Did you notice that I did not print 'undocumented workers'?

I have been self employed for twenty nine years.
I am now sixty one years old at the end of this month.

I look at my social security and what little that I have managed to save over the course of all of these years and I see my American dream has all but vanished.

If I were not a veteran and my health turned sour I most probally would choose to die rather than face the financial death of my family.

At least Pesident Clinton whom I did not vote for 'stood up' and made possable for me to get minimal help from the VA.

Now I look at these illegal immegrants coming here under the guise of work and political assylum. Rubbish.

How can they get grants, education for their children, health care when they have not contributed their blood and sweat to this nation.

I appose Any and all orginizations that condone this behavior.

We cannot allow children born here by illegals to become citizens if their respective parents are not.
We must demand that the nation of origin of these illegals is finaciaaly responsible and take the fees off of their contributions from our government.

OR... Have sponsors like we use to have.

Sponsorship where the sponsor is liable for the health and welfare of these illegal immegrants.

If the religous orginizations are so adiment about legalizing these immegrants then they can sponsor them.
ACLU and the orginizations fighting to destroy our laws.

Alas... I believe that it is all about money in collection plates that drive their motives.

My wif came from Finland and I had to sponsor her and my brother-in-law.

I was responsible for all of it.

How many know tradesmen and women that are out of work of floundering in the sea of illegals?

I look around here in south Florida and it appears that they are the majority that is working.

Contractors losing your business to others that employ these illegals.

Contractors and workers must unite and perhaps litigate these unlawful practices.

Oh well I'm tired.

I'm going to the bookstore and get some good fiction to take me to another place and time until Lou Dobbs comes on tomarrow

Have a great day

What happened to the rules on the books.