This Week's Candidates: JD, the Dragon Slayer, and War Hero Jesse Kelly

Dear Friend,

The news is just so exciting--our friend, JD Hayworth, has thrown his hat into the race against Senator John McCain, the Darth Vader of our movement! But just consider: the Republicans' number one leader of open borders is facing a primary challenge! It just doesn't get better than this, and Team America is ready to do everything possible to see that Mr. Amnesty is defeated!

McCain knows JD can beat him. So much so that in an attempt to scare JD, McCain ran negative ads against him during JD's radio show, before JD was even a candidate! But this classless act backfired. JD became all the more determined to take on his Party's leader.

I spoke with JD's campaign today and they told me that after announcing this week, they went on a 10-stop state tour. The crowds were amazing everywhere they went!

This is a race we will be watching everyday--and doing everything we can to help JD defeat McCain. If a guy as powerful as John McCain can be beat by a candidate running against McCain's amnesty bills, it will shut down the amnesty industry!

Team America is so thrilled to support JD and we hope you will throw your support behind him as well. We need to show him we are with him! Will you help him?

I also wanted to introduce you to another Arizonan with whom I spent an hour this morning. He is Jesse Kelly, a candidate for Congress in the district south and east of Tucson. When I asked why he was running, he said, "Our country is in terrible shape and we have to do something about it." He got that right!

Jesse Kelly is 28 years old, a war hero (a U.S. Marine combat vet), and he has never run for office. After returning home from Iraq, he went to work in the family business, but couldn't sit back and watch this county deteriorate another day. So he decided to try and get to Washington to see if he could help get us out of this mess.

Let me tell you--Jesse is exactly what we need in Congress! He is a fiscal conservative who believes the borders must be secured with a double fence and the laws must be enforced. This "border hawk' will be a leader in Congress--of this I am certain!

Jesse is an aggressive, determined young man, and he is anything but establishment--he already endorsed JD Hayworth for Senate against John McCain, although many advised him to stay out of that race. He just told them he had to be "true to himself," and went right up on the stage with JD during his announcement tour to endorse him!

Team America is going all out for Jesse as well--contributing, raising money for him and travelling to Arizona on his behalf. We need Jesse to win, and he definitely can--both in the primary and the general. And when he does, Jesse will replace the incumbent pro-amnesty (grade F) Democrat! It's a win-win for America.

We have an amazing number of terrific candidates this year! It makes me all the more certain we can take back our country. Team America will continue to review the races and let you know when we find a gem. And we will keep you informed of their progress.

Thank you for being part of this effort, and giving hope to the idea that we can overthrow the establishment of both parties and pull this country back from the edge of darkness.

Until next week,

Bay Buchanan

received by e-mail from
Bay Buchanan
Thu, Feb 18, 2010 9:55 pm

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