It seems that the radical open borders network is planning on bringing thousands of illegal aliens to Washington on March 21 to push for amnesty. By the way, it is a federal crime to transport an illegal alien:

Criminal Resource Manual 1907 Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses
The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), ... of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(ii)-(iv) and (v)(ii), domestic transportation, ... COMMENT: Further discussion of offenses defined in 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a) is set forth ...

While the nation's media giddily promote the massive pro-amnesty march on Washington on March 21, two short no-nonsense ads remind everybody of the embarrassing fact that legalization is about giving jobs to illegal aliens ahead of unemployed Americans. High Immigration Impacts America's Unemployed. These ads combat the claims of the open-borders groups that America needs more foreign labor. The federal government imports more than 125,000 foreign workers every month, while 15 million Americans continue to look for work. Here are the ads: first ad and second ad. held a conference call this week with activists across the country to discuss the upcoming open borders event in Washington. A March 11 Colorado Independent article "Anti-immigration NumbersUSA hones talking points: Say 'welfare queen'; say 'dependents'" states:

"Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA and a man connected in the past to white supremacist groups, also attended the conference."

You can read a lot about Roy Beck here, and you will find that Roy Beck is as far away from white supremacism as you could possibly imagine.

So how in the world could he be connected to white supremacist groups? Well, the article link above takes you to this article: "Hate Groups Go Green". This article shows a picture of Colorado's own Frosty Wooldridge, who "speaks during an anti-immigrant demonstration across from the White House in Lafayette Park, Sunday, April 22, 2007".

Frosty is not anti immigrant. He is, however, an outspoken advocate for US population stabilization which by necessity requires a halt to illegal immigration. (By the way, the DC rally was organized by D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society at his own expense. Here are more pictures from the rally. Even Roy Beck was there.)

That article goes on to call Beck a white supremacist because he was invited to speak at a Council of Conservative Citizens' national conference in the 1990s. The article then backpedals, saying,

"Even if Beck's performance at the Council's national conference was just a fluke, he also had his book, Re-Charting America's Future, published by an outlet called The Social Contract Press, an organization that the SPLC has officially labeled a 'hate group' for publishing racist screeds from Council members in its quarterly magazine called The Social Contract."

How convoluted is this going to get? Roy's book was published by someone the SPLC called a hate group, and that makes Roy a white supremacist?

The article then continues to attack John Tanton, founder of The Social Contract. You will not find a more dedicated environmentalist than John Tanton - a person who is acutely concerned about the impact that immigration-driven overpopulation will have on our country.

A distinct pattern is emerging here. Here's what the open borders crazies are doing: first, publish a lot of bogus hit pieces against concerned Americans and then quote those pieces as credible sources in subsequent hit pieces.

It appears that the SPLC is labeling everyone and everything who supports immigration sanity as racists. You can learn all about the devious tactics of the subversive open borders lobby at the Center for Immigration Truth website at

Why the focus on "hate"?

"Hate sells; poor people don't, which is why readers who go to the [SPLC] center's website will find only a handful of cases on such unlucrative causes as fair housing, worker safety or healthcare, many of those from the 1970s and '80s. Why the organization continues to keep 'Poverty' (or even 'Law') in its name can be ascribed only to nostalgia or a cynical understanding of the marketing possibilities in class guilt." - "Wypijewski Replies on the SPLC", JoAnn Wypijewski, The Nation (February 8, 2001)

Why the personal attacks? The radical open borders network knows that they can not win the jobs/immigration argument if they stick to rational arguments. So their tactic is to smear their opponents.

Saul Alinsky, in his book Rules for Radicals, said "Pick the Target, Freeze it, Personalize it, and Polarize It". (Buy the book for $10 and read it.)

Here's a video of CAIR's Fred Elbel speaking on the topic at a Social Contract writers workshop:

Are you tired of the lies and hyperbole? Go to the Colorado Independent and post a response to the article - 2 minutes of your time, please.

Fred Elbel
Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform