Britt Craig was born in Atlanta, Ga and was heavily influenced by the many ancient Black bluesmen performing on the streets of the old Deep South.

Later he experienced the commercial folk and blues revival that occurred at about the same time that the real blues musicians disappeared from the streets.

Mr Craig spends his life trying to carry on the tradition of good original street music. ... G33T21.DTL

Britt Craig is one of three full time, independent "Minutemen" at the CA border.

A few days after this article came out, Craig's boat was deliberately sunk.

"Britt Craig is typical of many of the recruits, in his sense of patriotism and in the fact he has time on his hands. Many patrol volunteers are retired, most are white and most are men. There were at least three Vietnam veterans among the nine volunteers at Jacumba in September.

Three times this year, Craig battened down the sailboat he calls home at the St. Augustine, Fla., marina, packed his portly black cats into his 19-year-old Ford Econoline van and headed west to join patrols.

Some 2,300 miles separate St. Augustine and this border hamlet, but the journey was therapeutic for Craig.

Border duty concludes a meandering quest he has followed since a grenade booby trap took out his left eye at age 19 in Vietnam and sent him home to a country that was ambivalent if not openly hostile toward him.

"This gives me the opportunity to get the 1945 homecoming that I didn't get in 1968," Craig said as he set up camp for the night under a piñon tree. "In my hometown, people are very, very supportive. They tell me 'Good job. Way to go!' "

This week, Craig is beginning a series of 27 one-night vigils to honor border patrol officers killed in the line of duty since 1986. Each vigil is set at a spot on the border where an officer died, he said."