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  1. #1
    Marge's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    We do not need another EXPERIENCED POLITICIAN.....We need an

    The Democratic presidential candidates debate on Telemundo Spanish Television.
    Can they make their intentions for our future, for America's future any clearer?

    Who among us can really distinguish patriotism and a love of country among any of the politicians of either party?

    Some may call themselves Republicans and others Democrats but, they all belong to the same self-serving club of political slickness trying to control the stupid populace of America and maintain their positions of power and wealth.

    In Germany. when the Nazi Party was just beginning to come to power, they quickly recognized that they needed the support of the people... at least initially. (Once power had been consolidated the people would have no choice.) So a massive propaganda initiative was implemented. People were told, over and over again how wonderful Hitler was....How awful the Jews were.....

    Today, in America, we are told over and over again how wonderful Hispanics are.... How much we need them.... How awful Americans are who do not agree.... how racist we are.... Over and over they repeat that we are an Immigrant Nation......

    But, we aren't an immigrant nation... Not really. Certainly not as the current crop of politicians and their global Masters are trying to paint our country.

    SETTLERS built America....

    This was not a country when Settlers from Europe came.

    It was open territory, totally undeveloped. The settlers began to carve bits and bobs of civilization here and there on the East coast.

    Over time, towns and cities formed until a country began to emerge and a cohesive civilization was formed.
    As the country grew and suffered the ups and downs... the trials and errors... the blood and sweat of hard work and determination.... something quite wonderful, that we now call America, was being forged.

    There was no Ellis Island.... We built it later and welcomed European immigrants who through their shared values, culture, faith and work ethic contributed greatly and made America stronger than ever.

    What is happening now is a disintegration and degradation of what all those who came before us built and treasured. A degradation of what we, as Americans, love and treasure...

    The global power Moguls have supplanted the Nazis in their lust for power and their monumental greed.... They call for open borders as they make it quite clear that the American Middle Class is an impediment to be removed and replaced by cheap labor from third world countries.

    Pay attention to the Commercials on television.....look at the diversity reflected which is all out of proportion to the actual demographics and ratio that really exists. We aren't outnumbered YET but, it won't be long before those doctored commercials will reflect the truth of numbers....

    IT WON'T BE LONG if we do not take decisive action to avert the globalist intentions for our limited future as Americans..

    The hordes from Mexico and South America are just outside our borders and they present the quickest, most efficient way to bring down America from within. How convenient....

    Now is the time for this country, for Us the People, to stop the insanity and halt the flood of the third world hordes intent upon greedily consuming and devouring the fruits of our labors.
    No one will do it for us and electing one of the Establishment Candidates from either party to champion our cause is not going to change anything but the rhetoric for awhile.

    We do not need another silver tongued SLICK TALKER.... We do not need another EXPERIENCED POLITICIAN.....

    We need an American..... That American may stutter and stammer and lack the polish of the Establishment Candidates but they are real and genuine Americans and not some charlatan doing the bidding of someone other than the people.


    The Establishment Candidates with all that powerful backing behind them and the Professional Public Relations experts to manage and handle their presentation is just more of the PROPAGANDA MACHINE and for God’s sake surely we have learned something....surely we realize that we don't need more of the same. Our Country cannot survive much longer with more of the same!

    The words of this song reflect my heartfelt feelings and I trust they reflect yours as well......

    America the Beautiful

    O beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain!

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet
    Whose stern impassion'd stress
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness.

    America! America!
    God mend thine ev'ry flaw,
    Confirm thy soul in self-control,
    Thy liberty in law.

    O beautiful for heroes prov'd
    In liberating strife,
    Who more than self their country loved,
    And mercy more than life.

    America! America!
    May God thy gold refine
    Till all success be nobleness,
    And ev'ry gain divine.

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears.

    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea.
    DAN STEIN // STEIN REPORT 2006® : Democrats Spanish Debate: Amnestia Si

    Read the full story

  2. #2
    Senior Member IndianaJones's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tom Tancredo fits the requirements.
    We are NOT a nation of immigrants!

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