Campaign & Candidate Information

Name of Candidate: Craig Stritar

Name of Campaign Committee:

Mailing Address: 225 N. Standage #90, Mesa, AZ 85201

Phone Contact Information: 480-730-3238

Campaign E-mail and website:,

State and District: Arizona US Congressional District 6

Political Party: Libertarian

Is the candidate (Incumbent, Challenger, Open Seat): Challenger

Campaign Funds Raised (as of most recent reporting cycle):

This form completed by: Craig Stritar

Candidate Background Information

Prior political or campaign experience:
Author of Ballot Initiative: “Arizona Resident’s Right to Volunteer for Military Service,� which would have exempted Arizona residents from the upcoming national draft and allowed them to choose whether they wanted to serve in the military or not.

Top Campaign Issues: Repeal the USA PATRIOT Act, allow Indian tribes to determine their own level of autonomy, repeal all other unconstitutional legislation, open borders and free trade with all nations and “entangling alliances with none.�

Education, Awards & Honors:
BS Sociology: Arizona State University
Honorable Discharge, US Army (3 years with 3d Ranger Battalion)

District Information

Please give a brief description of your district: Most of Mesa, Part of Chandler, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Apache Junction, Gold Camp.

Percentage of Democrat, Republican, and Unaffiliated Voters:

Issue Information
(Please describe your feelings on the following with a number 1-10 or with the response “Undecided� (1=�Strongly Disagree�, 2-4=Disagree, 5=Neutral, 6-9 Agree, 10=Strongly Agree)

Reducing illegal immigration should be a top priority for America? (1-10)
10 (by allowing all peaceful people to come and go as they please)

Reducing illegal immigration is important to the voters of my district? (1-10)

Illegal Immigrants should be deported when detected in the interior of the US? (1-10)

Illegal Immigration is a threat to our national security? (1-10)
8 (because monitoring the border for peaceful, hardworking immigrants diverts resources from other areas)

Illegal Immigration is unfair to those that obey the law and legally immigrate? (1-10)

Illegal Immigrants should be allowed to receive driver licenses? (1-10)

Illegal Immigrants should be allowed to attend state sponsored universities at in state tuition rates? (1-10)
10 (however, I am in favor of the complete privatization of public universities)

Illegal Immigrants currently in the US Should be granted amnesty or enrolled in a “Guest worker program�? (1-10)

Federal and state tax dollars should be spent to provide translators and bilingual information in government agencies? (1-10)

Penalties provided under current laws should not be enforced on illegal immigrants? (1-10)
do not understand the question. Laws that apply to citizens of this country should equally apply to immigrants, but no law should make it illegal for a peaceful person to immigrate to this country (illegal immigration laws should not be enforced)

State and local law enforcement officers should be allowed to assist in immigration law enforcement? (1-10)

Illegal aliens that return to their home countries should be allowed to receive social security benefits? (1-10)
1 (Social Security is a pyramid/ponzi scheme which was doomed from the start. Citizens and immigrants alike should be allowed to opt out of the SS program so that they can enroll in a savings plan that will still exist when they are ready to use it)

Short Answer

Has your campaign addressed the topic of illegal immigration in speeches, commercials, ads, or campaign materials? What are those messages? (Please provide sources or examples)
It was one of the four original issues on my campaign website,

What do you feel your opponent’s stance on illegal immigration or immigration reform is or would be?
My opponent voted for the PATRIOT Act and favors a national ID card. Although his rhetoric regarding immigration is little different from my stance, Jeff Flake’s national ID card will be used to further the oppression of immigrants to this country.

Have you been endorsed by or received contributions from any other immigration reform or illegal immigration reduction groups at this time?

Would you openly accept an endorsement and or contribution from ALIPAC?
Of course.