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Racist Pro-Illegal Alien 'Hatemail' Gets A Rebuttal
By Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.
Aug 1, 2005

When your 'weapon' is not a sword, but a 'pen,' you expect that not everyone will agree with what you have to say. You also expect that your readers will occasionally challenge your information with a riposte of their own! What is unacceptable, is a response to your writings that begets the kind of ad hominem 'hatemail' you will see below. It was sent in response to an article written by me entitled: Blatant Racism by the Pro-illegal Alien Crowd (Part 3), posted June 21, 2005 on

Blatant Racism (Part 3) was a column that profiled the racist MEChA organization and an anti-American, Mexican 'Madrassa' public school located here in America. My standard writing technique consists of using the racists' own words to let them incriminate themselves. As such, at the end of the above article, you will find a racist quote that came from one of the more vicious hate filled websites, similar to the La Voz de Atzlan, called: In Support of World Wide Indigenous Revolution, at this URL:

On the right hand side of that web page, you will see the following school logo and an extremely racist quote from Marcos Aguilar, the principal of the taxpayer financed, public school, called the Academia Semillas del Pueblo, in Los Angeles, California (where else!):

(see link for logo; link is broken and won't post here)

The following 'hatemail,' is unedited, and came from a person who is obviously 'grammatically challenged.' Perhaps this person was a former graduate of the 'Academia Semillas?' That is a strong possibility since the hate spewed forth by its author, has all the 'hallmarks' of an having been exposed to a principal who has espoused similar pure, unadulterated, fanatical anti-American, anti-white racism.
This is the 'hatemail' and below that you will find my equally 'vibrant' riposte!


I have a solution to all your problems. All Europeans need to go back to where they came from, Europe! American was never for white Europeans! When the savages landed on the Mayflower, they started pretending to like the Native Americans already here, then they turned around and killed them by massive amounts. You think you have a problem with Immigrants, why don't you go back to Europe! After all, Mexico and the American continent belongs more to Mexicans and Native American than white twisted, and narrow minded so called white Americans. Go back to Europe, where you belong! Mexicans and Natives has always been on this continent, and will continue to be here until the very last. You are the Pure racist, its hard to believe that you call yourself a doctor. What kind of doctor are you? KKK with a stamp on your degree that spells White Supremacy Graduate.

You are the pure racist. Your white race have been and will always be a twisted, short minded, hypocritical, immoral, and full of hate since your birth of time immemorial. You hate the fact of what you see on the your streets, supermarket, parks, and freeways are a majority of brown faces. You appear to be so Ignorant, as you have always been of deciphering Mexican, Central Americans, South Americans, and Arabs of color. Apparently your ignorance shows beyond description of an evil person.

In another note, part or all of the United States of America is stolen land. Land that was stolen by twisted and evil Manifest destiny demons. YOU ARE LIVING IN AMERICA AS THE MOST DEMONIC SAVAGE PERSON WHO'S EUROPEAN DESCENDANTS KILLED ALMOST EVERY SINGLE INDIGENOUS NATIVE ON AMERICAN LAND ON PURPOSE SO YOU COULD TAKE OVER AND LIVE ON THIS LAND ILLEGALLY. You are the most illegal person on this continent, and this so called America is not yours, never has been, and it will never. History will show that you are a most pathetic person out to claim something that you think is rightfully yours, but in reality your are full of shit as the KKK, Skull and bones, and every secret evil society that has existed in white America. I'm sure you know of skull and bones and u.s presidents who belong to a twisted and immoral clubs. Like most hateful white America, I'm sure you and your KKK friends will initiate hate sprees on brown faces, and you will do it with the most cowardly attitude, like in the old times and now you with the new times. You will act in the most treacherous ways to make Immigrants miserable and you are going to do it with a white mask on, the mask of the white coward and most evil person on the planet earth. You don't deserve America, because you are the cancer that makes America sick! Hypocrite, Racist, Evil, Lire, and an opportunist, that's what you are!


Dear Not Enough 'Guts' to Sign Your Name,

Ooooohhhhh, what's that matter . . . TRUTH hurt??? Feeling a little NAKED AND EXPOSED?? Just for the record, YOU'RE the problem. Go back to Mexico where YOU belong! Quit dragging our magnificent country down into your third-world Mexican cesspool. Also, some more advice for you and your racist Raza . . . quit living in the past 'fantasy' world you have created for yourselves. It makes you look even more pathetic!

You apparently don't understand that our WHITE EUROPEAN ANCESTORS and THEIR DESCENDANTS EARNED the right to be here in America! I know that is an alien concept for you to comprehend, but it was our WHITE EUROPEAN ANCESTORS and others, who took this naked, virgin land and made something out of it! We paid money for it, we fought for it, shed our blood for it, and won wars for it (including the Mexican-American War). We tamed it, farmed it, industrialized it and built it into the prosperous nation that exists today. If you think that we AMERICANS (you'll notice I didn't say, English, Irish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Scottish, etc.) will stand by and let you and your ILLEGAL ALIEN MEXICAN compadres continue to overrun and ruin our country, defile our AMERICAN culture, and pollute our English language, you are sadly mistaken.

We AMERICANS of all nationalities, made this country what it is today! Now you, Hispanics and Latinos, think you can come here illegally and take over! You're dreaming! If you think your ancestors could have achieved all that we have, had THEY lived here all along, then why have they accomplished so little in THEIR Hispanic and Latino countries. You dishonest racist jerks are always looking to lay the blame on everyone but yourselves.

Isn't it interesting that the countries you Hispanics and Latinos populate and run, are nearly ALL corrupt, oligarchy/dictator lead, crime ridden, poverty stricken, third world slums. That would seem to PROVE your Raza's ineptness and inability to accomplish what our WHITE EUROPEAN CULTURE has achieved here in America! We're not running your countries, YOU ARE! Now, because your countries are such cesspools, you leave there and illegally invade our country and think you are going to take over. Fat chance!!

You flock to America to escape what your countries have become, and then have the audacity to try and blame Americans for your pathetic nation's political, social and economic, incompetence. Soon . . . 'We the People' WILL rise up and take back our county from you ILLEGALS. You and you 'ilk' are nothing but anarchist, anti-American, hate-filled, RACISTS! We don't want you here! LEAVE! You don't belong here! You have no LEGAL right to be here! GO HOME or wait and get deported, and take your twisted, fanatical, perverted, historical fantasies with you!

From a Native American,(1)
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

PS: I know who you are, and I know where you live!

BTW . . . isn't Vincente Fox and many of the 'elites' in Mexico of WHITE EUROPEAN (SPANISH) DESCENT?
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D., Are We a 'Nation of Immigrants' as Claimed by the Pro-Illegal Alien Crowd?, April 27, 2005,, ... i/145/8007.