Stealing a good idea!

Posted by Judson Phillips on

September 26, 2010 at 7:36am in Discussions

Many years ago, a friend of mine gave me some advice that has stuck with me over thirty years. He said, "there is nothing new under the sun, you should steal good ideas as often as you can." Success guru's tell us, find someone successful and copy their ideas and you will be successful. Some folks simply say, "don't reinvent the wheel."

Voter fraud is a huge issue facing us. For decades, voter fraud has been a staple of democratic politics. Lyndon Johnson was the master of it in Texas, as was the Dailey machine in Chicago. Al Franken is a United States Senator today because of voter fraud. The left has done its best to make voter fraud possible, from the Clinton era Motor Voter law, to opposing requirements that a photo ID be presented when someone wants to vote, to advocacy groups such as ACORN that specialized in fraudulent voter registrations.

There is a group in Texas that has figured out a great way to stop this.

Two weeks ago, I was in Houston, for Vision America's gala dinner and I met Catherine Englebrecht. Her group is called True the Vote. She explained the concept to me. It is simple, effective and, most importantly, easily duplicatable.

Her group goes to the election commission and gets a download of all of the voter registration records (which are public records). They then compare voter registrations to the number of registered voters at an address. Their cut off is six. If there are six or less voters at an address, they ignore the address. Their research found addresses with hundreds of registered voters. They found other voters whose home address was a Jack In The Box fast food outlet.

They have presented their evidence, not only to the Harris County (Houston) Election Commission, but also the District Attorney's office.

This is a great, simple idea that can be replicated through out the country.

The will of the people means nothing to the left, especially when they can steal an election. These elections this fall and in 2012 are too important to allow voter fraud to occur. Talk to your local Tea Party group and consider starting a similar project in your hometown.

You can see what True the Vote is doing at their website. ... -good-idea