• Obama falls back as our anti-amnesty messages and protests spread

    Great news is coming in as our anti-amnesty protests and messages spread! Less than 24 hours after our 'underwear against amnesty' became an Internet sensation, Obama reversed his message to the young illegals in an interview this morning you can view here...

    Obama changes course and tells illegals not to come...

    And your use of a sensational idea has really carried our new core strategic message we want all of you to repeat on every website and talk radio show you can. It's not your underwear that Obama and Boehner fear, it is this statement that now is being read by millions as a result this media coverage...

    "Obama and Boehner have proven once and for all that their talk of passing immigration reform amnesty, instead of enforcing America's existing border and immigration laws, only brings more unwanted and destructive illegal immigration!" said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC.

    Also, we are very close to our goal of blocking immigration reform amnesty for illegal aliens into the August recess thanks to your support and help!

    In fact, Congress only has 28 more work days in 2014 and we are close to our goal of Stopping Amnesty 2014! The Obama administration is threatening more illegal decrees to help the illegal alien invaders because John Boehner still will not stand up to him and threaten impeachment.

    Each day that we fight, legislative amnesty slips further from their grasp and more people are learning how bad things are going at the border!

    Our victory over Eric Cantor and reporting on the new border surge even has the Communist writers at the Washington Post singing a swan song on immigration reform amnesty...
    Immigration reform effectively dead until after Obama leaves office, both sides say--http://www.alipac.us/f12/immigration-reform-effectively-dead-until-after-obama-leaves-office-both-sides-say-305591/

    We are unfortunately not going to be able to go down to El Paso and protest as part of Operation American Shield because of some sniping we encountered from people who are supposed to be on our side. So we have decided to throw our support behind a different kind of protest and to focus in on the elections which demand our attention as a top priority!

    Many thanks to those of you who wrote us prepared to go with us. We may still go at a later date, but for now we need everyone to do three things...

    1. Participate in our "underwear against amnesty" protest that is going viral on the web! It really has the illegal alien supporters angry and telling lies, and you can bet it has caught Boehner's and Obama's attention.
    Anti-Amnesty Group Asks Americans To Mail ‘Gently Used Underwear’ To Obama, Boehner

    2. Check our homepage at www.alipac.us every day for the latest updates on the new Obama supported invasion of our borders designed to overthrow our American Republic!

    3. Please join us in supporting nationwide protests against immigration reform amnesty and the new border surge that we are working with other groups to plan for July 18-19. Here are more details on the Facebook page.

    Big thanks to all the new members who have recently joined our fight against the costly and deadly illegal alien invasion of America! Many of you have read about our efforts in the national media or heard us on talk radio shows over the last week. We are glad to see so many new supporters signing up for our alerts!

    William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Obama falls back as your anti-amnesty message and protests spread started by ALIPAC View original post