From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Wednesday 23JUN2010 10 a.m. EDT

More Baptist / Evangelical push for amnesty


Although I know that most of your denominations and churches have not taken an official stand in favor of amnesty, major Baptist and evangelical leaders continue to work almost day and night to push Congress to vote on "comprehensive immigration reform" this year.

I am including below the press release for one of the regular national phone calls that have been occurring to try to make Congress feel that Baptists and evangelicals in general are supportive of rewarding illegal immigration and increasing the flow of foreign workers during massive U.S. unemployment.

Many of you have felt that I have maligned your churches by talking about the pro-amnesty efforts of certain leaders. That certainly has not been my intention. But I feel that you need to be kept aware of what is increasingly being done as if in your name.

Please be sure to read my blog from the religious conference at Brooking Institute last week. It is pretty shocking.

The Catholic and liberal Protestant leaders have been a big part of the national coalition for amnesty for years. But they have become ecstatic to have the constant public support of Dr. Land of the Southern Baptist Convention (the nation's largest Protestant and evangelical denomination) and of the National Association of Evangelicals which represents 42 denominations (although only 13 have signed onto the NAE's pro-amnesty resolution).

Click here for the list of all the denominations that are represented by the National Association of Evangelicals which has become one of the loudest voices for "comprehensive immigration reform" in Washington. You very likely will find that your church is part of this.

We know that most Southern Baptists and evangelicals (as well as most Catholics and mainline Protestants) do NOT support "comprehensive immigration reform." But Members of Congress are becoming confused because of the leaders that include those on today's national phone call.

Please be sure that you have sent all the faxes on your Action Board. And keep your fellow church members apprised of what is happening on the national level. Invite them to register on NumbersUSA so they can help with the faxing.

You may also want to express your concerns to your pastor. It is helpful for local clergy to be aware of the problems being caused by their national leaders.


***Press Conference Call: Wednesday, June 23rd at 2:00 PM EDT***

Conservative National Leaders Take Message “On the Roadâ€