– Jay Bookman

Huckabee says no he didn’t, but yes indeedy he did

According to Mike Huckabee, he has never supported a cap-and-trade approach to limiting carbon emissions. As he puts it point-blank on his website:
http://www.huckpac.com/?Fuseaction=Blog ... og_id=3332

[quote][i] “In a recent internet post, a contributor makes the claim that I supported cap-and-trade in late 2007 while running for President.

To put it simply, that’s just not true.

If companies chose to participate voluntarily as part of their corporate policy, then fine. But I was clear that we could not force U.S. businesses to do what their Chinese counterparts refused to – and doing so would have been a serious job killer.

I understand this issue well, and I realize the potential damage that would occur if it passes because I was the chair of the 37 state-member Oil and Gas Compact Commission for 2 years. In fact, I led the state or Arkansas through the process of developing the Fayetteville Shale play of natural gas.

This kind of mandatory energy policy would have a horrible impact on this nation’s job market. I never did support and never would support it – period.â€