care is affected by the income of American Doctors and the profits of American drug companies? Why has American medicine become so specialized? If I stub my toe and see a foot doctor must he be so specialized as to say "which foot?"

    In my view Doctors, Lawyers and Politicians have allowed their incomes to advance much farther than laymen without due reason.
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