From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Tuesday 27SEP05 9:30 a.m.

Can you invest $10 in this autumn's battle against amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens?

"This website is a godsend. It is wonderful. I will continue to support NumbersUSA for as long as you are up and running."
............Robin Boothe, South Carolina

1. TOM TANCREDO'S CONGRESSIONAL IMMIGRATION REFORM CAUCUS ADDS 91st MEMBER .... One reporter after another lately has been writing that the growing Caucus is the primary obstacle to efforts by Pres. Bush, Sen. McCain and Sen. Kennedy to give amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens.

You NumbersUSA faxers have played a major role in making the Immigration Caucus the largest in Congress. You have pressured so many Members of Congress to join by relentlessly pounding them with faxes and phone calls about standing up for the will of the American majority.

Special thanks go to those faxers who have made all of this possible month after month by providing the donations that pay for the web and faxing system.

If you've never invested a few bucks in this battle before, please consider sending $10 now. A little bit from a lot of people can make all the difference. It has in the past.

The Immigration Reform Caucus from the beginning has depended on NumbersUSA's legal expertise, legislative analysis and just plain grunt work at its nearly-weekly meetings and for many of its actions. And the Caucus depends on the NumbersUSA faxing and phoning system to provide the political pressure to advance its agenda -- particularly in the looming battles of this fall.

At last week's Caucus meeting, I used my opportunity as the featured speaker to go back to the basics. I did my charts and gumballs presentation (from our video) to remind everybody that the most important task before them is to dramatically reduce the overall immigration numbers.

2. Here's the easy way to make a donation today

Send a check to:

1601 North Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, Virginia 22209

For more information on mailing a donation, click here.

To donate by PayPal click here.

To donate by credit card click here.

I know some of you get tired of my coming back every month and asking for a first-time donation of $10. But if I didn't do that, thousands of people before you would not have sent that first 10 bucks. And we would not be continuing to mobilize your efforts into the collective power that is making such a difference.

NumbersUSA's faxing system and website get no support from foundations, from government grants, from endowments. They are run entirely on the gifts from individual citizens like you. Please become an Investor today.

3. YOU ARE DOING THE WORK THAT OUR NATION'S FOUNDERS ANTICIPATED IN PHILADELPHIA ... forcing the government to listen to the governed

Just recently on the 4th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorists attacks, I found myself sitting at a desk in the original U.S. House of Representatives chamber in Philadelphia.

I smiled as I thought about how our nation's founders had anticipated the need for groups like NumbersUSA when they did their work on that hallowed piece of Earth more than 200 years ago.

In Independence Hall a few yards to the East, the American founders drew up their plans. And then, in the Congress Hall where I sat, they put into practice a form of government that recognized the need for common ordinary people like you and me to counter-balance the power of those in government.

They knew that human beings (as the recent New Orleans anarchy demonstrated) must have a government to protect them from each other. But they also knew that government officials would sometimes (often?) lose sight of the fact that their power is derived from the consent of the governed -- us!

One of the most important forms of counterbalance has been the freedom to assemble in voluntary associations such as NumbersUSA -- to collectively demand redress when government veers from the public will.

In no arena in the last quarter century has the veering been wider than on immigration policy.

But thanks to citizens in groups like NumbersUSA across the country, the outcry has grown so loud that the Kennedy-Bush-McCain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce-New York Times power elites are stalled. They are desperately trying this Autumn to quickly force through some form of mass amnesty and an opening of the borders in order to globalize the U.S. labor market. But YOU continue to stand in the way.

YOU continue to remind them of the unpleasant fact that the insecurities revealed by the 9/11 attacks have not been corrected. That our borders are still porous. That the Department of Homeland Security is riddled with fraud and corruption that serves the interests of criminal businesses and criminal illegal aliens and international criminal syndicates -- but not the interests of security for the Americans in their homeland.

Sitting in that original chamber of the House of Representatives, I found my spirits lifted by the reminder that every Member of that body has to account to THE PEOPLE every two years.

Your heart would soar to hear all the behind-the-scenes stories I've heard this past week in Washington. Stories about U.S. Representatives complaining, worrying, stewing about how their constituents will react in next year's elections to the way they choose to vote on various hot proposals for amnesties, guestworker programs and strong enforcement measures. Most would rather not have to vote.

You would be so proud of the way so many Republican Members when invited into the White House recently have refused to be awed by the royal trappings and have rejected the appeals for unity behind various Bush open borders proposals.

You would be encouraged by the growing minority of Democratic Members who risk Party alienation by breaking with Nancy Pelosi in her total commitment to ending most immigration restrictions and most enforcement against illegal immigration.

The resistance from Members of Congress to the open borders power elites stems from only one major cause -- hundreds of thousands of individual Americans who believe that the promises of the Founders in their Philadelphia deliberations were made to individual Americans like themselves.

Their promise that the American government was instituted to protect the right to the pursuit of happiness was not just a group of lofty sounding words. Rather, the promise was actually intended for the American people. And the American people are supposed to decide what quality of life they prefer, such as whether they want to continue to crowd more than 2 million additional foreign workers and their families into their local communities each year.

Regular donations to NumbersUSA make it possible for larger and larger masses of Americans to reassert their will on our nation's immigration policies. I think the spirit of Philadelphia runs through our donors' veins.

Thanks for any donation you can make this month,


P.S. NumbersUSA's financial management meets all the criteria of the IRS as a non-partisan, non-profit organization, and as an authorized charity of the Combined Federal Campaign. Handling of donations is overseen and held accountable by a Board of independent directors and by independent Auditors. in this email:
1. Tancredo's Immigration Caucus adds 91st Member!

2. Links for easy donating

3. YOU ARE DOING THE WORK THAT OUR NATION'S FOUNDERS ANTICIPATED IN PHILADELPHIA ... forcing the government to listen to the governed
actions in brief:
Make donation on-line or by mail.

Click here for easy directions.

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Click Here to help NumbersUSA continue and expand our free faxing programs.

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NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.