ALIPAC To Warn America about Amnesty Bill with 1 Million Calls!

June 19, 2007

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
(866) 329-3999 /

While stunned lawmakers and political pundits try to decipher how online organization such as ALIPAC, bloggers, and talk radio shows stopped Amnesty bill S. 1348 on the first run, those organizations are now launching new tactics to defeat the renewed push for passage of the Amnesty bill.

"It is time for us to reach out to the public in new ways," said William Gheen of ALIPAC. "By weeks end, we will have contacted over 1 million households in key states via automated calls. The vast majority of America's legal citizens oppose this bill and we need them to shout loud enough for these Senators to hear them. It is time for more Americans to take action!"

Public support for S. 1348 has fallen each week the bill has been discussed. Rasmussen polls show the bill dropped from a weak 26% support level, down to 23%, and then down to less than 20%. Support for the bill falls to minuscule levels as the public learns what is in it. The poll also shows that over 66% of Americans do not want new legislation, they want the existing immigration laws enforced!

"The fight against this bill is a fight for the very heart of America," says William Gheen. "The real question here is why have our existing immigration laws been suspended, who is responsible, and how do we return America's government to the people of the United States?"

ALIPAC is launching automated calls into key states to rally citizens against the pro Amnesty Senators. The calls will encourage citizens to let their voices be heard with calls, e-mails, and faxes opposing S. 1348! The first 1 MILLION households will be contacted in North Carolina, Georgia, Utah, and New Hampshire. ALIPAC hopes that the resulting calls to Senators by concerned citizens will lead to NO VOTES on CLOTURE by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), John Sununu (R-NH), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Robert Bennett (R-UT)

ALIPAC is also calling on other allied organizations to "Spend to Win" against Amnesty. A recent e-mail sent to the members of the National Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition (NIIBC) encouraged other groups, large and small, to launch TV, Radio, and newspaper ads as soon as possible to rally Americans against Scamnesty bill S. 1348.

"If enough Americans can learn the truth about this bill, we may be able to stop S. 1348 and save America from the people that are trying to force this upon us." says William Gheen. "I just can't believe that so many people in the media are willing to let this big brother legislation pass without full disclosure or national debate! That is why we must act to warn America before it is to late!"

ALIPAC is conducting a Flash Fund Raiser to raise the funds needed to contact 1 Million households. For more information please visit


Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878